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PhD theses

3 PhDs completed in 2020

A history of cultural policy in Luxembourg and the case of the Musée national d'histoire et d'art, from the 1920s to the 1970s (provisional title)
Keywords: cultural policy, cultural history, cultural institutions, museums, nation-building, contemporary history, heritage
Commercial radio stations and their transnational radio culture in the 1960s. Transnational and transmedial approaches to the history of the radio stations Radio Luxembourg/RTL and Europe n°1
Keywords: Radio, Europe, Transnational, Soundscape, Popular culture, history
Shaping a digital memory platform on migration: a public history project on Italian and Portuguese migration memories
Keywords: Migration, Digital History, Public History, Oral History, Comparative History, Source Criticism

24 ongoing PhDs

Altered Images: A Comparative Study of Medical Portraits
Juliet Mary Roberts
Keywords: Medical Art History, disfigurement, visual culture
Anti-Heroes of Desamericanization? - The bandes dessinées of the Franco-Belgian School as actors in the popular cultural Europeanization of comic culture in the long 1960s
Keywords: Comics, Popular Culture, History, Publishing, International Agreements, Europe
Argumentation Mining in political debates
Keywords: Argumentation Mining, Computational Argumentation, Natural language processing pipeline, Political debates
Communication infrastructures in the context of maintenance and repair practices: the Luxembourg telephone system
Keywords: telephone, repair andmaintenance, Luxembourg, networks
Cultural and Educational Activities of the Jewish Population in Czechoslovakia and Luxembourg in (1945 -1990): Comparative study
Keywords: Jewish history, Oral history, Contemporary history of Europe, Cultural studies
Emotional Design for Digital Cultural Heritage
Keywords: human-computer interaction, user experience, cultural heritage, museums, user interfaces
Flows, mobility and networks of the foreign workforce in the cross-border steel basin of the Minette during the inter- war period
Keywords: Digital Humanities, Frontier, Nationality, Mobility, Immigration, Migration
From Analogue Past to Digital Future
Keywords: Architecture, Built Heritage, Digital Cultural Heritage, Virtual Reality, Medieval History, Architectural History, Museum Studies
Handel und Transport in Gallien, Germanien und Rätien
Keywords: Handel, Transport, Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Römisches Reich, Gallien, Germanien, Rätien, Antike
Historical Network Analysis
Keywords: Network Analysis, Machine Learning, Hermeneutics, Digital History, Computational Social Science
Intertwined destinies, strengthened ties: Migration paths from Luxembourg to Brazil (1920-1965)
Keywords: Migration Policies, Luxembourgish Emigrants to Brazil, Luxembourg-Brazil Relations, Steel Industry, Companhia Siderúrgica Belgo Mineira, ARBED
Laying the foundations of a modern city. Immigrant entrepeneurship and bourgeoisie in Esch-sur-Alzette. 1900-1940.
Modelling approaches to long term changes in human mobility.Case study of the Stone Age of European Forest Zone.
Keywords: Agent-based modelling, residential mobility, archaeology, ethnography, geography, mesolithic, stone age, hunter-gatherers
On the mediation of human rights: Promoting the right to education through images – Following UNESCO’s travel album and the implementation of ‘the right to education’: a counter-narrative.
Keywords: contemporary history, visual studies, photography, oral history, history of education, mediation, human rights
Reconstructing Streets of Esch: Micro-History of a Living and Lived Space
Keywords: Esch-sur-Alzette, Microhistory, Social History, Deep Mapping
Text mining a corpus of Australian Aboriginal autobiographies (working title)
Keywords: Natural language processing, text mining, digital humanities, topic modelling, word embeddings, vector space model
The Development of Urban Repair Networks: the City of Luxembourg and Esch-sur-Alzette
Keywords: Repair, Everyday Life, Public History, Oral History
The epistemology of historical representations in digital environments
Keywords: digital history, philosophy of the social sciences, epistemology, philosophy of mind, big data, visualizations
The history of free radio in the Meuse-Rhine Region (1975-1990)
Keywords: Popculture, history, media history, regional history, cultural history, transnational history, border history, popcultural exchange
The history of the computerization and digitalization of banking activities and services from a European perspective
Keywords: Digital History, Financial History, Economic History
The History of the Design and Use of Computing Devices. Studying its effects on occupational segregation, working conditions and gender stereotypes in advertising from the 1940s until the 1980s.
Keywords: Experimental Media Archaeology, User Studies, Museum Studies, Material History, Oral History, Computer Devices, Labor History, Gender Stereotypes
The history of the épuration in Luxembourg. Strategies of purge and denazification through the example of justice and police
Keywords: archives, collaboration, history of justice, nation-building, post-war era, social history, transnationalism, contemporary history of Luxembourg
Visualizing Visions: Re-viewing the seventeenth-century genre of 'constcamer' paintings
Keywords: Digital humanities, art history, datasets, museum collections, interactive visualizations
“The pleasure which one feels in recognizing an agreement with his own views in the mind of a distinguished man at a distance”. A transnational perspective on psychiatric knowledge dissemination across Europe (1840s-1925)
Keywords: Transnational history, History of psychiatry, History of medicine, Knowledge circulation, Digital history, Social Network Analysis, Visualisation, Text mining

3 PhD(s) launched in 2020

History of investment funds in Luxembourg (1929-1989)
Keywords: investment fund, UCITS, OPC, loi Holding, closed-end fund, open-end fund, mutual funds, European Union
Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange – Its Potential for Borders Studies and Beyond
Keywords: Citizen Science, Border Studies, History of Transformation, Eastern Europe, post-Soviet space
Looking for Luxembourg financial center : A urban inquiry 1945-2010
Keywords: Financial center, Advanced Business Services, Economic clusters, Urban history, Financialization