As we celebrate the centenary of the Armistice that ended the First World War, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), in partnership with the Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines (Documentation Centre for Human Migrations, CDMH), the Centre national de l’audiovisuel (National Audiovisual Centre, CNA), the Regional Cultural Centre Dudelange “Opderschmelz” and the Radio 100,7, are pleased to present the latest Forum Z on “Lost Memories of WW1”.
The conference will explore the mechanisms that govern how we remember and how we forget, the continuous selective cognitive process by which we develop narratives about the past that make sense of our values and beliefs.
After a history slam with brief presentations covering a range of subjects linked to lost memories from the First World War, the audience will be invited to join the authors at discussion tables to delve more deeply into the topics presented.
During the event, PhD student Anita Lucchesi will collect war memories for her crowdsourced project Memorecord, which explores memories of migration in Luxembourg. Memorecord is a digital public history project designed to offer a new perspective on the history of migration in Luxembourg by opening up academic research to participatory methods.
Following the conclusions of the discussions, a drinks reception will be held for participants.
The afternoon will be brought to a close with a show by the magic lantern ensemble Illuminago entitled “In Treue Fest! Stricken und Sterben im Ersten Weltkrieg” in the Petit Auditoire at Opderschmelz. Karin Bienek of Illuminago, together with actress Cornelia Niemann (Frankfurt), will present slides from 1914-1918 using a historical image projector. This fascinating theatre performance will introduce the audience to a medium that has been largely forgotten: the magic lantern (or lanterna magica) and its role in war reporting and propaganda.
Sunday, 11 November 2018
11, rue du Centenaire
L-3475 Dudelange
CNA - Studio
16.00 |
History slam with brief presentations
Antoinette Reuter (CDMH) - “La 1e Guerre mondiale a-t-elle mis les femmes au travail ?” Denis Scuto (C²DH) - Joseph Fox, Joseph Klomann, Gustave Verdun : Mémoires d’hommes oubliées Inna Ganschow (C²DH) - Lost & Found: Die Geschichte der russischen Kriegsgefangenen in Luxemburg in 1918 Thomas Kolnberger (University of Luxembourg) - Die Waffen ruhen, die Toten nicht: Begräbnisstätten als Erinnerungsorte für die Gefallenen der Grand Guerre Stefan Krebs (C²DH) - “Verklungene Geschichte? Zur auditiven Erinnerung des Ersten Weltkriegs” Ludwig Vogl-Bienek (Trier University) - “Kriegsschauplätze an der Heimatfront: German lantern slides used in the Great War” |
17.00 |
Discussion tables and Memorecord memory collection with Anita Lucchesi |
OPDERSCHMELZ - Petit auditoire
18.00 |
Drinks reception |
18.30 |
Lanterna magica performance 'IN TREUE FEST! Stricken und Sterben im Ersten Weltkrieg' |
19.30 |
Closing of the event |
With the kind support of