Les Rendez-vous de l'histoire à Blois

4 October 2018

Les Rendez-vous de l'histoire à Blois

Le C²DH sera présent à la 21e édition des Rendez-vous de l'histoire qui se déroulera à Blois du 10 au 14 octobre 2018 et aura pour thème: «la puissance des images».

4 October 2018

written by :
Anita Lucchesi

DH Master Class

Forum Z
La précarité à l’ordre du jour

3 October 2018

written by :
Noëlle Schon

La précarité à l’ordre du jour

Organisée par le C²DH en collaboration avec la Radio 100,7, l’OGBL et l’« Uelzechtkanal » cette nouvelle édition du Forum Z qui a eu lieu le 2 octobre 2018 à la « Maison du Peuple » à Esch-sur-Alzette, s’est penchée sur la question des inégalités sociales au Luxembourg.

28 September 2018

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Digitale Hermeneutik & Geschichtswissenschaft: eine kritische Standortbestimmung

Hands on History logo

20 September 2018

Secousse festival: a laboratory for public history

Lecture by Daphné Budasz, Romain Duplan and Iris Pupella (La Boîte à Histoire)
Hands on History logo

11 September 2018

Aus den Akten auf die Bühne

Lecture by Eva Schöck-Quinteros, Universität Bremen

1 September 2018

written by :
Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto

L’histoire des migrations revisitée


23 August 2018

written by :
Cécile Duval

Photography, a potent yet complex medium for Public History


21 August 2018

written by :
Anita Lucchesi

\#memorecord: Um experimento de história pública digital

Forum Z
Social inequalities in Luxembourg?

17 August 2018

written by :
Juliane Tatarinov

Social inequalities in Luxembourg?

This Forum Z looks at the concept of social inequality and how social status affects the realities of life in Luxembourg. Alongside a panel of experts, social education and pedagogy students will develop unorthodox suggestions to tackle these issues and encourage thinking outside the box.
Au bord de la falaise

25 July 2018

written by :
Jakub Bronec

École d’Été Éditions Numériques / Humanités Numériques 2018 – Grenoble

Du 28 mai au 5 juillet 2018, j'ai eu le plaisir de participer à l'école d'été de l'histoire numérique à Grenoble (France). L’université Grenoble-Alpes en collaboration avec la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme -Alpes et l'UMR Litt&Arts a organisé la seconde édition de l'École D’été Édition Numérique et Humanités Numériques (EDEEN).
Climbing out of the ivory tower, jumping into society: some thoughts on public history

12 July 2018

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Climbing out of the ivory tower, jumping into society: some thoughts on public history

From 2 to 5 July 2018, I had the pleasure to participate in the Public History Summer School in Wroclaw (Poland). Not only was it an enriching experience for me, but it also pushed me to think more about the role of public history, its challenges and its opportunities.

29 June 2018

written by :
Marco Gabellini

Workshop and hands on session: Luxembourg and the European Institutions - where all began


27 June 2018

written by :
Anita Lucchesi

#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History


26 June 2018

written by :
Anita Lucchesi, Gerben Zaagsma

Online Storytelling & Webdesign

2017 Annual report

25 June 2018

written by :
Isabelle Voegeli

2017 Annual report

After one exciting year of existence, the C²DH publishes its first annual report - in a fully digital format.
La squadra azzurra, patrimoine de l'identité italienne

11 June 2018

La squadra azzurra, patrimoine de l'identité italienne

Conférence en présence de Denis Scuto, animée par Sébastien Louis et organisée dans le cadre du cycle de conférences consacré au football et à l'immigration.
A museum at your fingertips? Some thoughts on 3D tours of museums

7 June 2018

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

A museum at your fingertips? Some thoughts on 3D tours of museums

More and more cultural institutions create virtual tours that allow visitors to explore the collections at home instead of actually visiting the institutions. In this blog post, I would like to provide some reflections on virtual tours, their usefulness and their limits.

1 June 2018

written by :
Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton

Decoding Europe: On the Traces of the Past 

The Historical Art of Projection

29 May 2018

written by :
Eva Andersen, Sytze Van Herck

The Historical Art of Projection

In the Hands-On History seminar on the 24th of May by Dr. Ludwig M. Vogl-Bienek and Karin Bienek from the University of Trier we were introduced to the history of the magic lantern. After a brief overview during the lecture, we got to experience a live performance of the magic lantern in our Digital History lab. We were also encouraged to experiment with some smaller but original magic lanterns.
