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12 new projects launched in 2022

(10 months)
A Colônia Luxemburguesa & [L]aço
(49 months)
L’histoire coloniale du Luxembourg
(36 months)
Making shell companies visible. Digital history as a tool to make fiscal optimisation historically tangible.
(36 months)
Bureaucracy by Design? EU Office Interiors as an Interface Between Architectural “Hardware” and Managerial “Software”, 1951-2002
(78 months)
Data Science of Digital History
(36 months)
Facing the past. public history for a stronger Europe
(24 months)
Histoire de la Chambre des Salariés (1924-2024)
(48 months)
Mémorial digital de la Shoah au Luxembourg
Member: Denis Scuto
(13 months)
Exposition sur l'architecture et l'évolution urbaine de la Ville de Esch-sur-Alzette
Member: Denis Scuto
(48 months)
Spoliation et vie juive au Luxembourg (1920-1960)
(48 months)
The Transformation of ARBED 1973-2001. A trans-European business and labour history
Member: Nicolas Arendt
(12 months)
The Hard Minette Land
Member: Denis Scuto

22 ongoing projects

(60 months)
Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past
Member: Stefan Krebs
(241 months)
Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Member: Andreas Fickers
(48 months)
Projet Scientifique Gilbert Trausch
Member: Lars Wieneke
(49 months)
Who Cares in Europe?
(48 months)
Tri-national doctoral school Docteuropa / L'histoire internationale par l'interdisciplinarité : Perspectives franco-allemandes et européennes au XXe siècle
(36 months)
Histoire institutionnelle de l’Inspection du Travail et des Mines
(49 months)
Histoire de la spoliation des biens juifs au Grand Duché de Luxembourg (années trente - années cinquante)
(37 months)
Soviet Forced Labourers in Luxembourg during the WW2
(34 months)
Building the RRCHNM / C2DH Strategic Alliance
(36 months)
Historiographien, Praktiken und Ästhetiken einer Entgrenzung
Member: Benoît Majerus
(36 months)
Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den langen 1960er Jahren
(48 months)
Luxembourg Time Machine
(36 months)
A history of online virality
(60 months)
(56 months)
Europe Direct Centre at the University of Luxembourg
(48 months)
Augmented Artwork Analysis, Computer-aided Interpretation device for art images
(49 months)
Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change

2 projects completed in 2022