Dissertations and Theses
Doctoral Thesis
Apostolopoulos, P. (2022). Discussing the Past: The Production of Historical Knowledge on Wikipedia. Unpublished doctoral thesis, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, United States of America.
de Kramer, M. C. (2022). Decision-Making Processes and Certainties in Heritage Reconstructions Using the Example of Larochette Castle, Luxembourg. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Jury: Margue, M. (Promotor), Friedrich, R. (Promotor), Cauvin, T., Cardoso-Leite, P., & Münster, S.
Haddadan, S. (2022). ARGUMENT MINING AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN POLITICAL DEBATES. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Luxembourg, Esch sur alzette, Luxembourg.
Jury: van der Torre, L. (Promotor), Villata, S. (Promotor), Schommer, C., Tonelli, S., & Stede, M.
Kamlovskaya, E. (2022). Australian Indigenous Life Writing: Analysing Discourses with Word Embedding Modelling. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Luxembourg, Belval, Luxembourg.
Jury: Schommer, C. (Promotor), Theobald, M., Gilles, P., Schöch, C., & Tahmasebi, N.
Jury: Fickers, A. (Promotor), Palomanes Martinho, F. C. (Promotor), Scuto, D., SANTANA, D., Gaudenzi, S., Camarda, S., & Godinho Delgado, I.
van Herck, S. (2022). Re/constructing Computing Experiences. From "punch girls" in the 1940s to "computer boys" in the 1980s. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Jury: Fickers, A. (Promotor), Schafer, V., Theobald, M., Wyatt, S., & Tympas, A.
Vetter, F. (2022). CREDIT CARDS AND CASHLESS PAYMENT: BANK COMMUNICATION POLICIES IN FRANCE, GERMANY AND LUXEMBOURG (1968-2015). Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Jury: Schafer, V. (Promotor), Majerus, B., & Howarth, D.
A. Books
Written as unique author
Cauvin, T. (2022). Public History: A Textbook of Practice (2nd ed). Routledge.
Written in collaboration
Fickers, A., & Van den Oever, A. (2022). Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Theory. Berlin: DeGruyter.
Henckes, N., & Majerus, B. (2022). Maladies mentales et société (XIXe – XXIe siècles). Paris: La Découverte.
Ogden, J., Kurzmeier, M., & Clavert, F. (2022). How to Design Web Archives Research. 1 Oliver's Yard,~55 City Road,~London~EC1Y 1SP~United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
Director and/or editor of collective works (including proceedings of scientific meetings, special issues of journals)
Bunout, E., Ehrmann, M., & Clavert, F. (Eds.). (2022). Digitised Newspapers – A New Eldorado for Historians? Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
Fickers, A., & Tatarinov, J. (Eds.). (2022). Digital History and Hermeneutics. Between Theory and Practice. Berlin: DeGruyter.
Fritz, V., Scuto, D., & Wingerter, E. (Eds.). (2022). Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs. De Gruyter.
Libera, M., Aballéa, M., Aquatias, C., & Clavert, F. (Eds.). (2022). Un historien des relations internationales dans la Cité. Bruxelles, Belgique: PIE Peter Lang.
Milligan, I., Brügger, N., Goggin, G., & Schafer, V. (Eds.). (2022, December). Internet histories second early career researcher award. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society.
Niemeyer, K., & Schafer, V. (Eds.). (2022). Stocker. Temps des Medias: Revue d'Histoire, 39.
Noiret, S., Tebeau, M., & Zaagsma, G. (Eds.). (2022). Handbook of Digital Public History. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Schafer, V., & Henriot, C. (Eds.). (2022). Varia. Flux: Cahiers Scientifiques Internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, 127.
Scuto, D., & Jaspers, S. (Eds.). (2022). This Hard Minett Land. Texte über Luxemburgs Süden, inspiriert von Bruce-Springsteen-Songs. Mit Illustrationen von Dan Altmann. Luxembourg: Capybarabooks & C2DH.
van Donkersgoed, J., & Cauvin, T. (Eds.). (2022). HistorESCH: Escher Geschichten a 25 Objeten erzielt. Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.
van Donkersgoed, J., & Cauvin, T. (Eds.). (2022). HistorESCH: Histoires d’Esch racontées en 25 objets. Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.
van Donkersgoed, J., & Cauvin, T. (Eds.). (2022). HistorESCH: Histories of Esch Told in 25 Objects. Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.
Venken, M., & Frandsen, S. B. (Eds.). (2022). Debordering and Rebordering. Central and South-Eastern Europe after the First World War. Milton Park: Routledge.
Venken, M., Kaisto, V., & Brambilla, C. (Eds.). (2022). Children, Young People and Borders A Multidisciplinary Outlook. London: Routledge.
Zaagsma, G., Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Rürup, M., Rürup, M., & Levi, A. S. (Eds.). (2022). Jewish Studies in the Digital Age. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
B. Articles and Book Chapters
Articles in Journals with Committee
Armaselu, F. (2022). Genetic Criticism and Analysis of Interface Design: A Case Study. Digital Studies, 12(1), 1–37.
Armaselu, F., Elena-Simona, E.-S. (Other coll.), Khan, A. F. (Other coll.), Liebeskind, C. (Other coll.), McGillivray, B. (Other coll.), Truică, C.-O. (Other coll.), Utka, A. (Other coll.), Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė, G. (Other coll.), & van Erp, M. (Other coll.). (2022, May 06). LL(O)D and NLP perspectives on semantic change for humanities research. Semantic Web.
Calabrese, M. (2022, October 17). The Occupational Structure of England and Wales: the 1939 National Register. Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Calabrese, M. (2022, January 28). The regional occupational structure in interwar England and Wales. Historical Methods.
Cauvin, T. (2022). A Public History of Monuments. Studies on National Movements, 10(1), 7-43.
Clavert, F., & Schafer, V. (2022, December). Between marginal and mainstream. Communities and ecosystems at stake. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society.
Clavert, F., Schafer, V., & Mahroug, S. (2022, December). Préservation et distorsion : l’espace-temps des réseaux socio-numériques et du web archivé. Revue d'Histoire Culturelle, (5).
Grosvenor, I., & Priem, K. (2022, August). Histories of the past and histories of the future: Pandemics and historians of education. Paedagogica Historica.
Krebs, S., Zumthurm, T., Logge, T., & Tebeau, M. (2022). Documenting COVID-19 for Future Historians? History of Intellectual Culture, 1, 225-251.
Majerus, B. (2022). “COVIDwear” and Health Care Workers. How Has the New Materiality of Clothing Affected Care Practices? European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics, (4).
Majerus, B. (2022). Review - Cristina Ferreira, Ludovic Maugué, Sandrine Maulini, L’homme-bus : une histoire des controverses psychiatriques (1960-1980). Crime, Histoire and Sociétés, 26(1), 123-124.
Morse, C., Landau, B., Lallemand, C., Wieneke, L., & Koenig, V. (2022). From #MuseumAtHome to #AtHomeAtTheMuseum: Digital Museums and Dialogical Engagement beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic. ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage, 15(2).
Mourlon-Druol, E., & Clavert, F. (2022). Introduction. Politique Européenne, 2022(2), 6-11.
Pailler, F., & Schafer, V. (2022). « Never gonna give you up ». Historiciser la viralité numérique. Revue d'histoire culturelle du XVIIIe-XXIe siècles, 5.
Priem, K. (2022). Zur Transformation ökologischer Beziehungen: Manifest für Bildungsgeschichte nach COVID-19. Pädagogische Rundschau.
Schafer, V. (2022). Le CD-Rom, une histoire à graver. Temps des Medias: Revue d'Histoire, 39, 173-187.
Schafer, V. (2022, July). Préserve-moi ! Des journaux intimes à ceux de confinement dans les archives du Web. Temps des Medias: Revue d'Histoire, 175-194.
