Livres, chapitres, articles, dissertations et thèses.

Publications scientifiques et d'outreach

Dissertations et thèses

Richelle, S. M. (2017). Hospice. Lieux et expériences de vieillesses. Bruxelles 1830-1914. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Jury: Majerus, B. (Promotor), Pauly, M., Deligne, C., von Bueltzingsloewen, I., & Charpy, M.

Doctoral Thesis

Lafontaine, A. (2017). Le Luxembourg aux origines de l’OTAN (1948-1953). Unpublished master thesis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Jury: Grosbois, T. (Promotor), & Scuto, D.

Bachelor’s/Master’s Dissertation

Van der Heijden, T. (2017). Hybrid Histories: Technologies of Memory and the Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies, 1895-2005. Maastricht University

Jury: Fickers, A. (Promotor), Maaier, M., Wachelder, J.

Doctoral Thesis

Articles parus dans des revues scientifiques à comité de lecture

Danescu, E. (2017, December). *L’héritage intellectuel d’un précurseur: Alexandre Lamfalussy. Journal of European Integration History = Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Europäischen Integration = Revue d’Histoire de l’Intégration Européenne.

Armaselu, F., & van den Heuvel, C. (2017). Metaphors in Digital Hermeneutics: Zooming through Literary, Didactic and Historical Representations of Imaginary and Existing Cities. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 11(3).

Scuto, D. (2017). Histoire mondiale du Luxembourg … et autres défis. Hemecht : Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte = Revue d’Histoire Luxembourgeoise, 3-4(69), 161-164.

Ganschow, I., & Eliseeva, M. (2017). Russians in Luxemburg: ГИБРИДНОСТЬ РЕЧИ КАК СЛЕДСТВИЕ ПОЛИЛИНГВАЛЬНОГО ВОСПИТАНИЯ РУССКИХ ДЕТЕЙ В ЛЮКСЕМБУРГЕ. Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета, 2017(5), 121-128.

Clavert, F. (2017). Échos du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale sur Twitter. Matériaux pour l’histoire de notre temps, (120), 18–25.

Dussel, I., & Priem, K. (2017). The Visual in Histories of Education: A Reappraisal. Paedagogica Historica, 53(6).

Herman, F., & Roberts, S. (2017). Adventures in Cultural Learning. Paedagogica Historica, 53(3).

Krebs, S. (2017). Memories of a Dying Industry: Sense and Identity in a British Paper Mill. The Senses and Society, 12(1), 35-52.

Majerus, B. (2017). Fragilités guerrières - Les fous parisiens dans la Grande Guerre. Evolution Psychiatrique, 609-618.

Majerus, B. (2017). Material Objects in Twentieth Century History of Psychiatry. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden = BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review, 132(1), 149-169.

Priem, K. (2017). Beyond the collapse of language? Photographs of children in postwar Europe as performances and relational objects. Paedagogica Historica, 53(6).

Priem, K., & Dussel, I. (2017). Special Issue: Images and Films as Objects to Think With: A Reappraisal of Visual Studies in Histories of Education. Paedagogica Historica, 53(6).

Tondeur, J., Herman, F., De Buck, M., & Triquet, K. (2017, July 16). Classroom biographies: Teaching and learning in evolving material landscapes (c. 1960-2015). European Journal of Education, 1-15.

Articles parus dans des revues scientifiques sans comité de lecture

Ganschow, I. (2017, September 07). WWII: “Alles Mögliche”. Der sowjetisch-luxemburgische Menschenaustausch nach Kriegsende. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg, (376), 60-65.

Scuto, D. (2017, March 04). Un débat parlementaire sur la réduction du temps de travail? Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2017, January 14). Retour sur un grand moment historique. Tageblatt, 6.

Hadzalic, I. (2017). Sick and Weak but Made of Steel: Luxembourgian open-air schools and other responses to the spread of tuberculosis at the beginning of the 20th century. Revista de História e Historiografia da Educação, 1(1), 44-64.


