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A. Books

Written as unique author

Ganschow, Inna. (2020) 100 Jahre Russen in Luxemburg. Geschichte einer atomisierten Diaspora. Luxemburg: Lydie-Schmit-Stiftung.

Paravantis, S. (2020). Britain and the United States in Greece after World War II: Anglo-American Relations and the Origins of the Cold War (1st). London, UK: Bloomsbury.

Scuto, D., Lorang, A., Reuter, A., Buchler, G., Goedert, J., & Weber, C. (2020). Guide historique et architectural Esch-sur-Alzette. Esch-sur-Alzette/Mersch, Luxembourg: C2DH & capybarabooks.

Director and/or editor of collective works (including proceedings of scientific meetings, special issues of journals)

Camarda, S., Reinert, F., Sauer, A., & Scuto, D. (Eds.). (2020). Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France. Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

Venken, M., & Bo Frandsen, S. (Eds.). (2020). Special Issue: The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Border Making and its Consequences. European Review of History, 27(6).

Schafer, V., Brugger, N., Goggin, G., & Milligan, I. (Eds.). (2020, June). Internet histories early career researcher award. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, (3).

Schafer, V., & Fickers, A. (Eds.). (2020, March). The Internet and the EU Market from a historical perspective. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, (2).

Ankele, M., & Majerus, B. (Eds.). (2020). Material Cultures of Psychiatry. Bielefeld: transcript.

Brüll, C., Henrich-Franke, C., Hiepel, C., & Thiemeyer, G. (Eds.). (2020). Belgisch-deutsche Kontakträume in Rheinland und Westfalen, 1945-1995. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.

Fickers, A., & Balbi, G. (Eds.). (2020). History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Transnational Techno-Diplomacy from the Telegraph to the Internet. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Marx, C., Limpach, M., & Majerus, B. (Eds.). (2020). Surveillance, indépendance et intégrité. Luxembourg: CSSF.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Zwischentöne. 100 Jahre Ostbelgien (1920-2020). 8 Radioessays. Eupen, Belgium: Grenz-EchoVerlag.

B. Articles and Book Chapters

Articles in Journals with Committee

Andersen, E., Biryukov, M., Kalyakin, R., & Wieneke, L. (2020). How to read the 52.000 pages of the British Journal of Psychiatry? A collaborative approach to source exploration. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities.

Barats, C., Schafer, V., & Fickers, A. (2020). Fading Away... The challenge of sustainability in digital studies. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(3).

Boussaad, I., Obermaier, C. D., Hanss, Z., Bobbili, D. R., Bolognin, S., Glaab, E., Wołyńska, K., Weisschuh, N., De Conti, L., May, C., Giesert, F., Grossmann, D., Lambert, A., Kirchen, S., Biryukov, M., Burbulla, L. F., Massart, F., Bohler, J., Cruciani, G., Schmid, B., Kurz-Drexler, A., May, P., Duga, S., Klein, C., Schwamborn, J. C., Marcus, K., Woitalla, D., Vogt Weisenhorn, D. M., Wurst, W., Baralle, M., Krainc, D., Gasser, T., Wissinger, B., & Krüger, R. (2020). A patient-based model of RNA mis-splicing uncovers treatment targets in Parkinson's disease. Science translational medicine, 12(560).

Bronec, J. (2020). Kateřina Čapková – David Rechter, eds., Židé, nebo Němci? Německy mluvící Židé v poválečném Československu, Polsku a Německu [Jews or Germans? German-Speaking Jews in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Germany after World War II]. Judaica Bohemiae, LV(1).

Bronec, J. (2020). CVH Malach – Centrum vizuální historie Konference a workshop o novém přístupu a využití video databáze Fortunoff. Marginalia Historica, 10(1/2019), 164-167.

Brügger, N., Goggin, G., Milligan, I., & Schafer, V. (2020, June). Internet histories early career researcher award. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society.

Brüll, C., & Warland, G. (2020). Débats récents sur l'invasion allemande en Belgique en 1914. A propos d'Ulrich keller, Schuldfragen. Journal of Belgian History, L(1), 112-124.

Danescu, E. (2020, April 24). Taxing intangible assets: issues and challenges for a digital Europe. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society.

Fickers, A. (2020). Making Europe - Looking at the history of Europe in the long twentieth century through the lens of technology. Contemporanea: Rivista di Storia dell'800 e del '900, 23(1), 122-128.

Fickers, A. (2020). Update für die Hermeneutik. Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Weg zur digitalen Forensik? Zeithistorische Forschungen, 17(1), 157-168.

Fickers, A., & van der Heijden, T. (2020). Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering in a Digital History Lab. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 14(3).