Tsenova, V., Wood, G., & Kirk, D. (2022). Designing with Genius Loci: An Approach to Polyvocality in Interactive Heritage Interpretation. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 6(6), 41.
van de Maele, J. (2022). ‘As Efficient as a Factory’: Architectural and Managerial Discourses on Government Office Buildings in Belgium, 1919-39. Architectural History, 65, 21-38.
van Donkersgoed, J., & Farid, M. (2022). Belang and Kabata Banda: The significance of nature in the adat practices in the Banda Islands. Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, 23(2), 415-450.
van Ruymbeke, M., & Nys, G.-A. (2022). Voir ou être vu : analyses de visibilité depuis le site de Chèvremont (commune de Chaudfontaine, Belgique). Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 1, 147-156.
Venken, M.* , & Sauer, A.* . (2022, November 24). Arrival Declaration Forms. A New Gateway for Mapping Migration to Luxembourg. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 1-19.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Viola, L. (2022, November 29). On the use of sì? (‘yes?’) as invariant follow-up in Italian: A historical corpus-based account of pragmatic language change. Journal of Historical Pragmatics.
Viola, L. (2022). “Italy, for example, is just incredibly stupid now”. European crisis narrations in relation to Italy’s response to COVID-19. Frontiers in Communication.
Viola, L., Cunningham, A., Jaskov, H., & Takats, S. (2022). Introducing the DHARPA Project: An Interdisciplinary Lab to Enable Critical DH Practice. DH Benelux Journal, 4(1), 29-41.
Viola, L., Verheul, J., Salmi, H., Riedl, M., Nivala, A., Keck, J., & Bell, E. (2022). Using word vector models to trace conceptual change over time and space in historical newspapers, 1840–1914. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 16(2).
Zaagsma, G. (2022, September 16). Digital History and the Politics of Digitization. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
Zumthurm, T., & Krebs, S. (2022). Collecting Middle-Class Memories? The COVID-19 Pandemic, Technology and Crowdsourced Archives. Technology and Culture, 63(2), 483-493.
Zumthurm, T., & Krebs, S. (2022). COVID-19 Digital Memory Banks: Challenges and Opportunities for Historians of Education. Paedagogica Historica, 58(5), 781-801.
Articles in Journals without Committee
Cauvin, T. (2022, November 08). Qu'est-ce que l'histoire publique ? Entre temps.
Clavert, F., & Fickers, A. (2022). Publishing digital history scholarship in the era of updatism. Journal of Digital History, 2(1).
Duval, C., Gabellini, M., & Mouton, V. (2022). The story of a bank through the architecture of its headquarters. Bulletin - Finance and Photography, 2, 50-66.
Krebs, S., Russell, A., Hertweck, F., & Maric, M. (2022). Instandhaltung, Fürsorge und Reparatur sind die Schlüsselworte von heute. Arch +, (250), 90–97.
Scuto, D. (2022, June 18). Esch ville verte - Une expo autour du plan Stübben. Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, February 05). Les falsificateurs de l'histoire:L'ADR et le "Klëppelkrich". Tageblatt.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Camarda, S. (2022). Interactive Narratives and Transmedia Storytelling: An Insight on Digital Exhibitions. In G., Sonnabend & G., Thewes (Eds.), Narratives in History Museums – Reflections and Perspectives (pp. 100-107). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Lëtzebuerg City Museum.
Cauvin, T. (2022). Making History Together: Participation in Museums. In G., Sonnabend & T., Guy (Eds.), Narratives in History Museums – Reflections and Perspectives (pp. 108-115). Luxembourg: Administration communale de la Ville de Luxembourg.
Danescu, E. (2022). Economic Ideas and Political Action in Shaping Economic and Monetary Union: Pierre Werner and Luxembourg. In E., Danescu & A., Dima (Ed.), Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling - An interdisciplinary analysis of the new paradigm shift (Sciendo 2022, pp. 18). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter.
van Ruymbeke, M., Nofal, E., & Billen, R. (2022). 3D Digital Heritage and Historical Storytelling: Outcomes from the Interreg EMR Terra Mosana Project. In M., Rauterberg (Ed.), Culture and Computing (pp. 262-276). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Book Chapters
Armaselu, F. (2022). Social Media: Snapshots in Public History. In G., Zaagsma, S., Noiret, & M., Tebeau (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Public History (pp. 259-276). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Brüll, C. (2022). Constuctions mémorielles autour de la Première Guerre mondiale à Eupen-Malmedy-Saint Vith durant l'entre-deux-guerres. In J.-N., Grandhomme & R., Georges (Eds.), Alsace(s) et Lorraine(s). Soldats d'entre-deux des Empires centraux (1914-1918)? Etudes, regards, témoignages (pp. 15-22). Metz/ Nancy, France: Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d'Histoire.
Camarda, S. (2022). Cybermemorials: Remembrance and Places of Memory in the Digital Age. In S., Noiret, M., Tebeau, & G., Zaagsma (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Public History (pp. 337-348). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Cauvin, T. (2022). Digital Public History in the United States. In M., Tebeau, S., Noiret, & G., Zaagsma, Handbook of Digital Public History (2022). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Clavert, F. (2022). Le Centenaire et les nouveaux médias. In A., Weinrich & N., Patin (Eds.), Quel Bilan Scientifique pour le Centenaire de 1914-1918? (1, pp. 463-492). Paris, France: Sorbonne Université Presses.
Clavert, F., & Mourlon-Druol, E. (2022). La coopération entre banques centrales au XXe siècle : intensification, diversification et approfondissement. In F., Clavert, M., Libera (Ed.), M., Aballéa (Ed.), & C., Aquatias (Ed.), Un historien des relations internationales dans la Cité. Bruxelles, Belgique: PIE Peter Lang.
Clavert, F., & Muller, C. (2022). Le goût de l’archive à l’ère numérique : gestes et récits historiens, du document au corpus. In E., Ruiz, C., Bardiot, & E., Dehoux (Eds.), La fabrique numérique des corpus en sciences humaines et sociales. Villeneuve d’Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
Danescu, E. (2022). Luxembourg Economy. In C., Hartley (Ed.), Western Europe 2023 (25th edition revised, 906 pages, pp. 472-489). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Danescu, E., & Tedeschi, P. (2022). The Werner report and the financial crisis during the 1970s. In R., Leboutte & P., Tedeschi (Eds.), Euro changes: European Responses to Economics and Social Changes. From de 1970s to the new Millennium. Bruxelles: Peter Lang.
Danescu, E., Thomas, A., Clément, F., & Bandelow, N. (Crit. Ed.). (2022). Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) 2022 - Luxembourg Country Analysis. In E., Danescu, F., Clément, A., Thomas, & N., Bandelow (Crit. Ed.), Sustainable Governance Indicators (SGI) 2022 - Luxembourg Chapter (2022, pp. 83). Gütersloh, Germany: Bertelsmann Foundation.
Ehrmann, M., Bunout, E., & Clavert, F. (2022). Digitised Historical Newspapers: A Changing Research Landscape. In F., Clavert, E., Bunout (Ed.), & M., Ehrmann (Ed.), Digitised Historical Newspapers: A Changing Research Landscape (pp. 1--22). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Fickers, A. (2022). Digital Hermeneutics: The Reflexive Turn in Digital Public History? In G., Zaagsma, S., Noiret (Ed.), & M., Tabeau (Ed.), Handbook of Digital Public History (pp. 139-148). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Fickers, A. (2022). Digitalität. In M., Sabrow & A., Saupe (Eds.), Handbuch Historische Authentizität (pp. 108-114). Göttingen: Wallstein.
Fickers, A. (2022). Outro. American Skin. In D., Scuto & J., Susanne (Eds.), This Hard Minett Land (pp. 214-219). Mersch: Capybara Books.
Fickers, A. (2022). Per Knopfdruck nach Luxemburg. Radio Luxemburg als Sehnsuchtsort der Populärkultur. In M., Pauly (Ed.), Die Geschichte der Stadt Luxemburg in 99 Objekten (pp. 320-323). Mersch: Capybara Books.
