16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference - online

18 June 2020

16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference - online

Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?
CfP - Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?

27 February 2020

written by :
Estelle Bunout

CfP - Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?

Extended deadline for the Call for Papers for the 16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference to be held from 28 to 29 May 2020 in Luxembourg.
The Internet and the European Market from a historical perspective

27 November 2019

The Internet and the European Market from a historical perspective

This conference, organised by the Robert Schuman Initiative for European Affairs with the support of the C²DH, aims to examine the relationship between the Internet, EU regulation and market integration from a historical perspective.
CfP International Summer School "Oral History Meets European Integration Studies. Testing new tools and methods in digital history"

21 November 2019

written by :
Victor Fernandez Soriano

CfP International Summer School "Oral History Meets European Integration Studies. Testing new tools and methods in digital history"

The C²DH announces a Summer School co-organised with the European University Institute (Florence) and the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt), to be held at the Maison Robert Schuman in Luxembourg City from 22 to 26 June 2020. This Summer School invites participants to test digital tools and methods for oral history and stresses how digital oral sources contribute to narratives in European Integration History.
The Benelux, Regional Groupings and the Dynamics of European Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

19 August 2019

written by :
Spero Paravantis

The Benelux, Regional Groupings and the Dynamics of European Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

On 8-9 April 2019, the University of Luxembourg hosted the conference 'The Benelux, Regional Groupings and the Dynamics of European Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives' which explored the ways in which regional (sub-) groupings have played a significant, but comparatively neglected role in the processes of European integration.
Decoding Europe – Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

2 July 2019

written by :
Florian Vetter, Aurélia Lafontaine

Decoding Europe – Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

From 27 June to 1 July 2019, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg hosted the 9th conference of the Tensions of Europe network.
Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: a vision for Europe

23 May 2019

written by :
Elena Danescu

Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: a vision for Europe

On Friday 24 May 2019, Casa Luxembourg Sibiu hosted the academic event 'Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: a vision for Europe'.
Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

28 March 2019

Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

The 9th edition of the 'Tensions of Europe' conference will be hosted by the C²DH from 27-30 June 2019.
1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond

8 February 2019

1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond

The Media Studies Commission of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) is organising the international seminar ‘1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond’ in collaboration with the C²DH.
CfP - '1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond'

18 December 2018

written by :
Andy O'Dwyer

CfP - '1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond'

The Media Studies Commission of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) announces its forthcoming international seminar ‘1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond’.
CfP: Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

20 September 2018

written by :
Valérie Schafer

CfP: Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

The Tensions of Europe conference is organised biennially by an interdisciplinary community of scholars who study the shaping of Europe through the lens of technology and material culture. The 9th edition of the conference will be organised by the C²DH around the theme ‘Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age.
Le Luxembourg et la Grande-Région – coopération transfrontalière et intégration européenne

26 March 2018

written by :
Elena Danescu

Le Luxembourg et la Grande-Région – coopération transfrontalière et intégration européenne

En menant campagne conjointe aux premières élections européennes au suffrage universel de 1979, Pierre Werner (Luxembourg) et Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb (Belgique) décident d’unir leurs efforts pour favoriser les synergies entre les deux Luxembourg. En 1987 est né le « Cercle européen ‘’Perspectives et réalités frontalières’’», devenu en 2002 le « Cercle Européen Pierre Werner ». Son 30e anniversaire a été célébrée le 22 mars 2018, lors d’une manifestation organisée à Luxembourg par le Cercle, le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) et leurs partenaires, avec le Ministre des Finances, Pierre Gramegna, comme orateur invité.
La Maison de l’histoire européenne au défi du récit sur l’unité de l’Europe

16 March 2018

La Maison de l’histoire européenne au défi du récit sur l’unité de l’Europe

Impliqué pendant près de dix ans dans les différentes phases de développement de la Maison de l’histoire européenne à Bruxelles, Étienne Deschamps a partagé cette expérience unique d’histoire publique et son témoignage de praticien avec les participants du séminaire « Hands on History » organisé par le C²DH.
Quo vadis, Europa? Die Krise der Europäischen Union und der Untergang der Römischen Republik

23 February 2018

Quo vadis, Europa? Die Krise der Europäischen Union und der Untergang der Römischen Republik

Vortrag von dem belgischen Historiker David Engels, organisiert von Let’s Talk about History!, mit Unterstützung des Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) und des Instituts für Geschichte der Universität Luxemburg
Hands on History logo

8 February 2018

Mettre l'histoire de l'Europe en musée ? Expériences tirées de la Maison de l'histoire européenne

Hands-on History avec Étienne Deschamps (Archives historiques du Parlement européen)
Visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley: an inspiring experience

18 January 2018

written by :
Spero Paravantis

Visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley: an inspiring experience

In this blogpost Dr Spero Paravantis, researcher at the C²DH, shares his personal experience as a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley where he spent the last six months working at the Institute of European Studies (IES).
A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

15 December 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

The European Culture Forum 2017 took place in Milan from 7 to 8 December. It was also the official kick-off event of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. In the following blogpost, I would like to summarize and discuss the debates related to culture and cultural heritage that took place during the event and add some personal reflections.
New publication: ‘Western Europe 2018’

4 December 2017

written by :
Elena Danescu

New publication: ‘Western Europe 2018’

The new book ‘Western Europe 2018’, edited by Cathy Hartley and published on 22 November 2017 by Routledge, features contributions from researchers at the University of Luxembourg.
Podcasts «Pierre Werner: un homme dans son siècle»

30 November 2017

written by :
François Klein, Elena Danescu, Guido Lessing

Podcasts «Pierre Werner: un homme dans son siècle»

Le C²DH, en collaboration avec la Radio 100,7, produit une série de podcasts consacrée à la vie et à l’œuvre politique de Pierre Werner.
Karte Belgier in Deutschland

8 November 2017

written by :
Christoph Brüll

Call for Papers: Belgier in Deutschland (1945-2004)

Dieser Workshop widmet sich den Kontakten und Kontaktzonen, die während der 60 jährigen belgischen Militärpräsenz auf deutschem Boden nach der Kapitulation des Deutschen Reichs entstanden sind.