Fritz, V. (2020). Activism on and off the bench: Pierre Pescatore and the law of integration. Common Market Law Review, 57(02), 475 - 502.

Krebs, S. (2020). Sammelbesprechung Sound History. NTM, 28(1), 107-112.

Majerus, B. (2020). This is not a scandal in Luxembourg. Entreprises et Histoire.

Majerus, B., & Zenner, B. (2020). Too small to be of interest, too large to grasp? Histories of the Luxembourg financial centre. European Review of History, 1-15.

Schafer, V. (2020, December). From Print to Digital, from Document to Data: Digitalisation at the Publications Office of the European Union. Open Information Science, (4), 204-217.

Schafer, V. (2020). Cybermenaces, enjeux et sécurité : entretien avec Stéphane Bortzmeyer et Mohsen Souissi (Afnic). Flux: Cahiers Scientifiques Internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, 2019/4, 59-68.

Schafer, V. (2020). Sous les pavés, l’archive ! Luttes sociales et archives du Web. Le Temps des Médias, 35, 121-138.

Schafer, V. (2020). Global technologies, glocal approach: a false paradox. Esboços: histórias em contextos globais, 27(45), 286-305.

Schafer, V. (2020, November). ARPANET, toute une histoire. 1024 : Bulletin de la Société Informatique de France, (30).

Schafer, V., Fickers, A., Howarth, D., Musiani, F., Winseck, D., & Pohle, J. (2020, April). “The internet and the European market” from a multidisciplinary perspective: a “round-doc” discussion. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, (2).

Schafer, V., & Thierry, B. (Ed.). (2020). Les réseaux en péril : destructions, subversions et sabotages (XIXe-XXIe siècles). Flux: Cahiers Scientifiques Internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, 2019/4(4).

Schafer, V., & Bahers, J.-B. (Ed.). (2020). Varia. Flux: Cahiers Scientifiques Internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, 121.

Tschacher, W. (2020). Das Hexereistereotyp als Verschwörungstheorie und das Problem der Epochengrenzen. Im Dialog.Beiträge aus der Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, 3, 39-58.

Venken, M. (2020). The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: Border Making and its Consequences. European Review of History, 26(6), 697-708.

Venken, M. (2020, September). Borderland Child Heterotopias. A Case Study on the Belgian-German Borderlands. Journal of Borderlands Studies.

Viola, L. (2020). On the diachrony of giusto? (right?) in Italian: A new discoursivization. Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 21(1), 83-109.

Viola, L., & Verheul, J. (2020). One hundred years of migration discourse in The Times: A discourse-historical word vector space approach to the construction of meaning. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3(64).

Articles in Journals without Committee

Brügger, N., Schafer, V., Geeraert, F., Isbergue, N., & Chambers, S. (2020). Exploring the 20-year evolution of a research community: web-archives as essential sources for historical research. Cahiers de la documentation, 2, 62-72.

Danescu, E. (2020, April 21). Viviane Reding on her action in the field of the information society and media (2004-2010). Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society.

Mrozek, B. (2020). Sinneskolumne. Sensorischer Roassismus. Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, 858, 57-66.

Sorlut, P.* , & Derian, M.* . (2020, March 27). Covid-19 : « And the world went digital… ». D'Lëtzebuerger Land.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Bronec, J. (2020). Czechoslovak Jewish emigrants in the clutches of Luxembourg pre-war migration bureaucracy. Malach Center for Visual History on its 10th Anniversary: Compendium of Papers of the Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2020 (1, pp. 65-69). Prague, Czech Republic: MatfyzPress.

Venken, M., Fellner, A., Dorfman, A., Laine, J., Meier, D., Trautmann, L., Tripathi, D., & Zeller, W. (2020). Border-Making and its Consequences: A Global Overview. Eurasia Border Review, 10(1), 59-69.

Viola, L., & Verheul, J. (2020). Machine Learning to Geographically Enrich Understudied Sources: A Conceptual Approach. In A., Rocha, L., Steels, & J., van den Herik, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ARTIDIGH (pp. 469-475). SCITEPRESS.

Book Chapters

Ankele, M., & Majerus, B. (2020). Material Cultures of Psychiatry. In M., Ankele & B., Majerus (Eds.), Material Cultures of Psychiatry (pp. 10--29). Bielefeld: transcript.

Brüll, C. (2020). Einleitung: Die belgische Militärpräsenz in Deutschland (1945-2005). Umrisse eines Forschungsfelds. In C., Brüll, C., Henrich-Franke, C., Hiepel, & G., Thiemeyer (Eds.), Belgisch-deutsche Kontakträume in Rheinland und Westfalen, 1945-1995 (pp. 9-26). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.