Fickers, A. (2022). What the D does to history. Das digitale Zeitalter als neues historisches Zeitregime? In D., Karoline, H., Stefan, K., Mareike, & W., Jörg (Eds.), Digital History Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken Digitaler Geschichtswissenschaft (pp. 45-63). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Fickers, A., Van der Heijden, T., & Tatarinov, J. (2022). Digital history and hermeneutics – between theory and practice: An introduction. In A., Fickers & J., Tatarinov (Eds.), Digital History and Hermeneutics. Between Theory and Practice (pp. 1-19). Berlin: DeGruyter Oldenbourg.
Ganschow, I. (2022). Toy created by an Ostarbeiter. In T., Cauvin & J., van Donkersgoed, HistorESCH. Histories of Esch Told in 25 Objects (OnlinePrinters GmbH, Fuerth, Germany, pp. 29-30). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: FNR.
Harnoncourt, J. (2022). The best you ever had. In D., Scuto & S., Jaspers, This Hard Minett Land (pp. 122-127). capybarabooks.
Janz, N. (2022). The Politics of Graves – Negotiations, Practice and Reactions about Fallen German Soldiers of World War Two and Their Resting Places in Russia. In J., Rydel & S., Trobst (Eds.), Instrumentalizing the Past: The Impact of History on Contemporary International Conflicts (pp. 133-146). Oldebourg, Germany: DeGruyter.
Janz, N. (2022). In Russischer Erde - Die Exhumierung toter deutscher Soldaten des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Russland durch den Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge. In C., Rass, Konfliktlandschaften interdisziplinär lesen (pp. 339-358). Göttingen, Germany: unipress.
Jaschik, J. M., & Venken, M. (2022). Dialoguing Borders in the Post-soviet Space through Citizen Science – Ukrainian Borderland Perspectives. In S., Von Löwis & B., Eschment (Eds.), Post-Soviet Borders. A Kaleidoscope of Shifting Lives and Lands. New York: Routledge.
Krebs, S., & Hoppenheit, T. (2022). Questioning the Decline of Repair in the Late 20th Century: The Case of Luxembourg, 1945-1990. In G., Bernasconi, G., Carnino, L., Hilaire-Pérez, & O., Raveux (Eds.), Les Réparations dans l’Histoire. Cultures techniques et savoir-faire dans la longue durée (pp. 185–199). Paris: Presses des Mines.
Krebs, S., & Weber, H. (2022). Die Mobilisierung des Radiohörens. In D., Roether, H., Sarkowicz, & C., Zimmermann, 100 Jahre Radio in Deutschland (pp. 179–191). Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Limpach, M., & Scuto, D. (2022). Histoire de la profession d'avocat au Luxembourg. Un aperçu. In E., Wingerter, V., Fritz (Ed.), & D., Scuto (Ed.), Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs (pp. 335-368). De Gruyter.
Majerus, B. (2022). Camisole. In I., Poutrin & E., Lusset (Eds.), Dictionnaire du fouet et de la fessée. Corriger et punir (pp. 122-123). Paris: PUF.
Majerus, B. (2022). Des histoires de psychiatrie luxembourgeoise. In Y., De Smet, Histoire de la psychiatrie en Luxembourg. L'Hospice Central d'Ettelbruck (1854-1904) (pp. 13--15). Editions Phi.
Majerus, B. (2022). Psychiatrie. In I., Poutrin & E., Lusset (Eds.), Dictionnaire du fouet et de la fessée. Corriger et punir (pp. 630-633). Paris: PUF.
Noiret, S., Tebeau, M., & Zaagsma, G. (2022). Introduction: Handbook of Digital Public History. In S., Noiret, M., Tebeau, & G., Zaagsma (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Public History. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Priem, K. (2022). International Standing Conference for the History of Edcuation. In J. L., Hernandez, A., Cagnolati, & A., Payà, CONNECTING HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Redes globales de comunicación y colaboración científicas (pp. 441-449). Valencia, Spain: Tirant lo Blanch.
Priem, K., & Grosvenor, I. (2022). Future Pasts: Web Archives and Public History as Challenges for Historians of Education in Times of COVID-19. In F., Herman, S., Braster, & M., del Mar del Pozo Andrés, Exhibiting the Past: Public Histories of Edcuatuon (pp. 177-196). De Gruyter.
Richter, D. (2022). Jack of All Trades - Stolz und Hilflosigkeit. In D., Scuto & S., Jaspers (Eds.), This Hard Minett Land (1. Auflage, pp. 235). Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Capybara Books.
Schafer, V. (2022). Digital Personal Memories: The Archiving of the Self and Public History. In S., Noiret, G., Zaagsma, & M., Tebeau (Eds.), Handbook of Digital Public History (pp. 377-384). De Gruyter.
Schafer, V., & Thierry, B. (2022). French National Paths Within a Global Computing Market. In D., Van Lente (Ed.), Prophets of Computing: Visions of Society Transformed by Computing (pp. 169-200). ACM Books.
Spirinelli, F. (2022). Le Luxembourg, un espace intermédiaire nationalisé. In F., Audigier, J.-N., Grandhomme, & J., Lamarre (Eds.), Identités nationales et identités régionales dans l'espace de la francophonie européenne et nord-américaine des années 1960 à nos jours (pp. 321-336). Canada: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.
van de Maele, J. (2022). A Dusty Road to the Riviera? In S., Jaspers & D., Scuto (Eds.), This Hard Minett Land (pp. 104-109). Luxembourg: Capybarabooks.
Venken, M. (2022). Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands. In M., Venken, V., Kaisto, & C., Brambilla, Children, Young People and Borders A Multidisciplinary Outlook. Routledge.
Venken, M. (2022). Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands. In M., Venken, V., Kaisto, & C., Brambilla (Eds.), Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. London: Routledge.
Venken, M. (2022). Introduction. The dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: border making and its consequences. In M., Venken & S. B., Frandsen (Eds.), Debordering and Rebordering. Central and South-Eastern Europe after the First World War (pp. 1-12). Milton Park: Routledge.
Venken, M., Kaisto, V., & Brambilla, C. (2022). Introduction - Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. In M., Venken, V., Kaisto, & C., Brambilla (Eds.), Children, Young People and Borders: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. London: Routledge.
Zaagsma, G. (2022). Content Management. In G., Zaagsma, S., Noiret (Ed.), & M., Tebeau (Ed.), Handbook of Digital Public History. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Zaagsma, G., Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Rürup, M., Margolis, M., & Levi, A. S. (2022). Jewish Studies in the Digital Age: Introduction. In A. S., Levi, G., Zaagsma (Ed.), D., Stökl Ben Ezra (Ed.), M., Rürup (Ed.), & M., Margolis (Ed.), Jewish Studies in the Digital Age. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Contributions to Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
Cauvin, T. (2022). History and Shared Authority. Understanding the World through History. Bloomsbury.
Schafer, V., & Pailler, F. (2022). Viralité. In J., Walter (Ed.), Publictionnaire. Dictionnaire encyclopédique et critique des publics. Metz, France: CREM, Université de Lorraine.
Prefaces, Post-faces, Glossaries
Scuto, D. (2022). Préface. In S., Moreau, Les CFL en mouvement depuis 75 ans. Histoire des Chemins de fer luxembourgeois. CFL/UNI.LU/C2DH.
Book Reviews
Apostolopoulos, P. (2022). Review of Serge Noiret, Mark Tebeau, and Gerben Zaagsma (eds.), Handbook of Digital Public History (Berlin/ Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2022). International Public History, 5(2), 159-161.
Brüll, C. (2022). Rezension zu Jonas Springer, Die Bundeswehr und die Belgischen Streikräfte in Deutschland. Wissenschaftlicher Literaturanzeiger, 61(2).
Grosbois, T., & Ganschow, I. (2022). BOOK REVIEW: Inna GANSHOW, 100 Jahre Russen in Luxemburg. Geschichte einer atomisierten Diaspora. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 1(74), 110-112.
Janz, N. (2022). The Soviet Myth of World War II: Patriotic Memory and the Russian Question in the USSR, by Jonathan Brunstedt. Journal of Military History, 68(2), 488-489.
