Forum Z
ForumZ (Z for “Zeitgeschichte”, contemporary history) is a public platform for a critical and open discussion of current issues in contemporary Luxembourgish and European history. Interested citizens are invited to debate with experts about selected (society-related) topics, new approaches and new sources in contemporary history. ForumZ takes history beyond the university walls and into the public sphere.

Élargir l'histoire européenne
Comment aborder, écrire, analyser et transmettre de nouvelles visions de l'histoire européenne?

GAME TIME: Exploring History Through Play
During the Forum Z we will explore the intersection between history and play.

Fo'er an de Sixties: Vu Boxeren a Fritten
Op dësem Forum Z diskutéieren mer iwwert wat et op der Schueberfouer an den 1960er ze gesinn an ze di gouf.

Lokalgeschichte ganz nah: Persönliche Kriegserlebnisse in Schifflingen
Die Auswirkungen der nationalsozialistischen Besatzung und der Zwangsrekrutierung auf das Leben der Einwohner*innen von Schifflingen.

Reparieren gestern und heute
Auf diesem Forum Z erkunden wir Reparaturpraktiken gestern und heute.

Das industrielle Kulturerbe: lokal, regional, international
Le patrimoine industriel : local – régional – international

Re-do, re-make, re-imagine
Dive into the world of Experimental Media Archaeology and the power of object-based re-enactment on the historical imagination!

Liewen am Minett revisited
This ForumZ revisits the famous photo book “Liewen am Minett” that documented the Minett region in the late 1980s and sparked a debate about the region’s identity.

What is remembered lives. Mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale
Conférences et ateliers sur la mémoire de la Shoah à l'ère digitale.

Reading yesterday's news in the digital age
Text mining 200 years of historical newspapers - online event.