Camarda, S. (2020). « À nos braves » : les monuments aux légionnaires luxembourgeois entre conflit et réconciliation. In S., Camarda, A., Sauer, D., Scuto, & F., Reinert (Eds.), Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France. Silvana Editoriale.

Camarda, S. (2020). Edmond Célestin Grethen. In S., Camarda, A., Sauer, D., Scuto, & F., Reinert, Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France. Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

Clavert, F. (2020). Patrimoine, Public History et Humanités numériques. L’Encyclopédie pour une Histoire nouvelle de l’Europe et le fonds Colbert. In C., Meynard, T., Lebarbé, & S., Costa (Eds.), Patrimoine et Humanités numériques (pp. 103-114). Paris, France: Editions des archives contemporaines.

Danescu, E. (2020). Luxembourg Economy Facing Challenges: A Historical Overview. In C., Hartly (Ed.), Western Europe 2021 (23th edition, 2020, 896 pages). Abington, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Danescu, E. (2020). Le rapport Werner en suspens. Les débats autour de l'Union économique et monétaire en 1973. In A., Wilkens (Ed.), Une année particulière: 1973 et les tourments de l'Europe. Bruxelles, Belgium: PIE Peter Lang.

Danescu, E., da Silva, J., Backes, Y., Uher, C., Europe Direct Information Centre University of Luxembourg (EDIC), & Représentation de la Commission européenne au Luxembourg. (2020). De la déclaration du 9 mai 1950 vers l’Union européenne. In E., Danescu, J., da Silva, Europe Direct Information Centre de l'Université du Luxembourg, & Représentation de la Commission européenne au Luxembourg, De la déclaration du 9 mai 1950 vers l’Union européenne (1st edition (FR). ID-03-20-273-FR-C, pp. 50). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Office des publications de l'Union européenne.

Danescu, E., & Tedeschi, P. (2020). The Werner report and the financial crisis during the 1970s. In R., Leboutte & P., Tedeschi (Eds.), Euro changes: European Responses to Economics and Social Changes. From de 1970s to the new Millennium. Bruxelles: Peter Lang.

Fickers, A. (2020). Deutsch-französische soap opera an der Saar: die Anfänge des kommerziellen Rundfunks im Saarland (Tele-Saar und Europe no 1). In V., Ziegler (Ed.), Das Europe 1 Sendezentrum im Saarland / Berus Überherrn (pp. 108-139). Darmstadt: Werbund.

Fickers, A., & Badenoch, A. (2020). Europe Materializing? Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Geschichte der europäischen Infrastrukturen. In H., Wagner, Europäische Medienwissenschaft. Zur Programmatik eines Fachs (pp. 235-260). Bielefeld: Transcript.

Fickers, A., & Balbi, G. (2020). Introduction: The ITU as Actor, Arena, and Antenna of Techno-Diplomacy. In A., Fickers & G., Balbi (Ed.), History of the International Telecoommunication Union (ITU): Transnational Techno-Diplomacy from the Telegraph to the Internet (pp. 1-12). Berlin: De Gruyter.

Fickers, A., Weber, A.-K., & Mustata, D. (2020). The Rise of Television: Institutionalization and the Framing of National Audiences. In K., Arnold, P., Preschton, & S., Kinnebrock (Eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History (pp. 239-255). Hoboken: Wiley / Blackwell.

Ganschow, Inna (2020). Tambow in Wort und Schrift. Zur logotherapeutischen Funktion von Ego-Dokumenten und Lagerliteratur der Zwangsrekrutierten in sowjetischer Gefangenschaft. In: Fundstücke, das Jahrbuch des CNL (pp. 152-167). Luxemburg.

Krebs, S. (2020). Hören. In M., Heßler & K., Liggieri (Eds.), Technikanthropologie: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium (pp. 551-555). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Krebs, S. (2020). Zwischen neuem „Hör-Gefühl“ und „Psychoterror“: Die Debatte über die emotionale Wirkung der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie im Hörspiel der 1970er Jahre. In M., Heßler (Ed.), Technikemotionen (pp. 178-200). Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.

Lessing, Guido. (2020). Luxembourg: Make Europe Work Better in the Greater Regions in: Kaeding, Michael, et al. (Ed.) Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals (pp, 93-96). Springer. ISBN13 978-3-0304-1271-5.

Majerus, B. (2020). Ecrire l'histoire de la place financière d/au Luxembourg. In C., Marx, M., Limpach, & B., Majerus (Eds.), Surveillance, indépendance et intégrité (pp. 119--128). Luxembourg: CSSF.