Janz, N. (2022). Review - Dimensionen der Mittäterschaft. Die europäische Kollaboration mit dem Dritten Reich. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 74(2), 321-374.
Schafer, V. (2022). Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage: Fake News & viralité avant Internet. Les lapins du Père- Lachaise et autres légendes médiatiques. Temps des Medias: Revue d'Histoire, 38.
van Donkersgoed, J. (2022). Book review of The Nuaulu World of Plants: Ethnobotanical Cognition, Knowledge and Practice Among a People of Seram, Eastern Indonesia, by Roy Ellen. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 178, 119-121.
Zaagsma, G. (2022). Review Fighters Across Frontiers - Transnational Resistance in Europe, 1936-48. Francia-Recensio, 2022(2).
Viola, L. (2022). Review: Newspaper Navigator. Reviews in Digital Humanities, III(6).
C. Computer Developments
Boretska, V., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Identity disputes. Luxembourg.
Boretska, V., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Men with cameras. Luxembourg.
Derian, M., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Une promenade dans la Haard. Luxembourg.
Gabellini, M., Klein, F., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Une histoire orale du Minett. Luxembourg.
Harnoncourt, J., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Konsum im Minett.
Harnoncourt, J., Steiner, & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Die Escher Frauenbewegungen der 1920er Jahre.
Klein, F., Maufort, L., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Préserver le patrimoine industriel. Luxembourg.
Krebs, S., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). The Emergence of the Minett. Luxembourg.
Portas Vazquez, I., Harnoncourt, J., Krebs, S. (Ed.), & Steiner, B. (Other coll.). (2022). Crimes or subsistence?
Richter, D., Harnoncourt, J., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Tumulte in Esch.
Richter, D., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Das "Italienerviertel". Luxembourg.
Richter, D., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Nicht nur ein Ort zum Schlafen. Luxembourg.
Tschacher, W., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Die Benennungen des Minetts. Luxembourg.
van de Maele, J., Boretska, V., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Biller aus dem Minett. Luxembourg.
van de Maele, J., Boretska, V., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Minettsmap 1980s. Luxembourg.
van de Maele, J., & Harnoncourt, J. (2022). Zuhause mit Ketty und Catherine.
van de Maele, J., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Air pollution visualised. Luxembourg.
van de Maele, J., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Dr Mousel looks at dusty skies. Luxembourg.
van de Maele, J., & Krebs, S. (Ed.). (2022). Steel, smoke and dust. Luxembourg.
Zaagsma, G. (Ed.). (2022). #DHJewish - Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities.
G. Published Reports
Research Reports
Buarque, B., Deicke, A., Doehne, M., During, M., Fangerau, H., Herfeld, C., van den Heuvel, C., Hyvönen, E., Lalli, R., Vogl, M., Weiß, L., Wintergrün, D., van Miert, D., & van Vugt, I. (2022). White Paper of the ModelSEN Workshop (April 2022). Zenodo.
During, M., Ganschow, I., Janz, N., Jaskov, H., Papastamkou, S., Wieneke, L., Venken, M., Derian, & Nemchenko, V. (2022). Report on C²DH Activities in Support of the Ukrainian Research Community. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History.
Expert Reports
Janz, N. (2022). The European archival landscape – A Conference on access and prevention strategies in archives and the impact on historical research.
Janz, N., & van der Lange, M. (2022). A Workshop on War Letters (in the Digital Age).
Danescu, E., & Golini, S. (Other coll.). (2022). Report 2019-2021, Europe Direct Information Centre at the University of Luxembourg (1, 2022). Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.
H. Documents for the General Public
Magazine or Newspaper Articles
Brüll, C. (2022, February 22). 20 septembre 1972. Vingtimèe anniversaire de la CECA. AU FIL DE L’ALZETTE… TERRITOIRES ET DESTINS PARTAGÉS.
Brüll, C. (2022, February 22). 30 août 1992. Commémoration de la Grève de 1942 à Dudelange. AU FIL DE L’ALZETTE… TERRITOIRES ET DESTINS PARTAGÉS.
Brüll, C. (2022, February 22). 30 juin 1967. Prix Robert Schuman pour Joseph Bech. AU FIL DE L’ALZETTE… TERRITOIRES ET DESTINS PARTAGÉS.
Brüll, C. (2022, February 22). 8 mai 1997. Commémoration du 52e anniversaire de l'Armistice au Luxembourg. AU FIL DE L’ALZETTE… TERRITOIRES ET DESTINS PARTAGÉS.
Clavert, F. (2022, December 17). « Préservons notre patrimoine numérique grâce au contre-archivage décentralisé et collaboratif ». Le Monde.
Danescu, E. (2022, January 18). Europe between East and West - looking back, moving forward. Delano News.
Derian, M., & Tschacher, W. (2022). The Minett as Palimpsest. Brochure of the exhibition: "Remixing Industrial Pasts".
Derian, M., & Tschacher, W. (2022). La région Minett en tant que palimpseste. Brochure of the exhibition: "Remixing Industrial Pasts" (Esch 2022).
Ganschow, I. (2022, July 11). LURN: Luxembourg Ukrainian Researcher Network. C2DH blog entry.
Ganschow, I. (2022). Note on Immigration from Dr Inna Ganschow. 30 ans de rétablissement des relations diplomatiques, p. 20.
Ganschow, I., & Becker, J. (2022, March 22). Üble Gerüchte versetzen ukrainische Frauen in Angst - so wollen sie sich schützen. inRLP.de.
Ganschow, I., & Majerus, S. (2022, September 30). Mobilmachung ohne Korpsgeist. D'Lëtzebuerger Land, p. 5.
Ganschow, I., & Majerus, S. (2022, April 15). Heilsgeschichte aus dem Osten. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.
Ganschow, I., Weisbrodt, S., During, M., & Laurent, M. (2022, October 05). Die Uni Luxemburg vernetzt kluge Köpfe für die Nachkriegszeit. Luxemburger Wort.
Harnoncourt, J. (2022, April 29). The best you ever had. Tageblatt.
Harnoncourt, J., & Richter, D. (2022, February). Leben im Minett. Exhibition Brochure : Remixing Industrial Pasts: Constructing the Identity of the Minett.
Janz, N. (2022, September 30). Verbindung zur Heimat. Kriegsbriefe in der Forschung und die Nutzung von digitalen Werkzeugen. D'Lëtzebuerger Land, p. 11.
Janz, N. (2022, August 31). Crowdsourcing as “Live” Collection – Project Warlux – War Experiences in Luxembourg. International Federation for Public History Fédération Internationale pour 'Histoire Publique.
Jaschik, J. M., & Janz, N. (2022, March 05). L’histoire du temps présent / Die Denazifizierung der Ukraine? Tageblatt.
LePetit, M., Buraczyk, M., Cauvin, T., van Donkersgoed, J., & Lecoutère, M. (2022). Carnet de bord ArtistESCH: Lallange mai 2022. Kulturfabrik.
Richter, D. (2022, October 28). Jack of All Trades - Stolz und Hilflosigkeit. Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, December 17). Les Italien-ne-s dans le Luxembourg des migrations (2ème partie). Tageblatt, p. 8.
Scuto, D. (2022, December 03). Les Italien-ne-s dans le Luxembourg des migrations (1ère partie). Tageblatt, p. 10.
Scuto, D. (2022, November 19). Ech kucken net. Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, October 15). memorialshoah.lu: Was in Erinnerung bleibt, lebt. Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, October 01). Aus den Fehlern von Belval lernen. Tageblatt, p. 9.
Scuto, D. (2022, May 24). 100 Joer Stade Thillebierg. Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, March 26). "24.02.22, 5am: Testimonies from the War". Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, March 18). "But you know you won't be back". Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, February 25). This Hard Minett Land. Texte über das "Bassin minier", inspiriert von Bruce Springsteens Songs. Tageblatt.
Scuto, D. (2022, February 19). "Be part of it". Tageblatt.
