The speakers will analyse how the development of the Internet has facilitated market integration while also creating major regulatory challenges at the EU level, e.g. peering between ISPs, the taxation of electronic commerce, data protection issues, etc. We are also honoured to welcome Dr Viviane Reding, who will speak about her action as European Commissioner for Information Society and Media (2004-2010).
- Kevin Ackermann (Georgetown University),
- Elena Danescu (C²DH, University of Luxembourg),
- Stefan Gadringer (University of Salzburg),
- Christian Henrich-Franke (University of Siegen),
- Francis McGowan (University of Sussex)
- and Dr Viviane Reding, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg (since 2018) and Member of the European Commission (1999-2014) – the first European Commissioner with responsibility for the Information Society and Media.
Moderation by Frédéric Allemand, Andreas Fickers, David Howarth and Valérie Schafer (University of Luxembourg).
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
16.00 - 19.00
Maison des Sciences humaines - Black Box
Belval Campus
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette
Free entrance. For organisational reasons, registration is appreciated.