Mommer, M.-C., & Brüll, C. (2017). Im Reich der spitzen Töne. Willy Mommer jun. (1921-1972): Musiker, Spion, Kulturmanager. Eupen, Belgium: Grenz-Echo.

As author or co-author

Zaagsma, G. (2017). Jewish volunteers, the international brigades and the Spanish Civil War. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Academic.

As author or co-author

Fickers, A., Haude, R., Krebs, S., & Tschacher, W. (Eds.). (2017). Jeux sans Frontières? - Grenzgänge der Geschichtswissenschaft. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.

As editor or publication director

Clavert, F., Cavalié, E., Legendre, O., & Martin, D. (Eds.). (2017). Expérimenter les Humanités numériques. Montréal, Canada: Presses Universitaires de Montréal.

As editor or publication director

Consémius, M., Poos, F., & Priem, K. (Eds.). (2017). La Forge d’une société moderne. Photographie et communication d’entreprise à l’ère de l’industrialisation. ARBED 1911-1937. Forging a Modern Society. Photography and Corporate Communication in the Industrial Age. ARBED 1911-1937. Dudelange, Luxembourg: Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA).

As editor or publication director

Kolnberger, T., Majerus, B., & Ortner, C. M. (Eds.). (2017). Krieg in der industrialisierten Welt. Wien: Caesarpress.

As editor or publication director

Chapitres ou parties dans un ouvrage collectif

Danescu, E., & Kmec, S. (2017). Luxembourg Analysis. In C., Hartley (Ed.), WESTERN EUROPE 2018 (2018). Oxford, United Kingdom: Routledge.


Fickers, A. (2017). Generational Conflicts, the Spirit of ‘68 and Cultural Emancipation in the German Speaking Community of Belgium. A Historical Essay About the ‘73 Generation. In M. Venken (Ed.), Borderland Studies Meets Child Studies. A European Encounter (pp. 163-184). Frankfurt a.M, Germany: Peter Lang.


Fickers, A. (2017). Entre vérité et dire du vrai. Ein geschichtstheoretischer Grenzgang. In A., Fickers, Jeux sans frontières? Grenzgänge der Geschichtswissenschaft (pp. 29-40). Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript.


Fickers, A., Haude, R., Krebs, S., & Tschacher, W. (2017). Einleitung. In A., Fickers, R., Haude, S., Krebs, & W., Tschacher, Jeux sans Frontières? - Grenzgänge der Geschichtswissenschaft (pp. 11-26). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.


Krebs, S. (2017). ”Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie”: Eine technik- und medienarchäologische Ausgrabung. In A., Fickers, R., Haude, S., Krebs, & W., Tschacher (Eds.), Jeux sans Frontières? - Grenzgänge der Geschichtswissenschaft (pp. 57-69). Bielefeld, Germany: transcript.


Gloden, M. (2017). Die Umsiedlungen : Skizze einer nationalsozialistischen Unrechtsmaßnahme. In G., Büchler (Ed.), ”Generalstreik”. Streikbewegung in Luxemburg, August - September 1942 / “Grève générale”. Mouvements de grève au Luxembourg, août - septembre 1942 (pp. 112-121). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Op der Lay.


Krebs, S. (2017). Vom Ad-hoc-Reparateur zum Kfz-Meister: zur Entstehung des professionellen Kfz-Reparaturhandwerks in Deutschland. In LWL-Freilichtmuseum Hagen (Ed.), Läuft wieder! Zu Besuch in einer Kfz-Werkstatt der 1960er-Jahre (pp. 40-51). Hagen, Germany: LWL-Freilichtmuseum Hagen.


Loffeier, I., Majerus, B., & Moulaert, T. (2017). Introduction - Contested knowledge of ageing. Stepping out to frame the larger picture. In I., Loffeier, B., Majerus, & T., Moulaert (Eds.), Framing Age. Contested Knowledge in Science and Politics (pp. 1–16). London: Routledge.


