DANESCU, Elena - Visiting Research Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence
Following the Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship in international relations awarded in 2020 by the European University Institute (Florence), Elena Danescu was, from April 3 to June 5, 2022, a visiting research fellow at the EUI. Her activities were mainly focused on the finalisation of the paper entitled The Luxembourg financial ecosystem and the European monetary innovation. Case study on KBL, LuxSE and EIB (1957-1990), which is to be published in theJournal of the History of Economic Thought (Cambridge); the development of the oral history project The role of women in European and international relations through the paper Mapping the role of women in Luxembourg post-war diplomacy through the lens of oral history (together with François Klein), which has been accepted to the Fifth Conference of the New Diplomatic Network (University of Turku, 25-27 May 2023), and the organisation of the research seminars Network diplomacy in shaping European economic and monetary integration in the 1970s, in cooperation with the Department of History and Civilisation - EUI, and respectively Small States Diplomacy in Action: Luxembourg in the European Integration History, in cooperation with the Alcide de Gasperi Research Centre and the Historical Archives of the European Union. She participated in the Working Groups: Oral History, led by Prof. Benno Gammerl, and "The Twentieth-Century International Economic Thinking" led by Prof. Glenda Sluga, and she gave the lecture Building a smart nation: challenges and issues during the Economic Colloquia, directed by Prof. Giovanni Farese (European University of Rome).
FICKERS Andreas - "Lorand Chair in Intermediality Studies“ at VUB in Brussels
From February to May 2002, Andreas Fickers has taken up the Lorand Chair Intermediality at the Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) at the Free University in Brussels (VUB), which is financed by the Lorand legacy. Together with the Brussels Comics Art Museum, CLIC organised the inaugural lecture of the VUB Lorand Chair Intermediality during the VUB/ULB We.KonektWeek entitled “Unflattening European History through Transmedia Storytelling: The Making Europe Digital Comics Series”. See: https://press.vub.ac.be/digital-comics-a-new-way-of-narrating-history# During his stay, Fickers worked on the "translation" of the 6vol. book series "The Making of Europe" into an interactive digital comic to be published at the Making of Europe website: https://www.makingeurope.eu/ The Making Europedigital comic is a collaboration between Shintaro Miyazaki (artwork), Lizzie Kaye (production manager), Jessica Burton (scriptwriting) and Helmuth Trischler (co-editor of the digital comic series with Andreas Fickers).
HARNONCOURT, Julia - Researchtrip to Pará and Aracaju
In November 2022 Julia Harnoncourt did a research trip to Pará and Aracaju. In Pará she traveld to different cities to do interviews about unfree labour in Amazonian agriculture and met up and interviewed as well members of the University of Belém. In Aracaju she visitet the conference of the CPTEC (Grupo de Pesquisa Trabalho Escravo Contemporâneo) and also did interviews. Articles, a booklet as well as presentations on the outcomes of thiss research stay will appear in 2023.
MAJERUS, Benoît - Visting Research Fellow at the University of California in Berkeley
From June to August 2022, Benoît Majerus was a visiting research fellow at the University of California in Berkeley. In the frame of his sabbatical, he mainly worked on a project entitled “The Luxembourgish Financial Centre in a Global Perspective”. Two papers were finalised and published: Benoît Majerus, « This is not a scandal in Luxembourg », Entreprises et histoire, 2020, no 101, p. 75‑87 and Benoît Majerus et Benjamin Zenner, « Too small to be of interest, too large to grasp? Histories of the Luxembourg financial centre », European Review of History, 2020, p. 548‑562. A third one, entitled “From local notables to global players: law companies in a tax haven (1960s to 2020s)” has been accepted for the 2023 Business History Conference Annual Meeting that will be held in Detroit, MI, United States, from March 16th to 18th, 2023. The stay was partially funded by a FNR Intermobility Grant..
VENKEN, Machteld - Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Lorraine, France
From May to June 2022, Machteld Venken was a visiting research fellow at the University of Lorraine in France. Within the framework of her research on the European Research Council Advanced Grant SOCIOBORD focusing on the history of social welfare in various European border regions, Machteld Venken conducted archival research on the social welfare benefits granted to veterans of the First World War in what we today call the Greater Region. The archival sources are currently being analysed and research findings will be published before the end of the project in August 2025.
ZAAGSMA, Gerben - Henrietta Hertz Fellow at the University of Potsdam
From September to November 2022, Gerben Zaagsma was a Henrietta Hertz Fellow at the University of Potsdam (together with two colleagues) in the field of Digital Jewish Heritage. He was one of the organizers of the Potsdam DH Jewish Hackathon 2022 (September 15-18), a collaborative event on challenges and research perspectives in Digital Jewish Heritage. One of the outcomes of his hackathon project on Weimar Jewish Berlin was a new project that focuses on a (partly digital) reconstruction of the history of Yiddish publishing, (self-)learning and education in Germany, especially Berlin, since the late 19th century. This project is thus concerned with Jewish histories of knowledge, especially its transnational migrant dimensions. A first output was a dataset of known historical Yiddish newspapers and periodicals published in Germany.