Majerus, Jean-Marie, Lessing, Guido Lessing.(2020). Luxemburg in: Werner Weidenfeld, Wolfgang Wessels (Hrsg.) Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2020 (pp. 555 – 556). 1. Auflage 2020, ISBN print: 978-3-8487-6721-2, ISBN online: 978-3-7489-0843-2,

Mersch, S. (2020). Illyrer und Dakerrezeption in Albanien und Rumänien. Mythenbildung und faktische Probleme. In H.-C., Maner & I., Zelepos, Antike und Byzanz als historisches Erbe in Südosteuropa (19.-21. Jahrhundert). SOG.

Sauer, A. (2020). Le cadre familial et socio-professionnel des légionnaires luxembourgeois de la Première Guerre mondiale. In S., Camarda, F., Reinert, A., Sauer, & D., Scuto, Légionnaires: Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France (pp. 66-79). Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

Sauer, A. (2020). Henri Dieschbourg. In S., Camarda, F., Reinert, A., Sauer, & D., Scuto, Légionnaires: Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France (pp. 92-95). Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

Sauer, A. (2020). Les légionnaires luxembourgeois et leurs familles durant l'entre-deux-guerres. Une reconstruction difficile et un enjeu politique. In S., Camarda, F., Reinert, A., Sauer, & D., Scuto, Légionnaires: Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France (pp. 154-167). Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

Sauer, A. (2020). Michel Schmit : le parcours d'un Luxembourgeois engagé. In S., Camarda, F., Reinert, A., Sauer, & D., Scuto, Légionnaires: Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France (pp. 124-135). Milan, Italy: Silvana Editoriale.

Schafer, V. (2020). The ITU Facing the Emergence of the Internet, 1960s–Early 2000s. In A., Fickers & G., Balbi (Eds.), History of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (pp. 321-344). De Gruyter.

Viola, L. (2020). Make Italy great again. Trump’s echo and discursive manipulations in Salvini’s end of the year Facebook speech. In R., Breeze & C., Llamas, Metaphor in politics and populism. EUNSA.

Contributions to Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Janz, N. (2020). "Heldentod" - "Soldatenfriedhof" in Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs- und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur, Medienkultureller Teil. In N., Janz, Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs- und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur, Medienkultureller Teil: Von Absurdes Theater bis Zombie (Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur Kassel, pp. 82-85; 213-216). Kassel, Germany: Zentralinstitut für Sepulkralkultur Kassel.

Krebs, S., & Tschacher, W. (2020). Wallichs, Adolf. Neue Deutsche Biographie, Bd. 27 (pp. 339-340). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.

Book Reviews

Bronec, J. (2020). The Jew In Czech And Slovak Imagination, 1938-89: Antisemitism, The Holocaust, And Zionism. Marginalia Historica.

Brüll, C. (2020, February 24). Compte rendu de Henrich-Franke, Christian; Hiepel, Claudia; Thiemeyer, Guido; Türk, Henning, Grenzüberschreitende institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. H-Soz-u-Kult.

Brüll, C. (2020). Compte rendu de Lutz Raphael, Jenseits von Kohle und Stahl. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, (2), 248-251.

Brüll, C. (2020). Compte rendu de Thierry Grosbois (éd.), Les enrôlés de force en Union Soviétique (1941–1955). Actes du colloque du 7 mai 2015. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, (4), 500-502.

Camarda, S. (2020). Review of: Marco WEITEN and Tony VACCARO, Tony Vaccaro: Soldier with a Camera. Lions Club Luxembourg-Country 50e anniversaire: 1967–2017. Luxembourg: Lions Club Luxembourg-Country, 2017. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 72(3).

Janz, N. (2020). Rezension - Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarregionen / Concession à perpétuité? Culture funéraires au Luxembourg et dans les régions voisines, hg. v. Sonja Kmec, Robert L. Philippart, Antoinette Reuter, Luxembourg : Capybarabooks, 2019. Hémecht - Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte / Revue d'histoire luxembourgeoise, 3, 380-381.

Krebs, S. (2020). Review of: Rezension von: Tobias Held (2020). Face-to-Interface: Eine Kultur- und Technikgeschichte der Videotelefonie. Marburg: Büchner-Verlag. H-Soz-u-Kult.

Priem, K. (2020). Book review: Marguerite Figeac-Monthus (Hg.), Éducation et culture matérielle en France et en Europe du XVIe siècle à nos jours (Didactiques des lettres et des cultures, 5), Paris 2018. Francia-Recensio, 2, 1-4.

Schafer, V. (2020, January 14). Computers and Computing in Society. NTM.

C. Computer Developments

Textual, Factual or Bibliographical Databases

Fickers, A. (Ed.), Lafontaine, A. (Ed.), & Lanners, G. (Other coll.). (2020). 175 Joer POST. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH).


