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ARMASELU, Florentina 

Transversal courses II (General Interdisciplinary Seminars and Practical Workshops) (6 ECTS), winter semester 2022-2023: Introduction to Computational Text Analysis and Text Interpretation (BCE) (28h)

Training Trading Zone, February 2022, training session: Introduction to Sentiment Analysis in R (beginner level) (1h15)

KBR Digital Heritage Series, UCLouvain, December 2022, invited lecture: Bridging NLP and LLOD: Humanities Approaches to Semantic Change (1h30)

BRÜLL, Christoph

Europäische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, BA course, University of Luxembourg

History of Cross-Border Cooperation, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Histoire de l'Allemagne, MA course, University of Liège

Introduction to contemporary history I (Basics in historical methods, concepts, fields), Internal C²DH training course

Introduction to contemporary history II (How do historians work in the 21st century), Internal C²DH training course

CAUVIN, Thomas 

Introduction to Public History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

History Seminar, Introduction to Public History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Co-organisation of the Public History Summer School (University of Wroclaw, Poland, June 2022)

CLAVERT, Frédéric 

Les résistances à l'Europe, Frédéric Clavert, 28 heures, Université du Luxembourg (MASTER)

Technologie, réseaux et organisation du continent européen, Frédéric Clavert, 28 heures, Université du Luxembourg (MASTER)

Histoire de l'Europe au XXe siècle, Frédéric Clavert, 28 heures, Université du Luxembourg (BACHELOR)


Courses in 2022

Histoire de la construction européenne, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Histoire économique et sociale de l'Europe après 1945 - concepts, processus, acteurs, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Transitions démocratique en Europe centrale et orientale: histoire, mémoir(s), défis, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Luxembourg et l’intégration européenne- 1945-2022, course at the Institut national d'Administration publiques, Luxembourg

The emergence of the EU common policies. Intervention to the European Governance course, MA course in Management and Public administration (Prof. Marius Profiroiu). Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Faculty of International Business and Economics. 

The origins of European idea.  Intervention to the online introductory session to the joint MA course in European History organised by the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the University of Göttingen (Germany), the University of Vigo (Spain) and University of Iasi (Romania) (11 May 2022).

Master Thesis Supervision in 2022

1). "Les femmes dans la diplomatie luxembourgeoise de l’après-guerre", student Anne Schmit (Master in European Contemporary History) (MAHEC); defence of the disserations on 10 June 2022

2).   "Le militantisme ouvrier dans le contexte de la crise sidérurgique en lorraine (1975-1979)", student Mélaine Athimon (Master en Études franco-allemandes – Communication et coopération transfrontalières) (MADFS). 

Jointly supervised with Prof. Reiner Marcowitz, University of Lorraine (France); defence of the disseration on 25.09.2022

3). "Évolution institutionnelle de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne sous l’impact de l’élargissement à l’Est – organisation, pratiques, jurisprudence"; student Ana-Maria-Karina Negrea (Master in European Contemporary History) (MAHEC); ongoing project.

PhD Thesis Supervision

1) "Le siège de la CECA gagné par l’adroit Grand-Duché de Luxembourg – un mythe politique?" (Working title), PhD candidate Alvin Sold (2021-2025)

DERIAN, Maxime 

Intervention dans une séance de "Working class heroes? How to write historical biographies", MA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance  de "Individual and Collective Reasoning Group (ICR)", séminaire du Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre (ILIAS- DCS- SnT), University of Luxembourg

DÜRING, Marten 

Lecture: "What have networks ever done for us?", Graduate seminar at Queen's University Belfast

Lecture: "Introduction to Historical Network Research", Graduate seminar at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos 

Lecture: "impresso project" at Introduction to Digital History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

DUVAL, Cécile 

Atelier d'écriture pour historiens, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Transitions démocratiques en Europe centrale et orientale - Histoire, mémoire(s) et défis, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course, University of Luxembourg

FREUND, Wolfgang 

Conférences de méthode sur « L’histoire du XXe et du XXIe siècle : Des dictatures et des démocraties », Institut d’Études Politiques – Sciences Po Paris, Collège universitaire à Nancy

„Techniken wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens am Beispiel der Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus“, Institut d’Études Politiques – Sciences Po Paris, Collège universitaire à Nancy


Intervention dans une séance de Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course (Benoît Majerus), University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Transitions démocratiques en Europe centrale et orientale - Histoire, mémoire(s) et défis, BA course (Elena Danescu), University of Luxembourg