Majerus, B. (2017). Prostitution in Brussels. In J.-M., Chaumont, M., Rodriguez Garcia, & P., Servais (Eds.), Trafficking Women 1924-1926 (pp. 33–37). Geneva: United Nations.


Majerus, B. (2017). The Straitjacket, the Bed, and the Pill: Material Culture and Madness. In G., Eghigian (Ed.), The Routlede History of Madness and Mental Health (pp. 263-276). London: Routledge.


Priem, K., & Herman, F. (2017). La “Fabrication” du Luxembourg moderne. Technologies visuelles et industries réformatrices come moteurs de transformation sociétale. Fabricating modern Luxembourg. Visual technologies and industries of reform as engines of societal transformation. In M., Consémius, F., Poos, & K., Priem, La Forge d’une société moderne. Photographie et communication d’entreprise à l’ère de l’industrialisation. ARBED 1911-1937. Forging a Modern Society. Photography and Corporate Communication in the Industrial Age. ARBED 1911-1937 (pp. 10-25). Dudelange, Luxembourg: Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA).


Scuto, D. (2017). Préface. In J., Ketter, L’immigration dans le football luxembourgeois. Influence du football de rue et du football en club sur l’inclusion et l’identification des immigrés. Fondation Robert Krieps/d’Lëtzebuerger Land.

Prefaces, post-faces, glossaries

Congrès scientifiques et symposiums

Priem, K. (1917, December 7–8). Lauenstein im Bild. Zur Materialität und sozialen Bedeutung von Photographie. Paper presented at the international conference “Die Ideen von 1917. Debatten auf der Burg Lauenstein über die Neuordnung Deutschlands nach dem Krieg”. National Archive of German Literature, Marbach, Germany, 7–8 December 1917.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Priem, K. (2017, November 17) Humanitarian Photography in Post War Europe. Invited keynote at the International Symposium on Histories in Education on “New Sources, New Methodologies, New Directions”. University of Alcalà (UAH), Spain, 17 November 2017.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Priem, K. and Herman, F. (2017, July 17). Photography as humanitarian action: David Seymour’s Children of Europe. Co-authored paper presented at the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17 July 2017.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Paravantis, S. (2017, November 28). Germany, Greece and Poland: The Complicated story of Reparations and European Integration. Paper presented at UC Berkeley, Institute of European Studies, lecture series, Berkeley, USA.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Paravantis, S. (2017, November 28). WWI and WWII Reparations and their Impact on European (Dis)Integration. Paper presented at University of California, Berkeley, Institute of European Studies (IES) Events, Berkeley, USA.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Zaagsma, G. (2017, November 28). Hybrid approaches to historical research: analysing the Anne Frank diaries with digital tools. Paper presented at dhnord2017: (De)constructing Digital History, Lille, France.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Paravantis, S. (2017, November 14). European Migrations Post WWII; Past, Present and Future? Paper presented at Continent Divided: Building Bridges, Finding Truth.”, UC Berkeley, 820 Barrows Hall, USA.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Zaagsma, G. (2017, November 09). Closing reflections: EHRI Workshop Engaging New Generations: The Holocaust and Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Age. Paper presented at Engaging New Generations: The Holocaust and Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Age, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Zaagsma, G. (2017, September 05). Opening remarks: From Tablet to Tablet – workshop Jewish Studies & Digital Humanities, Hamburg, 4-6 September 2017. Paper presented at From Tablet to Tablet: Workshop on Jewish Studies and Digital Humanities, Hamburg, Germany.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Paravantis, S. (2017, May 25). Reparations and European Integration. Paper presented at Video Lecture Series, Milan, Italy.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Paravantis, S. (2017, March 30). To Pay or Not to Pay’: A Historical and Legal Overview of the Question of WWII Reparations, and its Impact On European (dis?) Integration. Paper presented at BENELUX, Europe and the Cold War, the power of non-powers, Belval, MSH, Black Box, Luxembourg.