Viola, L., & De Bruin, J. (2020). Visualising changes in the construction of meaning with Word Vector Space: A Digital Humanities Approach.


Bronec, J. (2020). IWalk tours in Esch and Luxembourg city. USA: USC Shoah Foundation.

Danescu, E., Elisar, O., Guido, D., Beta, R., Wieneke, L., Klein, F., & Cooper, S. (Trans.). (2020). #WernerReport@50 internet portal & conference. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

Beck, P., Brüll, C., Fickers, A., & Sproten, V. (2020). Virtuelle Ausstellung: Zeitschichten. Erkundungen eines Zwischenraums. Ostbelgien 1920-2020.

Camarda, S., Santana, D., Scuto, D., & Zaagsma, G. (Eds.). (2020). Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary.

F. Learning Materials

Other learning materials

Schafer, V. (2020). Naissance et extension du réseau Internet. Labex EHNE.

G. Published Reports

Expert Reports

Danescu, E. (Other coll.). (2020). Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Report "Autocratization Surges - Resistance Grows" (2020) (Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Report "Autocratization Surges - Resistance Grows" (2020), 2020). Gothenburg, Sweden: V-Dem Institute, the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg.

Kies, R., & Hamdi, M. A. (2020). Media Pluralism Monitor 2020: Country report Luxembourg.

H. Documents for the General Public

Magazine or Newspaper Articles

Bronec, J. (2020, March 09). IWalk: Mapping Jewish Life with your Mobile – New ways of teaching Jewish history in Luxembourg. DHH blogpost.

Bronec, J. (2020, January 08). The MAXQDA and ethic commitments. DHH blogpost.

Danescu, E. (2020, December 05). L'Europe des droits fondamentaux. Luxemburger Wort.

Danescu, E. (2020, September 26). "Vouloir, connaître, agir". Luxemburger Wort.

Danescu, E. (2020, August 01). Une crise révélatrice. (Pandémie du Covid-19 : Quel rôle pour l’Union européenne ?). Luxemburger Wort.

Danescu, E. (2020, June 13). Aux origines de l’espace européen sans frontières. Luxemburger Wort.

Danescu, E. (2020, May 08). "Un texte qui a changé le monde". Luxemburger Wort.

Danescu, E. (2020, February 04). A steely backbone. Luxembourg Times by Luxemburger Wort.

Derian, M. (2020, April 10). Le malade global. De l’aile de la chauve-souris à l’aile d’avion. Esquisse d’une anthropologie du coronavirus. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

Fickers, A. (2020, April 14). Mehr Mut zum Experimentieren. Digitale Lehre - Interview mit Andreas Fickers. H-Soz-u-Kult.

Lafontaine, A. (2020, July 18). 175 Joer POST - Un exemple pratique des risques et des opportunités de l'histoire orale. Tageblatt, (165), p. 7.

Maas, J. (2020, November 22). La démocratisation de la constitution luxembourgeoise – 1918-1919. Tageblatt. Zeitung fir Lëtzebuerg.

Maas, J. (2020, May 07). En exil à Paris au temps de la Grande Guerre. Tageblatt. Zeitung fir Lëtzebuerg.

Maas, J. (2020, May 29). Monument majeur du patrimoine industriel d'Esch en péril. Tageblatt. Zeitung fir Lëtzebuerg.

Maas, J. (2020, February 29). Esch Terre Rouge. Tageblatt. Zeitung fir Lëtzebuerg.

Schafer, V. (2020). A la recherche du Web perdu. Patrimoine industriel, 73, p. 80-81.

Scuto, D. (2020, December 05). Le Luxembourg, bien plus qu'un espace intermédiaire. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2020, October 24). One. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2020, October 10). Voir Esch! Tageblatt, p. 6.

Scuto, D. (2020, September 26). 2 août 1980, 10.25 h. Tageblatt, p. 11.

Scuto, D. (2020, June 27). De l'invisibilité à la visibilité: Le secteur de la santé et les femmes. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2020, March 21). Une pandémie, cent ans plus tard. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2020, February 08). La promesse de Dupong. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2020, February 01). Une juste présence du passé? Tageblatt, p. 4-5.

Spirinelli, F. (2020, February). Vom nation building zum nation branding: eine kurze Geschichte der Kulturpolitik in Luxemburg seit der Nachkriegszeit. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (403), p. 53-56.


Brügger, N., Schafer, V., & Winters, J. (2020). Perspectives on web archive studies: Taking stock, new ideas, next steps. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University.

Hoffenberg, E., & Zaagsma, G. (2020). The Promise and Peril of Digital Research in Yiddish: An Interview with Gerben Zaagsma. United States: In Geveb.

Jaschik, J. M. (Other coll.). (2020). Discussant at Study Day. 'Displacement, Resettlement, Verification and Nationalization after the Second World War'.