Scuto, D., & Harnoncourt, J. (2022, April 09). Unsichtbares sichtbar machen. Tageblatt, p. 6-7.
Spirinelli, F. (2022, March). Une « idée hautement civilisatrice »: Quelques réflexions sur l’histoire de la propriété au Luxembourg. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (424), p. 24-27.
van de Maele, J. (2022, May 20). A Dusty Road to the Riviera? Tageblatt.
Vercruysse, S. M. (2022, May 16). Families of Luxembourgish Wehrmacht recruits during the Nazi occupation and the impact of local authorities and National Socialist organisations on their everyday lives. Denken ohne Geländer.
van de Maele, J. (2022). The Minett: Dirty or Beautiful? Remixing Industrial Pasts: Constructing the Identity of the Minett (Exhibition guide, Massenoire, Belval, 27.02-15.05.2022).
Conferences and Unpublished Communications
A. Communications at Congresses and Symposia
Auwers, M., Dubois, S., Tyssens, De Wever, B., & Brüll, C. (2022, May 09). Table ronde : Quel avenir pour la Revue Belge d'Histoire contemporaine ? Paper presented at Quel avenir pour une revue d'Histoire contemporaine en Belgique ?, Brussels, Belgium.
Brügger, N., & Schafer, V. (Other coll.). (2022, August 17). Public Engagement with Web Archives. Paper presented at Valerie SCHAFER, Berlin, Germany.
Brüll, C. (2022, October 15). Histoire des territoires belges annexés au IIIe Reich. Paper presented at Annexion en Moselle - Alsace- Luxembourg - Belgique : Histoires parallèles, Metz, France.
Brüll, C. (2022, October 02). L'espace frontalier franco-luxembourgeois vu depuis le Luxembourg. Paper presented at Territoires et destins frontaliers partagés : attendus et imprévus, Thil (54), France.
Brüll, C. (2022, June 03). "Hybrid is the new normal." Einblicke in die Projekte des Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History am Beispiel der virtuellen Ausstellungen ww1.lu, zeitschichten.be und minett-stories.lu. Paper presented at Internationales Archivsymposion, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.
Brüll, C. (2022, March 24). The History of Cross-Border Cooperation: some historiographical remarks. Paper presented at Archives for the History of Cross-Border Cooperation in the Great Region, Belval, Luxembourg.
Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2022, May 20). L'émission de radio "100 Jahre Ostbelgien". Paper presented at Journée belge de l'Histoire contemporaine, Eupen, Belgium.
Brüll, C., & Janz, N. (2022, January 19). Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Informationsfreiheit und Datenschutz: Das Luxemburger Archivgesetz von 2018 und die zeithistorische Forschung. Paper presented at Strategien der Verhinderung. Der Zugang zu Archivalien in Frankreich und Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich, Paris, France.
Camarda, S. (2022, June 08). Digital Storytelling: Strategies and Tools for Doing History Online. Paper presented at Public History Summer School - 5th International Conference Studying Public History - Methods, Difficulties, Perspectives, Wroclaw, Poland.
Cauvin, T. (2022, December 07). “When publics co-produce history in museums: skills, methodologies and impact of participation”. Paper presented at “When publics co-produce history in museums: skills, methodologies and impact of participation”.
Clavert, F. (2022, September 15). api or archives? tormented ways to transform tweets into historical sources. Paper presented at Wanted: social media data, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Clavert, F., & Schafer, V. (2022, June 01). Unlocking web archives through metadata, seed lists and derived data. Paper presented at DH benelux 2022, Esch, Luxembourg.
Clavert, F., & Schafer, V. (2022, May 24). “Use”: When personas become real users… Paper presented at IIPC WAC 2022.
Dal Zilio, S. (2022, July 08). Le parcours de vie entre défense sociale et maladie mentale de Maxence C. Etude d’un cas de dégénéré délinquant dans la Belgique du XXème siècle. Paper presented at Rethinking the institution and deinstitutionalization from the perspective of disability, Brussels, Belgium.
Danescu, E. (2022, June 29). Democracy and the digital revolution – steering an evolving paradigm. Paper presented at The Environment of Democracy - the 28th International Conference of Europeanists, Lisbon, Portugal.
Danescu, E. (2022, May 13). Luxembourg – navigating the transition to the knowledge economy. A historical perspective. Paper presented at 2022 EU-PAIR ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE- “Challenges and Dynamics of European Administrative Area”, hybrid event (online via Teams and on-spot - Unviersity of Iasi, Romania), Romania.
Danescu, E. (2022, February 04). Technical Sovereignty and Digital Democracy in Europe – Follower or Influencer ? A New Media Approach. Paper presented at ECREA Communication History Section Workshop - History of Digital Media and Digital Media Historiography -, Luxembourg (hybride event - in person and via Webex), Luxembourg.
Danescu, E., & Cheng, A. (2022, April 26). The Luxembourg Financial Ecosystem and the European Monetary Innovation. Cas Study on KBL, LuxSE and EIB (1957-1990). Paper presented at Businesses, banks and the making of Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), 1957-1992, hybrid event (online via Teams anf on-spot at the University of Glasgow), Scotland, UK.
Ganschow, I. (2022, May 17). Die unfreien Befreiten. Über die lange Heimkehr der sowjetischen ZwangsarbeiterInnen aus Luxemburg. Paper presented at Die Befreiung aus dem nationalsozialistischen Lagersystem 1944/1945, Hinzert, Germany.
Harnoncourt, J., & Steiner, B. (2022, September 15). A fictitious diary of a schoolgirl in 1928. Paper presented at ‘Telling stories: History, narrative and fiction’.
Harnoncourt, J., & van de Maele, J. (2022, August 17). Organising a “Temporary History Lab” in Esch-sur-Alzette (2019). Paper presented at 6th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History, Berlin.
Höfer, M. S. (2022, October 21). Advertising media artifacts and their impact in the French youth magazine “Salut les Copains” (1960s). Paper presented at ECREA 2022 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Janz, N. (2022, July 25). "Mapping" biographies in relational databases - The case of Luxembourg soldiers in the Second World War. Paper presented at DH2022 - Digital Humanities Conference, Tokyo (Virtual Conference), Japan.
Krebs, S. (2022, October 14). On the (alleged) disappearance of repair since the 1970s. Paper presented at Repairing Technology – Fixing Society, Belval, Luxembourg.
Krebs, S. (2022, September 15). Zum (vermeintlichen) Verschwinden des Reparierens seit den 1970er Jahren. Paper presented at Jahrestagung des Interdisziplinären VDI-Gremiums Technikgeschichte, Berlin, Germany.
Krebs, S. (2022, February 24). “Keeping the lights on” – Maintaining (communication) infrastructures. Paper presented at Communication Maintenance in Longue Durée, Lugano, Switzerland.
Krebs, S., & Mossop, R. (2022, February 24). The delicate balance between expansion, innovation and maintenance of the Luxembourg Telephone Network. Paper presented at Communication Maintenance in Longue Durée, Lugano, Switzerland.
Noguera, C. (2022, October 21). Impacting the computerization and Digitalization in Luxembourg: the case of teachers and education. Paper presented at ECREA 2022 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Noguera, C. (2022, October 18). Keynote by panel on Looking ahead: after web (archives)? Paper presented at WARCnet Closing Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Noguera, C. (2022, October 18). Retrieving traces of the Luxembourg WebSphere through its first websites. Paper presented at WARCnet Closing Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Pailler, F., & Schafer, V. (2022, October 20). “Small is impactful”. Memes and Politics. Paper presented at ECREA conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Schafer, V. (2022, October 20). “Challenge accepted”. The many sources to catch the history of virality and memes. Paper presented at ECREA conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Schafer, V. (2022, October 20). Special ECREA panel : Rethinking digital sources — making web archives useful for future scholars. Paper presented at ECREA conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Schafer, V. (2022, October 18). Let’s talk about web archiving … three institutions, many possibilities. Paper presented at WARCNet closing conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Schafer, V. (2022, October 18). Retrieve me if you can... Women and COVID through Web archives. Paper presented at WARCNET closing conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Schafer, V. (2022, June 29). Web archives of the COVID-crisis : challenges related to short-term and long-term readability. Paper presented at The 10th Tensions of Europe Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Schafer, V. (2022, June 13). Studying transnational events through web archives. Paper presented at London WARCnet conference, London, UK.