HÖFER, Matthias Höfer

Mahec Tutorat: Winter Semester Year 1 - Co-teaching with Samuel dal Zilio and Lison Vercammen

Women, gender and ICTs, MA course, University of Luxembourg, 1 semester - Co-teaching with Valérie Schafer and Carmen Noguera


Mahec Tutorat: Summer Semester Year 1 and 2

Mahec Tutorat: Winter Semester Year 1 


Data Viz Superpowers training module

Participation in the Diplom+ Data Visualization Training (Université Populaire)  

Chercheurs à l'école

Trading Zone Trainings: Data collection and Data Visualization

JANZ, Nina 

“Biographies of Luxembourgish male and female conscripts in the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst – Research Seminar on studying personal experiences in Luxembourg during the Second World War”, BA course, University of Luxembourg

KLEIN, François 

Atelier d'écriture pour historiens, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Histoire de la construction européenne, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Introduction to Public History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Luxembourg et l’intégration européenne- 1945-2022, course at the Institut national d'Administration publiques, Luxembourg

KREBS, Stefan 

Working class heroes? How to write historical biographies, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Introduction to contemporary history I (Basics in historical methods, concepts, fields), Internal C²DH training course

Introduction to contemporary history II (How do historians work in the 21st century), Internal C²DH training course

LANDAU, Blandine 

Course "Etudes artistiques et médiatiques : la Modernité dans les Arts et les Médias du XIXe siècle à nos jours", BA course, Summer Semester 2021, University of Luxembourg

Summer Course “Artists, Commissioners, Market. Creating during the Middle Ages, a collective history”, July 26-30, 2021, Ecole du Louvre (Paris, France)

Lecture "Giving Shape to Otherness - Paintings by Jheronimus Bosch and the "negative self-definition" of the new social elites in 15th century Flanders", MA European History, seminar "Europe and its Others, 15th-18th centuries", University of Luxembourg


Schreibwerkstatt, MAHEC, Winter Semester Year 1

MAJERUS, Benoît 

Histoire de bulles, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Maladies mentales et sociétés (19e-20e siècles), MA course, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Pratiques historiennes et métiers de l'histoire, MA course, University of Luxembourg

MOUTON, Victoria 

Intervention dans une séance de Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course (Benoît Majerus), University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Transitions démocratiques en Europe centrale et orientale - Histoire, mémoire(s) et défis, BA course (Elena Danescu), University of Luxembourg


intervention dans une séance de FCM913K - "communication et affects" - DOC seminar (C. Alloing) UQAM, Montréal, CA

intervention dans une séance de "RESET! Reprogrammer les récits dominants sur les technologies..." - MA course (D. Gardey) Institut des Études Genre, Genève, CH

intervention dans une séance de MAHEC - MA course (V. Schafer), université du Luxembourg

SCHAFER, Valérie 

Women, gender and ICTs, MA course, University of Luxembourg, 1 semester 

Pratiques historiennes et métiers de l'histoire, MA course, University of Luxembourg, 1 semester 

Intervention dans une séance de Introduction to Digital History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Data Science for Humanities (cours C. Schommer), University of Luxembourg

DET du MAHEC (Master in European Contemporary History)

STEIL, Laura

The soundscape of modernity, Fall semester 2022, Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine, University of Luxembourg - co-teaching with Andreas Fickers


From the Architecture of Bureaucracy to the Ideological Shadow Zones of Technocracy (Special Topics in Architectural History), MA course (Jens van de Maele), University of Luxembourg


Public History, Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine, University of Luxembourg - co-teaching with Thomas Cauvin

Reading Images: Art History and Critical Visual Analysis, Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (BCE), University of Luxembourg - co-teaching with Blandine Landau

VENKEN, Machteld 

Contemporary Migration History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

East Meets West. Encounters and Convergences in (Post-) Cold War Europe, MA course, University of Luxembourg

History of Cross-Border Cooperation, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Contemporary Migration History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

VIOLA, Lorella 

Workshop `Topic modelling (theory) and getting started with Topic Modelling with MALLET', Trading Zone Initiative, University of Luxembourg

Workshop `Text analysis with AntConc', Trading Zone Initiative, University of Luxembourg

Winter School 'Skills in Digital Methods', University of Luxembourg

Module 'introduction to digital History', MA course, University of Luxembourg

ZAAGSMA, Gerben 

Musik und Zeitgeschichte, Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (BCE), University of Luxembourg.