Scientific Presentations at Universities and Research Centres

Brüll, C. (2017, November 22). Konventionen und Tabus? Deutschlandbilder in Lüttich im langen 19. Jahrhundert. Paper presented at Konventionen und Tabubrüche. Theodor Storm als widerspenstiger Erfolgsautor des deutschen Realismus, Liège, Belgium.

By invitation, international target audience

Ganschow, I. (2017). WWII: СОВЕТСКИЕ ВОЕННОПЛЕННЫЕ И ВОСТОЧНЫЕ РАБОЧИЕ В ЛЮКСЕМБУРГЕ В 1942-1944 гг. In I., Ganschow, СОЦИАЛЬНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ ВТОРОЙ МИРОВОЙ ВОЙНЫ МАТЕРИАЛЫ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ 26-28 августа 2016 г (University Publishing, pp. 137-148). Tambov, Russia: Derzhavin University.

By invitation, international target audience

Camarda, S. (2017). Éischte Weltkrich: Remembering The Great War in Luxembourg - Digital Exhibition. In A., Bienert & R., Jazbec (Eds.), EVA Berlin 2017 Elekronische Medien & Kunst, Kultur und Historie (pp. 115-121). Berlin, Germany: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz.

without peer reviewing

van der Heijden, T., Andersen, E., Bronec, J., de Kramer, M., Durlacher, T., Fiscarelli, A. M., Haddadan, S., Kamlovskaya, E., Lotz, J., Mersch, S., Morse, C., Sikk, K., & van Herck, S. (2017, November 27). Presentation of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History – C²DH Doctoral Training Unit. Paper presented at DH Nord Conference: (De)constructing Digital History/(Dé)construire l’Histoire Numérique, Lille, France.

conference poster, international target audience

van der Heijden, T. (2017, November 24). Changing Platforms of Ritualized Memory Practices: The Cultural Dynamics of Home Movies (2012-2015): How a Research Program Led to the Organization of Several Mainstream Exhibitions and How Collaborations with other Institutions Contributed. Paper presented at INEDITS 27th Annual Meeting: Amateur Films/Memory of Europe, Strasbourg, France.

conference poster, international target audience

Armaselu, F., & Jones, C. (2017, August 10). From Usability Testing and Text Analysis to User Response Criticism. Paper presented at DH2017, Montreal, Canada.

conference poster, international target audience

Armaselu, F., & Danescu, E. (2017, July 05). The Quest for Questions in Digital History: A Comparative View on Werner- and Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union. Paper presented at The fourth DHBenelux Conference 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

conference poster, international target audience

Kemman, M. (2017). Interdisciplinary Ignorance. Paper presented at The Ends of the Humanities, Belval, Luxembourg.

conference poster, international target audience

Kemman, M. (2017). Unpacking Collaboration in Digital History Projects. Paper presented at DH2017, Montreal, Canada.

conference poster, international target audience

Kemman, M., Hill, M., Nulty, J., De Bolla, P., Huijnen, P., Kenter, T., & Guido, D. (2017). Reflections on reading history from a distance. Paper presented at Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD) 2017 Conference, Rome, Italy.

conference poster, international target audience

Brüll, C. (2017, December 06). L’histoire de la collaboration peut-elle être écrite sur base des archives de la répression? Réflexions sur l’approche critique des documents judiciaires. Paper presented at La force probatoire de l’usage du document en Histoire, Liège, Belgium.

conference poster, national target audience

van der Heijden, T. (2017, June 30). Historicizing the Home Movie Dispositif: Reflections from the Longue Durée. Paper presented at NECS Conference: Sensibilities & the Senses: Media, Bodies, Practices, Paris, France.

conference poster, national target audience

van der Heijden, T. (2017, June 28). Staging the Amateur Film Dispositif: A Media Archaeological Experiment. Paper presented at Pre-conference workshop “Experimental Media Archaeology”, Paris, France.