Lafontaine, A. (2020). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Radio 100,7.

Schafer, V., & Els, B. (2020). Exploring special web archives collections related to COVID-19: The case of BnL. WARCnet papers. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University.

Schafer, V., Thièvre, J., & Banckemane, B. (2020). Exploring special web archives collections related to COVID-19: The case of INA. WARCnet Papers.

Schafer, V. (2020). Transcript Interview UniLux 01 (H2020 OPERAS-P).

Venken, M. (2020). Workshop: Towards a Spatial Grammar of Luxembourg and Beyond?

Zaagsma, G., Santer, G., Feldman, D., & Moyse, F. (2020). Roundtable - Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe.

Zaagsma, G., & Scuto, D. (2020). Denis Scuto an Dr. Gerben Zaagsma iwwer den FORUM Z Holocaust: History and Memory. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Radio 100,7.

Conferences and Unpublished Communications

A. Communications at Congresses and Symposia

Biryukov, M., Kalyakin, R., Andersen, E., & Wieneke, L. (2020, July). Topics, buckets, and psychiatry. On the collective creation of a corpus exploration tool. Paper presented at DH2020, Ottowa (online).

Brand, C., & Danescu, E. (2020, October 09). The Future of Money in the Digital Age. Paper presented at The Werner Report, 50 Years On_Series of Events, Online event via Webex, Luxembourg.

Bronec, J. (2020, November 06). IWalk in Luxembourg: Jewish public history in forgotten places. Paper presented at Memory Off-Site, Online (Prague), Czech Republic.

Brüll, C. (2020, June 30). When historians create their archives: the making of covidmemory project. Paper presented at Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?, Online.

Brüll, C. (2020, May 13). Flucht- und Wanderungsbewegungen in Ostbelgien 1944/45. Paper presented at Study Day: Displacement, resettlement, verification and nationalization after the Second World War, Belval (virtual study day), Luxembourg.

Brüll, C. (2020, February 05). Le relations belgo-luxembourgeoises: une mise en perspective historique. Paper presented at Les Belges et le Grand-Duché : histoire, actualité, perspectives, Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg.

Harnoncourt, J. (2020). The Veil, Colonial Discourses of Legitimation and the Algerian War of Independence. Paper presented at European Social Science History Conference 2020.

Jaschik, J. M. (2020, December). Conference Presentation.'Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange'. Evidence from a Citizen Science Project. Paper presented at VIII CONVEGNO SIAA. Fare (in) Tempo. Cosa dicono gli antropologi sulle società dell’incertezza, Parma, Italy.

Danescu, E. (2020, October 07). Epistemic communities in building EMU: Pierre Werner, Robert Triffin and Jean Monnet in European monetary cooperation. Paper presented at EMU in Uncertain Times: Learning from the Past to Navigate the Future, Belval (Maison des Arts et des Étudiants), Luxembourg.

Hoppenheit, T. (2020, September 17). Urban repair networks: the City of Luxembourg and Esch-Sur-Alzette. Paper presented at GTG Nachwuchstagung.

Mossop, R. (2020, September 17). FIXING THE TELEPHONE Communicating through the wired dispositives of a large technological system. Paper presented at GTG- Nachwuchstagung.

Schafer, V. (2020, November 04). Analysing transnational Events through Web archives. Paper presented at WARCnet meeting, Luxembourg.

van der Heijden, T. (2020, December 11). Understanding through Experimentation: An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early Twentieth-Century Home Movie Making. Paper presented at Private Blicke in Diktatur und Demokratie: Schmalfilme und Fotos im 20. Jahrhundert.

Van Weyenbergh, G., Bouillard, M., Wieneke, L., Schafer, V., & Paulin, A. (2020, June 12). Networked Governance, Enabling Multistakeholder Cooperation. Paper presented at DGO20. 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, Remote due to COVID.

Viola, L. (2020). Replication, evaluation and quantitative analysis in the DH era: Transparent digital practices and lessons learned from the development of the GeoNewsMiner. Paper presented at DHBenelux 2020 #GoesOnline, World Wide Web.

Viola, L., & Verheul, J. (2020). The GeoNewsMiner: An interactive spatial humanities tool to visualize geographical references in historical newspapers. Paper presented at DH2020, Online.

Zaagsma, G. (2020, November 24). The Helpers of Anne Frank - Recontextualising the Rescue of Dutch Jews. Paper presented at New Approaches to the Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust: History, Politics, Commemoration, Berlin, Germany.