Schafer, V. (2022, May 20). Les archives du Web, des sources aux données. Paper presented at Humanistica 2022, Montréal, Canada.
Schafer, V., & Pailler, F. (2022, February 03). “Spread or die”. Online Virality as a Transmedia Phenomenon. Paper presented at ECREA Communication History Section's Workshop, Luxembourg.
Spirinelli, F. (2022, August 18). Polishing the Image of a Nation-State: Luxembourg and the Uses of the Past since the 1990s. Paper presented at 6th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History, Berlin, Germany.
Teferle, F. N., Wieneke, L., Parvaz, S., Bebon, Q., & Backes, D. (2022, May 05). Scanning the Past: A 3D Model of Trausch's Library. Paper presented at Producing Histography in a Changing World - Practices of Historians in Analog and Digital Contexts, Luxembourg and Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
van de Maele, J. (2022, June 10). The Minett: Dirty or Beautiful? Clashing Discourses on Environmental Pollution and Natural Beauty, 1920s–1960s. Paper presented at From Boom to Bust: the History of Industrial Regions (1870–1970 and beyond), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, October 20). Co-Organiser: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights. Paper presented at Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, October 20). Introductory Words of Conference: Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and international insights. Paper presented at Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, October 20). Presenter: Testimonies from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Paper presented at Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and International Insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Viola, L. (2022). DeXTER: A post-authentic approach to heritage visualisation. Paper presented at DH2022.
Zaagsma, G. (2022, July 13). Jewish History and the Politics of Digitisation. Paper presented at Workshop The Politics of Jewish Studies, Heidelberg, Germany.
Zaagsma, G. (2022, June 17). Jewish History and the Politics of Digitisation. Paper presented at Workshop Digital Humanities Projects – Approaches and Experiences, Oldenburg, Germany.
Zaagsma, G. (2022, June 02). Exploring the History of Digital History: Setting an Agenda. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2022, Belval, Luxembourg.
Zaagsma, G. (2022, March 10). The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation. Paper presented at 8. Jahrestagung des Verbands »Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum«, Potsdam, Germany.
B. Presentations at Universities or Research Centres
Boretska, V., & Richter, D. (2022, August 17). Exhibiting the Industrial Past and Digital Storytelling. Paper presented at 6th World Conference of the IFPH, Berlin, Germany.
Brüll, C. (2022, July 13). Ostbelgien als popkultureller Zwischenraum? Paper presented at 12. Workshop der Forschungsgruppe „Populärkultur transnational – Europa in den langen 1960er Jahren“, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Cauvin, T., Perry, J., Zündorf, I., Evans, T., & Wojdon, J. (2022, August 25). What Makes Public History Truly International? Paper presented at XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences Poznań 2020/2022, Poznań, Polska.
Clavert, F. (2022, December 08). Controversies and commemorations: the extreme right and the 2016 commemoration of the battle of Verdun. Paper presented at Time and Emotion: Extreme Right Visions of the Past, Northampton, UK.
Clavert, F. (2022, July 07). Nouvelles perspectives sur l’histoire des Humanités numériques. Paper presented at Colloque Poincaré 2022. Éditions numériques et web sémantique, Nancy, France.
Clavert, F. (2022, February 02). Goût des archives nativement numérique et digital bricolage. L’historien·ne face aux données massives du web. Paper presented at Séminaire Histoire numérique (MNSHS), Paris, France.
Danescu, E. (2022, July 11). European Integration Studies through Oral History and Multimedia Research - Innovative methodologie and new content creation. Paper presented at Oral History Meets European Integration Studies, Robert Schuman House, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Danescu, E. (2022, May 30). Small States Diplomacy in Action. Luxembourg in the European Integration History. Paper presented at EUI Florence Research Seminar Series, hybrid event (online via Zoom and on-spot - EUI Florence), Italy.
Danescu, E. (2022, May 17). Building a Smart Nation: Luxembourg Tackling the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Paper presented at Economic Research Seminars, Rome, Italy.
Danescu, E. (2022, April 15). Luxembourg and the creation of the European single currency - Lessons from the History. Paper presented at Building European Administrative Area. Key Features and Boundaries, hybrid event, Romania.
Danescu, E. (2022, March 09). Network diplomacy in shaping European economic and monetary integration in the 1970s. Paper presented at European University Institute Florence - Research Colloqium, Florence, Italy.
Danescu, E. (2022, January 11). L'Europe sociale - mythe ou réalité? (L'Europe sociale - racines historiques, acteurs, modèle). Paper presented at Séminaire de recherche, Bucarest, Roumanie.
Faber, V. (2022, December). FUN FAIRS IN BORDER AREAS — A NATIONAL, TRANSREGIONAL AND TRANSNATIONAL HISTORY OF THE “SCHUEBERFOUER”. Paper presented at Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Fickers, A. (2022, August 30). born digitals und die historische Wissenschaft. Annäherungen an eine Quellenkunde für genuin elektronisches Archivmaterial. Paper presented at Expertenworkshop "born digitals und die historische Wissenschaft", Duisburg, Germany.
Fickers, A. (2022, July). The Making Europe Digital Comic Series. An experiment in transmedia storytelling. Paper presented at 10th Tensions of Europe conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
Ganschow, I. (2022, October 27). Paper and ink in the Soviet camp 188 in Tambov: capturing the camp life of Luxembourger conscripts. Paper presented at The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945), Belval, Luxembourg.
Ganschow, I. (2022, February 08). "Ostarbeiters" in Differdange during WWII. Paper presented at History of Europe, Luxembourg.
Ganschow, I. (2022, January 25). LuxTime Machine seminar with Inna Ganschow: The parallel life behind the barbed wire in the Minette region in 1942-1944. Paper presented at Research Seminar, Belval, Luxembourg.
Höfer, M. S. (2022, October 27). Konsumgüterwerbung und Popkultur in den „langen“ 1960er Jahren: eine transnationale Perspektive. Paper presented at Docteuropa (Deutsch-französisch-luxemburgisches Doktorandenkolleg/Collège doctoral germano-franco-luxembourgeois): Gesellschaftsdiagnosen – Diversität und Transversalität/L’entrée par la société – diversité et transversalité, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Höfer, M. S. (2022, September 13). L’analyse de la publicité des années 1960. Paper presented at DIFEM (Doctoriales internationales francophones en études des médias), Paris, France.
Hoppenheit, T. (2022, June 14). From shoemaker to cobbler: Luxembourg's shoemaking trade through the ages. Paper presented at Internationale Geschichte interdisziplinär: Deutsch-französisch-europäische Perspektiven im 20. Jahrhundert, Strasbourg, France.
Janz, N. (2022, September 30). Student Project - WAR LETTERS. Teaching with Transkribus Lite. Paper presented at Transkribus User Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
Janz, N. (2022, June 04). HERO? TRAITOR? VICTIM? AMBIGUITY OF DATA IN WAR BIOGRAPHIES. Paper presented at DATAFICATION IN THE HISTORICAL HUMANITIES Reconsidering Traditional Understandings of Sources and Data, Washington, D.C, USA.
Jaschik, J. M. (2022, December 15). Main Organiser: Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe. Paper presented at Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg.
Krebs, S. (2022, October 26). Wie erzählt man Geschichte(n) für ein breites Publikum? Minett-stories.lu als ein Versuch des Transmedia Storytellings. Paper presented at Trinationales Doktorandenkolleg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
Pailler, F. (2022, November 23). Repetition and variation in historicizing online virality. Paper presented at Text reuse at Scale Workshop, Belval Campus, Luxembourg.
Pailler, F. (2022, June 09). You Shall Not Pass ! Enjeux méthodologiques relatifs à l'historicisation de la viralité en ligne. Paper presented at Journée d'étude "Travailler avec les Images", Paris, France.