conference poster, national target audience

Kemman, M. (2017). Digital History Projects As Boundary Objects. Paper presented at DHBenelux 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

conference poster, national target audience

Discours et autres publications

Krebs, S. (2017). Review: Fondation Bassin Minier (Hg.) (2015). Mutations: Mémoires et Perspectives du Bassin Minier. Esch/Alzette: C.A. Press. Hemecht : Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte = Revue d’Histoire Luxembourgeoise, 69(3/4), 472-474.

book review

Scuto, D. (2017). New Luxembourg Nationality Law came into force on 1 April. European Union Democracy Observatory on Citizenship.


Scuto, D. (2017, December 23). Damnatio memoriae. Tageblatt, p. 5.

Scuto, D. (2017, December 09). Des hommes ordinaires. Tageblatt, p. 8.

Ganschow, I. (2017, December 02). WWII: Die Suche nach dem alten Freund. Tageblatt, p. 6.

Scuto, D. (2017, November 18). Time to remix. Tageblatt.

Ganschow, I. (2017, November). Local History: Luxembourg, Schaifmillen. SCHLEIFMÜHLE – GESCHICHTE EINES IMPERIUMS. ”Wortex”, Luxembourger Wort, p. 20-23.

Ganschow, I., & Braun, F. (2017, October 31). WWII, Interview: “L’amour de la vie l’emporte toujours”. Le Quotidien, p. 2-3.

Scuto, D. (2017, October 28). De la révolution à la fin des utopies. Tageblatt.

Danescu, E. (2017, October 12). Une vision d’avenir pour l’Europe. Pertinence et modernité des préconisations contenues dans le rapport Werner d’octobre 1970. Luxemburger Wort.

Ganschow, I., & Caregari, L. (2017, October 10). WWII, Interview: Ungefährliche Archive. Woxx, p. 8-9.

Scuto, D. (2017, October 07). Luxembourg, pays du vélo? Tageblatt.

Ganschow, I. (2017, October). Local History: Differdange, De klenge Casino. DAS KLEINE CASINO IN DIFFERDINGEN: SALVE! ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort, p. 22-25.

Scuto, D. (2017, September 16). ”Blut wäscht sich nicht wieder aus”. Tageblatt, p. 8.

Brüll, C. (2017). Pourquoi la Belgique ignore-t-elle son voisin allemand? Regards. Publication du Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif David Susskind, 869.

Ganschow, I. (2017, September). Local History: Beggen, Castle. EIN SCHLOSS, DAS KEINES IST. ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort, p. 22-24.

Scuto, D. (2017, July 08). Tours de France. Tageblatt.

Ganschow, I. (2017, July). Local History: Luxembourg City, Belair. DIE VILLA, IN DER TITAN ENTSTAND. ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort, p. 20-23.

Danescu, E. (2017, June 24). L’Histoire d’un pays dans le potrait d’un Homme. Luxemburger Wort.

Scuto, D. (2017, June 24). Une grève sous la menace des baïonnettes allemandes. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2017, June 03). Le bibliothécaire du Grand-Duc, entre farce et tragédie. Tageblatt.

Ganschow, I. (2017, June). Local History: Ettelbrück, Villa Huberty. VON BRUCHPILOTEN, ÄRZTEN UND EINER VERFOLGUNGSJAGD. ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort, p. 18-21.

Scuto, D. (2017, May 13). 1867, Napoléon III, Bismarck et un record. Tageblatt, p. 6-7.

Ganschow, I. (2017, May 04). Russians in Luxembourg, WWII: „Lachen hat ja keinen Akzent“. Luxemburger Wort, p. 20.

Ganschow, I. (2017, May). Local History: Rosport, Castle. DIE LUXEMBURGER TUDORS. ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort, p. 20-23.

Scuto, D. (2017, April 29). Récit national et négation de l’histoire. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2017, April 08). Nos jardins sont de terre rouge. Tageblatt.