B. Presentations at Universities or Research Centres

Bouillard, M., van Weyenbergh, G., Schafer, V., & Wieneke, L. (2020, September 08). Networked Governance and Multistakeholder Cooperation. Paper presented at OPERAS Workshop: Knowledge infrastructures and digital governance. History, challenges, practices.

Camarda, S. (2020, October 26). Strategies of Digital Storytelling: Éischte Weltkrich - Remembering the Great War in LuxembourgPaper presented at Mapping Digital Spaces: Urban History on the Web, Rome, Italy.

Danescu, E. (2020, January 29). “If we think small, we stay small” - Introduction to the interview with Viviane Reding. Paper presented at The Internet and the European Market from a historical perspective, Belval, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E. (2020, January 29). Taxing intangible assets in Europe. Paper presented at The Internet and the European Market from a historical perspective, Belval, Luxembourg.

Fritz, V. (2020, September 25). A Transnational Perspective on Luxembourg’s Judicial History through the Lens of the Trajectory of Jean-Jacques Willmar. Paper presented at Law in Transnational Spaces: Cross-border Biographies in Legal History in the 19th and 20th Century, Berlin, Germany.

Fritz, V. (2020, February 20). Using judge biographies together with the CJEU's archives. Paper presented at The Court of Justice in the Archives Project: First Findings and Next Steps, Florence, Italy.

Janz, N., Pauly, M. R., & Vercruysse, S. M. (2020, October 28). Warlux - Soldiers and their communities in WWII - The impact and legacy of war experiences in Luxembourg. Paper presented at Research Seminar, Belval, Luxembourg.

Schafer, V. (2020, October 23). Les héritages des débuts d’Internet et du WebPaper presented at Séminaire Histoire et pluralité des perspectives - technicalités, Canada.

Schafer, V. (2020, May 05). Contextualising and engaging with Web domainsPaper presented at WARCnet Kickoff meeting, remote conference.

Schafer, V. (2020, May 05). Studying Events: Feedback on a Pedagogical ExperimentPaper presented at WARCnet Kickoff Meeting, remote conference.

Schafer, V. (2020, November 18). From the history of Internet to Internet and Web histories. Paper presented at History Colloquium.

Schafer, V. (2020, February 07). Archivage et patrimoine nativement numérique. Paper presented at CYCLE DE CONFÉRENCES 2019 – 2020 « LES LIBERTÉS NUMÉRIQUES », Paris, France.

Schafer, V. (Other coll.). (2020, January 29). The Internet and the EU Market from a historical perspective. Paper presented at Conference The Internet and the EU Market, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

Schafer, V. (2020, January 27). De quoi l’histoire du Web fait-elle l’histoire ? Paper presented at séminaire du CIS, Paris, France.

Schafer, V. (2020, January 23). L'archive sera médiée ou ne sera pas. Paper presented at Defis de l'archive, Paris, France.

van der Heijden, T. (2020, December 18). Performing a historical re-enactment: the making of a 16mm home moviePaper presented at Performing Media Archaeological Experiments, Belval, Luxembourg.

van Herck, S. (2020, January 08). Punched Cards in Accounting at Helena Rubinstein. Paper presented at Work in Progress, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Venken, M. (2020, December 05). Co-Presenter: 'Talking Borders. From Local Expertise to Global Exchange'. Evidence from a Citizen Science ProjectPaper presented at VIII CONVEGNO SIAA. Fare (in) Tempo. Cosa dicono gli antropologi sulle società dell’incertezza, Parma, Italy.

Venken, M. (2020, February 28). Die räumliche Grammatik der Großregion. Ein historischer Zugang. Paper presented at Border Studies - Planungskulturen in Grenzräumen - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Venken, M. (2020, February 26). Introduction to the Hands-On-History Lecture. Paper presented at Lecture: Randy Widdis. The Spatial Grammar of Borderlands, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Zaagsma, G. (2020, February 13). The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation. Paper presented at Digital Past 2020 - New Technologies in Heritage, Interpretation & Outreach, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom.

Zaagsma, G. (2020, September 25). Keynote lecture: The Hybrid Historian - Historical Research in the Digital Age. Paper presented at Workshop: Historische Beneluxforschung und Digital History.

C. Posters

Welter, D., Vega Moreno, C. G., Biryukov, M., Groues, V., Ghosh, S., Schneider, R., & Satagopam, V. (2020, November 27). Supporting findability of COVID-19 research with large-scale text mining of scientific publications. Poster session presented at International FAIR Convergence Symposium.