Pailler, F. (2022, May 13). Masse des archives du web et circulation des contenus. Paper presented at Atelier du réseau RESPADON, Paris, France.
Pailler, F. (2022, May 12). Archives du web et circulation des contenus : le projet BUZZ-f (HIVI) et le Bnf-datalab. Paper presented at Séminaire des Correspondant·es HUMA-NUM, France.
Pailler, F., & Schafer, V. (2022, March 28). That escalated quickly: ‘the many challenges of historicising online virality’. Paper presented at Seminar Digital Humanities Research Hub, London, England.
Papastamkou, S. (2022, October 06). Formation et compétences pour les différents types d’acteurs : pratiques pédagogiques et didactique. Paper presented at Ateliers du projet Respadon, Paris, France.
Richter, D. (2022, June 16). "Making home" in the neighborhoods of Esch-sur-Alzette (LU) during the first half of the 20th century. Paper presented at 22. Internationale Migrationskonferenz, Dudelange, Luxembourg.
Richter, D. (2022, June 09). Micro-studies of Worker Streets in Esch at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Paper presented at From Boom to Bust: the History of Industrial Regions (1870-1970 and beyond), Esch-sur-Alzette, Belval, Luxembourg.
Schafer, V. (2022, November 23). Roundtable : (Digital) Cultural Heritage at risk. Lessons learned for future preservation strategies. Paper presented at Witnessing the Now, Luxembourg.
Schafer, V. (2022, October 06). A discussion on international interdisciplinary collaborations. Working at the European level. Paper presented at GDR Internet et société, Paris, France.
Schafer, V. (2022, September 13). Combiner lecture proche et distante: l’exemple de la viralité en ligne. Paper presented at DIFEM 2022 - DOCTORIALES INTERNATIONALES FRANCOPHONES EN ÉTUDES DES MÉDIAS, Paris, France.
Schafer, V. (2022, July 04). Panels at "Rethinking and Rebuilding Grand Narratives in the History of Computing". Paper presented at Conference Rethinking and Rebuilding: Grand Narratives in the History of Computing, Siegen, Germany.
Schafer, V. (2022, April 21). “Put it back”. Issues and challenges of historicising online virality. Paper presented at seminar series “Internet Histories”, Sweden.
Schafer, V. (2022, April 08). Historicising online virality. Paper presented at Workshop Europe and Media Virality, Luxembourg.
Schafer, V. (2022, March 31). Web Archiving of crisis. Paper presented at Archives of Crisis and Conspiracy: The Digital Future, London, UK.
Schafer, V. (2022, March 18). Closing Keynote: Networks, governance and design. A journey through some historical case studies. Paper presented at Workshop Governance by infrastructure, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Schafer, V. (2022, March 11). Historiciser la viralité en ligne : les défis des archives. Paper presented at Séminaire HN & Archives, Nancy, France.
Schafer, V. (2022, February 17). The Memes Challenges. Virality, Mediatic Dimensions and Heritagization . Paper presented at Seminar IMACTIS, Liège, Belgium.
Schafer, V., Joshgun, S., & Susan, A. (2022, May 11). Digging into web archives of the COVID crisis. Paper presented at Seminar of the University of California Web-Archiving group.
Schafer, V., & Pailler, F. (2022, June 22). Keep calm and stay focused. Historicising and intertwining scales and temporalities of online virality. Paper presented at Zoomland workshop, Esch Belval, Luxembourg.
Schafer, V., & Pailler, F. (2022, May 04). Keep calm and carry on. Historicizing online virality. Paper presented at C2DH Research seminar.
Venken, M. (2022, December 16). Presenter: Arrival Declaration Forms. A New Gateway for Mapping Migration to Luxembourg. Paper presented at Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, December 15). Chair: Remembering as Bordering. Paper presented at Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, December 15). Co-Organiser: Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe. Paper presented at Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, December 15). Introductory Words of Conference: Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe. Paper presented at Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, November 24). Moderator: Legal and Data Protection – Roundtable. Paper presented at Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, October 27). Presenter: Friends and/or Enemies? Conflicting Loyalties among Soldiers Fighting Both in the German Army and the Allied Forces. Paper presented at WARLUX International Conference. The Impact of War Experiences in Europe, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, July 14). Moderator: Discussion with Christoph Brüll on 'Ostbelgien als popkultureller Zwischenraum?'. Paper presented at Popkult60: 12. Workshop der Forschungsgruppe 'Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den Langen 1960er Jahren', Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, July 13). Presenter: Talking Borders, History and Digital Hermeneutics. Paper presented at Multimodal Digital Oral History: The Forward-View Seminar.
Venken, M. (2022, July 11). Presenter: Testimonies from the War. Paper presented at Workshop 'Oral History Meets European Integration Studies', Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, June 23). Presenter: Return Migration, Welfare, and the French-Luxembourg Borderlands after the First World War. Paper presented at International Conference ReMIGRA: Return Migration as an Interdisciplinary Research Area, Innsbruck, Austria.
Venken, M. (2022, June 16). Organiser: Workshop on the Subject of Social Space. Paper presented at 22. Internationale Migrationskonferenz: Multicultural Conviviality, Dudelange, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, June 11). Organiser of Book Discussion: Peripheries at the Centre Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe. Paper presented at PIASA’s 8th World Congress in Białystok, Białystok, Poland.
Venken, M. (2022, June 11). Presenter of Book: Peripheries at the Centre. Borderland Schooling in Interwar Europe. Paper presented at PIASA’s 8th World Congress in Białystok, Białystok, Poland.
Venken, M. (2022, June 02). Moderator: Digital History. Paper presented at DH Benelux, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, May 30). Presenter: A Critical Reflection on the Digital Visualisation of Migration to the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Paper presented at IMISCOE Meth@Mig. Digitization of Migration Research Methods: Promises and Pitfalls, Warsaw, Poland.
Venken, M. (2022, May 28). Moderator: Future Development of the Initiative. Paper presented at Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw, Poland.
Venken, M. (2022, May 27). Discussant: Facing Violence: When and Why to Document War Experiences? Paper presented at Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw, Poland.
Venken, M. (2022, May 27). Presenter: Comparative research on the impact of war on individuals in Luxembourg during WWII and today. Paper presented at Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw, Poland.
Venken, M. (2022, May 20). Moderator: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers. Paper presented at Dag van de Nieuwste Geschiedenis. Publieks- en lokale geschiedenis in België: stand van zaken, uitdagingen en perspectieven, Eupen.
Venken, M. (2022, May 20). Organiser: Bruggen bouwen tussen academische historici, heemkundigen en erfgoedwerkers. Paper presented at Dag van de Nieuwste Geschiedenis. Publieks- en lokale geschiedenis in België: stand van zaken, uitdagingen en perspectieven, Eupen.
Venken, M. (2022, March 24). Presenter: The future of the history of cross-border cooperation. Paper presented at Workshop: Archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022, March 16). Presenter: The War in Ukraine and History. Paper presented at CCSA Conscious Talk 8, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M. (2022). Organiser: Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Paper presented at Witnessing the Now. Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M., Brüll, C., & Bunout, E. (2022, March 24). Co-Organiser: Workshop on archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region. Paper presented at Workshop on archives for the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region, Belval, Luxembourg.
Venken, M., & Fickers, A. (2022, July 13). Einführung: Diskussion zum Spannungsfeld 'Transregionalität - Zwischenräume'. Paper presented at Popkult60: 12. Workshop der Forschungsgruppe 'Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den Langen 1960er Jahren', Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Venken, M., & Kelbecheva, E. (Other coll.). (2022, June 01). Discussant on Film: Occupation and Liberation. Paper presented at OpenScreen. Doc&Talk, Bettembourg, Luxembourg
Venken, M., & Sauer, A. (2022, June 16). Presenter: Visualizing the habitation practices of migrants in Dudelange (1924). Paper presented at 22. Internationale Migrationskonferenz: Multicultural Conviviality, Dudelange, Luxembourg.