Ganschow, I. (2017, April). Local History: Luxemburg City, Rosenstiel. CENTRE ROSENSTIEL: DAS PARADIES DER DAMEN. ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort, p. 18-21.

Scuto, D. (2017, March 25). 60 bougies pour un projet impérial original. Tageblatt.

Ganschow, I. (2017, March 09). Local History: “Frauen: Denk mal”. Luxemburger Wort, (Warte), p. 40-43.

Scuto, D. (2017, February 11). Un spectacle son et lumières pour Paul Eyschen? Tageblatt.

Danescu, E. (2017, February 02). Regards sur la construction européenne. Luxemburger Wort.

Ganschow, I. (2017, February). Local History: Munsbach, Castle. ROMANTISCHE KAMINKACHELN, LIKÖRE UND GAULEITER. ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort, p. 16-19.

Ganschow, I. (2017, February). Local History: Useldange, Castle. DIE DOLLARMATTI VON USELDINGEN. ”Wortex”, Luxemburger Wort.

Scuto, D. (2017, January 28). Mémoire, contre-mémoire et travail de mémoire. Tageblatt.

Scuto, D. (2017). ”Die Zeit , in der wir leben” (1972). Un plaidoyer avant-gardiste de Marcel Engel pour un Institut d’histoire du temps présent. Les Cahiers luxembourgeois, 1(2017), p. 97-107.

Molitor, M., & Ganschow, I. (2017). WWII, Russians in Luxembourg: Sowjetesch Zwangsaarbechter zu Lëtzebuerg. Paper presented at Radio feature, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.


Schmit, L., & Paravantis, S. (Other coll.). (2017). Auf in die Moderne.


Molitor, M., & Ganschow, I. (2017). WWII, Russians in Luxembourg: Sowjetesch Zwangsaarbechter zu Lëtzebuerg. Paper presented at Radio feature, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Schmit, L., & Paravantis, S. (Other coll.). (2017). Auf in die Moderne. Paper presented at -.

Krebs, S. (2017). Hörspiel: Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie. Luxembourg: radio 100,7.


Danescu, E., & Klein, F. (2017). Audiovisual work - Biographical documentary “PIERRE WERNER AND EUROPE” (lenght 00:24:26). Collection “Oral History of European Integration”. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Klein, F., & Lulling, A. (2017). Audiovisual work - Part 1_Interview with Astrid Lulling, Sanem, 24 November 2015 (length: 04:49:09). In F., Klein (Crit. Ed.), Collection “Oral History of European Integration”. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Klein, F., & Lulling, A. (2017). Audiovisual work - Part 2_Interview with Astrid Lulling, Sanem, 16 January 2016 (length: 04:49:09). In F., Klein (Crit. Ed.), Collection “Oral History of European Integration”. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Klein, F., & Maystadt, P. (2017). Audiovisual work- Interview with Philippe Maystadt, Nivelles 11 November 2016 (Lenght 01:57:16). In F., Klein (Crit. Ed.), Collection “Oral History of European Integration”. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Klein, F., & Saccomanni, F. (2017). Audiovisual work- Interview with Fabrizio Saccomanni, Rome 19 April 2016 (Lenght 02:59:58). In F., Klein (Crit. Ed.), Collection “Oral History of European Integration”. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Univeristy of Luxembourg.

Danescu, E., Klein, F., & Thygesen, N. (2017). Audiovisual work- Interview with Niels Thygesen, Copenhagen 9 April 2016 (Lenght 02:35:03). In F., Klein (Crit. Ed.), Collection “Oral History of European Integration”. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

E-prints et documents de travail

Paravantis, S. (2017). Benelux, Europe and the Cold War, the power of non-powers. Eprint/Working paper retrieved from Benelux, Europe and the Cold War, the power of non-powers.

Paravantis, S. (2017). C’était extrêmement violent» Il y a 100 ans, la révolution de Février a provoqué la fin de l’Empire russe. Eprint/Working paper retrieved from

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