D. Conferences given outside the academic context

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" Folge 8: Von Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskulturen. Paper presented at Sendereihe "100 Jahre Ostbelgien", Eupen, Belgium.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" Folge 7: "Die letzten Belgier". Paper presented at Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien", Eupen, Belgium.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio-feature „100 Jahre Ostbelgien“ Folge 6: Politische Streitkultur von 1970 bis 2000. Paper presented at Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien", Eupen, Belgium.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" Folge 5: Auf der Suche nach dem „wir“. Paper presented at Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien", Eupen, Belgium.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" Folge 4: "sorties de guerre". Paper presented at - Eupen, Belgium.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" Folge 3: Prodeutsch/Probelgisch? Geschichte jenseits von Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei. Paper presented at -.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien": Folge 2 "Das lange 19. Jahrhundert". Paper presented at -.

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien": Folge 1 "2x50 Jahre Geschichte Ostbelgiens". Paper presented at -.

Danescu, E. (Other coll.). (2020). Rechtsstaat unter Druck? Paper presented at EU-Talk (9): Rechtsstaat unter Druck?, Online event, Luxembourg-Belgium.

Danescu, E. (2020). Aux origines de l’Union économique et monétaires : comment l’euro a-t il été fabriqué ? Paper presented at Journée d'études "Let's talk about Europe"_ MANIFESTATION REPORTEE A UNE DATE ULTERIEURE EN RAISON DE LA PANDEMIE COVID-19, Lënster, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Afonso Ferreira, S., & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). Luxembourg, capitale permanente des institutions européennes. Paper presented at Le Palais de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne – images d’une identité en devenir (, Online event, Luxemourg.

Danescu, E., Backes, Y., Kyriakides, S., Lenert, P., & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). Vers une Europe de la santé: défis et opportunités. Paper presented at Un Plan européen contre le cancer_ MANIFESTATION REPORTÉE A UNE DATE ULTÉRIEURE EN RAISON DE LA PANDÉMIE COVID-19, Belval, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E. (Other coll.), & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). EU Blind Date avec Isabel Wiseler-Lima et Sébastien Varrette. Paper presented at - EU Blind Date avec Isabel Wiseler-Lima (députée européenne) et Sébastien Varrette (professeur à l’Université du Luxembourg), Belval, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Deschamps, É., & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). La signification historique de la Déclaration de Robert Schuman (9 mai 1950). Paper presented at La déclaration Schuman (9 mai 1950) - Un jalon fondateur pour l’Europe ?, Online event via Webex, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Esposito, M.-C., & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). BREXIT: état des lieux. Paper presented at Brexit - rétrospective et perspectives, Online event via Webex, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Goebbels, R., Kneip, M. (Other coll.), & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). The origins of the Schengen Area - historical scrutiny. Paper presented at The Schengen Area under pressure: origins, challenges, prospects, Online event via Webex, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Kmec, S., & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). On the significance of Luxembourg National Day. Paper presented at Grand Duchess Charlotte: a voice of her own?, Online event, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Leboutte, R., & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). On the origins of the European idea. Paper presented at "Pro Europa 1919 - 2019" - Lancement d'ouvrage de René Leboutte, Online event via Webex, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Rommes, J.-J., & Da Silva, J. (Other coll.). (2020). Régions transfrontalières en Europe: quelle est la place du Luxembourg? Paper presented at Présent et perspectives de la coopération transfrontalière – Considérations du Conseil Économique et Social, ELL, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Schmit, N., & Backes, Y. (2020). Reinforcing the social dimension of Europe. Paper presented at Citizen's Dialogue, Belval, Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Thygesen, N., Sapir, A., Santer, J., & Miedma, D. (2020). Crunch time for EMU. Paper presented at The Werner Report, 50 Years On_Series of Events, Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Fickers, A. (2020). Podcast "Communicating Europe". Paper presented at Making Europe podcast series.

Maufort, L., & Duval, C. (2020). „Covidmemory“ in Luxemburg (25.05.2020). Paper presented at - Belval, Luxembourg.

Scuto, D. (2020). Una mattina mi sono alzato... Noutstand Wunnen. Paper presented at Fräie Mikro, Luxembourg-City, Luxembourg.

Tschacher, W. (2020). "'Katholisches Milieu' und 'Stunde Null'? Brüche und Kontinuitäten im Aachen der Nachkriegszeit im Spiegel von Biographien. Paper presented at -.

van der Heijden, T., Wolf, C., & Piet, M. (2020). DEMA demonstration: Kinora Viewer Replica. Paper presented at - Belval, Luxembourg.

Zaagsma, G. (2020). Het Dagboek van Anne Frank en andere Joodse Egodocumenten. Paper presented at Bijscholingsserie Stichting Folkingestraat Synagoge, Groningen/ Online, Netherlands.

E-Prints/Working Papers

Brüll, C., & Fickers, A. (2020). "Study the historian before you study de facts." Expérience d'historiens en Communauté germanophone. Eprint/Working paper retrieved from