D. Conferences given outside the academic context
Armaselu, F. (2022). Bridging NLP and LLOD: Humanities Approaches to Semantic Change. Paper presented at KBR Digital Heritage Seminar, Belgium.
Brüll, C. (2022). Die Großregion in zwei Nachkriegszeiten. Grenzgeschichtliche Perspektiven auf Kontinuitäten und Brüche. Paper presented at Conference series: Das Saarland. Vom Mandatsgebiet des Völkerbundes zur staatlichen Autonomie, Saarbrücken, Parliament of the Saarland, Germany.
Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2022). Wahldebatten in der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft. Politische Streitkultur 1945-2000. Paper presented at Ausstellung "Wahl-Los". Die Geschichte der Wahlen aus ostbelgischer Perspektive, Eupen, Belgium.
Camarda, S. (2022). Videogames as HiStorytelling: Exploring the Potential of Historical Ludonarratives. Paper presented at Playing with Ranke.2, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Camarda, S. (2022). A Quick and Dirty Guide to Digital Storytelling. Paper presented at - Trier, Germany.
Cauvin, T. (2022). Explorers Japan talk. Paper presented at -.
Cauvin, T. (2022). Keynote Lecture on "History in and beyond the classroom: Practicing public history as project-based learning". Paper presented at Keynote Lecture on "History in and beyond the classroom: Practicing public history as project-based learning".
Cauvin, T. (2022). Partecipazione "fisitale" : la scienza dei cittadini per colmare gli spazi digitali e fisici. Paper presented at 4ª conferenza nazionale AIPH, Venezia-Mestre, Italy.
Cauvin, T. (2022). Modèles participatifs pour interpréter le passé. Paper presented at Ecole d’été « Participation & Démocratie », Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Cauvin, T. (2022). Teaching Public History in UK Higher Education. Paper presented at First workshop 'Teaching Public History in UK Higher Education', Online, UK.
Cauvin, T. (2022). 3rd Corvus Applied History Workshop : Practices of Applied History: Questions, Answers, Discussions. Paper presented at 3rd Corvus Applied History Workshop, Leuven, The Netherlands.
Cauvin, T., Bijsterveld, A.-J., De Ridder, B., & Gundermann, C. (2022). Teaching Public and Applied History on Both Sides of the Atlantic. Paper presented at ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ON PUBLIC HISTORY, Virtual, Canada.
Dickes, R., & Ganschow, I. (2022). Russian invasion - a break in identity? Paper presented at RTL Today, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Fickers, A. (2022). Unflattening European History through Transmedia Storytelling. The Making Europe Digital Comic Series. Paper presented at VUB WeKONEKT Week, Brussels, Belgium.
Ganschow, I. (2022). Transcription, Indexing and Analysis in Oral History. Paper presented at Voices from the War – Path to Peace : Ukrainian and international insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Ganschow, I. (2022). Maxim Kantor: Kunst über Migration, Russland und Krieg. Paper presented at Europa Leistungskurs, Luxembourg.
Ganschow, I. (2022). Help for Ukrainian Refugees. Paper presented at Weekly Radio Show Luxembourg's in Russian, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Ganschow, I., Mein, G., & Harmsen, R. (2022). Dangerous Words and Dangerous Silences: Positioning Europe at the Edge of War. Paper presented at Dangerous Words and Dangerous Silences: Positioning Europe at the Edge of War, Belval, Luxembourg.
Harnoncourt, J. (2022). Befreiung der Frau – Geschichten eines weltweiten Kampfes. Paper presented at Bibliotheksgespräch, Eisenstadt.
Harnoncourt, J., Feyder, S., Goetzinger, G., Schwender, S., & Feinen, M. (2022). E22 - Table Ronde : Les femmes de l'industrie et leurs histoires. Paper presented at - Dudelange.
Janz, N. (2022). Transnationale Begegnungen in Soldatenbriefen - Beispiel WARLUX – Briefe von Luxemburgern in der deutschen Wehrmacht. Paper presented at ‘atelier du transnational Séminaire de recherche en histoire contemporaine, Paris, France.
Janz, N. (2022). CROWDSOURCED ARCHIVES - PRIVATE ARCHIVES AND PERSONAL COLLECTIONS. Paper presented at Digital Archives, Big Data and Memory, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Janz, N. (2022). Between fulfilling the legal mandate and clarifying the fate of dead soldiers of World War II - The efforts of a private association to exhume and identify German war dead. Paper presented at ACTIONS FOR THE MISSING - Scientific and vernacular Forms of war dead accounting, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Janz, N. (2022). The foreign soldier’s transnational experience in the Nazi military. A biographical study of conscripts and volunteers from Luxembourg in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS and their military and individual experiences in WWII. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Societiy of Military History, Fort Worth/Dallas, USA.
Janz, N. (2022). Burying the Dead from the Battle of the Bulge. Paper presented at WW2TV - Bringing you the World's best Military Historians, Authors and Experts - Battlefield Explanations, Presentations, Lectures, Discussions and Analysis.
Janz, N., & Vercruysse, S. M. (2022). The “Long” Arm of Military Justice: The arrest and resettlement of the families of military deserters. Paper presented at Military Justice in the Modern Era, 1850 – 1945, Berlin, Germany.
Janz, N., & Vercruysse, S. M. (2022). DIGITAL COLLECTION - DIGITAL COLLECTION of PROJECT WARLUX-Soldiers and their communities in WWII: The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg. Paper presented at Scientific committee of the Luxembourg Centre of Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), Bevlal, Luxembourg.
Jaschik, J. M., & Janz, N. (2022). Radio - Talk Die Denazifizierung der Ukraine? Paper presented at ZÄITHISTORIKER, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Krebs, S. (2022). Minett Stories: Geschichten aus dem industriellen Süden Luxemburgs. Paper presented at - Walferdange, Luxembourg.
Lemmer, C., & Ganschow, I. (2022). "De Putin huet mech maaslos enttäuscht". Paper presented at RTL Background, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Molitor, M., & Ganschow, I. (2022). Wéi erlieft d'russesch Communautéit zu Lëtzebuerg de Krich an der Ukrain? Paper presented at - Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Schafer, V. (2022). Les Influenceurs. Une plongée dans les pratiques et cultures numériques. Paper presented at Les Influenceurs. Une plongée dans les pratiques et cultures numériques, Esch.
Schafer, V. (2022). AWAC2 — Analysing Web Archives of the COVID Crisis through the IIPC Novel Coronavirus dataset. Paper presented at Library as Laboratory: Applications of Web Archive Research with the Archives Unleashed Cohort Program, USA.
Scuto, D. (2022). Laudatio fir den Jazzmuseker, Komponist an Historiker Luciano Pagliarini. Paper presented at Mérite culturel 2021, Differdange, Luxembourg.
Zakharchuk, K. (2022). Archiving and Oral History. Hands-On history: automated transcription. Paper presented at Witnessing the Now Challenges for Emergency Archiving and Oral History following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Second Workshop 23-25 November 2022, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Zakharchuk, K. (2022). How do researchers collect new sources? Interviewees in Oral History. The Voices of the War. Paper presented at Voices from the War – Path to Peace: Ukrainian and international insights, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
E-Prints/Working Papers
Cauvin, T. (2022). Internship and Public History Training (draft-1). Eprint/Working paper retrieved from https://ifph.hypotheses.org/files/2021/03/Internship_-Public-Draft-1.pdf.
Cauvin, T., Montt, M., Will, S., Vohra, S., Bur, C. (Other coll.), Gundermann, C. (Other coll.), Enrica (Other coll.), Venken, M. (Other coll.), Evans, T. (Other coll.), Feely (Other coll.), Atkinson-Phillips, A. (Other coll.), Wingo, R. S. (Other coll.), & Sweeny Deinhart, C. (Other coll.). (2022). Creating Public History Master Programs: International Guidelines. Eprint/Working paper retrieved from https://ifph.hypotheses.org/creating-public-history-master-programs-international-guidelines.