
1 January 2018

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Review: Marc Birchen (2015). Die Firmenbeteiligungen der ARBED im Osteuropa der Nachkriegszeit: Luxemburger Wirtschaftsdiplomatie im Kalten Krieg. Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang


1 January 2018

written by :
Karin Priem

'Rationale Trennung' or 'Marriage d'Amour'? History and Philosophy of Educational Research


1 January 2018

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology. Epistemological and Methodological Reflections on Experiments with Historical Objects of Media Technologies


1 January 2018

written by :
Maxime Derian

Le transhumanisme : incarnation de l'hypermodernisme… ou fuite en avant fantasmatique ?


1 January 2018

written by :
Stefan Krebs

German Automobilists as Repair Experts: Community, Identity and Appropriation of Technology


1 January 2018

written by :
Richard Legay

RTL & Europe n°1 as central actors. The Importance of Mobility for Commercial Radio Stations during the Parisian Events of Mai 68


1 January 2018

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Materializing Memories. Dispositifs, Generations, Amateurs


1 January 2018

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Kulturen des Reparierens: Dinge - Wissen - Praktiken


18 December 2017

written by :
Marco Gabellini

Le, une infrastructure numérique

A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

15 December 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

The European Culture Forum 2017 took place in Milan from 7 to 8 December. It was also the official kick-off event of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. In the following blogpost, I would like to summarize and discuss the debates related to culture and cultural heritage that took place during the event and add some personal reflections.

1 December 2017

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Generational Conflicts, the Spirit of ‘68 and Cultural Emancipation in the German Speaking Community of Belgium. A Historical Essay About the ‘73 Generation

Podcasts «Pierre Werner: un homme dans son siècle»

30 November 2017

written by :
François Klein, Elena Danescu, Guido Lessing

Podcasts «Pierre Werner: un homme dans son siècle»

Le C²DH, en collaboration avec la Radio 100,7, produit une série de podcasts consacrée à la vie et à l’œuvre politique de Pierre Werner.

30 November 2017

written by :
Ira Plein

Maschinen, Massen und Metaphern. Visuelle Konstruktionen von Industriearbeit(ern) im Luxemburg der Zwischenkriegszeit.


29 November 2017

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Table ronde conclusive | Conclusive Round Table


23 November 2017

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Hybrid Histories: Versuch einer kritischen Standortbestimmung der Mediengeschichte


22 November 2017

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Entre vérité et dire du vrai. Ein geschichtstheoretischer Grenzgang

Le laboratoire psychotechnique de l’Institut Emile Metz

21 November 2017

written by :
Karin Priem

Espace sans échelle

Réalisé dans le cadre de l’exposition « La Forge d’une société moderne. Photographie et communication d’entreprise à l’ère de l’industrialisation ARDEB 1911-1937 », le DKollektiv a développé, en collaboration avec des élèves du Lycée Technique Privé Emile Metz, le projet Espace sans échelle, autour des plaques de verre conservées dans l'ancien Institut, qui retracent les heures de gloires de l’industrie sidérurgique du Luxembourg.
Museums as places of shared authority and public debate

20 November 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Museums as places of shared authority and public debate

Debates on the role of museums and their place in society are not new. Though museums have become more visitor-oriented over the past decades, a lot of potential remains unused. In this blogpost, I would like to discuss how museums can be places of "shared authority" and public debate.
Machines, Masses, and Metaphors

2 November 2017

Machines, Masses, and Metaphors: The Visual Making of Industrial Work(ers) in Interwar Luxembourg

Presentation by Ira Plein, PhD candidate at the C²DH and member of the research team FAMOSO.

1 November 2017

written by :
Andreas Fickers, Stefan Krebs

Jeux sans Frontières? - Grenzgänge der Geschichtswissenschaft
