Virtual exhibition ' BGL: L’histoire d’un siècle'

1 October 2019

written by :
Benoît Majerus

Virtual exhibition ' BGL: L’histoire d’un siècle'

The virtual exhibition was developed by the C²DH to mark the BGL BNP Paribas’ centenary year. The retrospective covers the history of the bank from 1919 to today.

1 October 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

Video Content Analysis

Agreement between BGL and C²DH

30 September 2019

written by :
Benoît Majerus

A virtual exhibition created with the University of Luxembourg to celebrate 100 years of BGL BNP Paribas

The retrospective covers the history of the bank from 1919 to today.

28 September 2019

written by :
Inna Ganschow

Interview: Research on the Russian Migration at the University of Luxembourg


26 September 2019

written by :
Elisabeth Wingerter

The Alfred Oppenheimer Testimony and Luxemburg's Master Narrative


24 September 2019

written by :
Vera Fritz

Luxembourg’s judicial elite on the path to independence from foreign and national political influence (1795 to 1848)


15 September 2019

written by :
Julia Harnoncourt


Le Luxembourg et la «Grande Région» au sortir de la Première Guerre mondiale/ Luxemburg und die „Großregion“ nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg

12 September 2019

Le Luxembourg et la «Grande Région» au sortir de la Première Guerre mondiale/ Luxemburg und die „Großregion“ nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg

Colloque scientifique international / Internationale Tagung.
C²DH Visiting Researcher Fellowships 2020

2 September 2019

written by :
Andreas Fickers

C²DH Visiting Researcher Fellowships 2020

The C²DH offers several fellowships for visiting researchers: for PhD candidates, Post-Docs and Senior Researchers.

1 September 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

Making sense of digital oral history


1 September 2019

written by :
Denis Scuto

La loi du 9 mars 1940 sur l'indigénat luxembourgeois. Contexte, travaux préalables, débats parlementaires, héritages


21 August 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

Joint supervision – blessing and cursed paths of doing a PhD at two universities


8 August 2019

written by :
Inna Ganschow

The History of the Russian Worker Colony in Wiltz in 1920s-1930s


1 August 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

MUZEUM JAKO CESTA KE SMÍRU: Rozkol současné lucemburské židovské komunity

Forum Z
Women on the march from 1919 to 2019 in Luxembourg

30 July 2019

written by :
Martine Richard

Women on the march from 1919 to 2019 in Luxembourg

It is a hundred years since women gained the right to vote in Luxembourg. How did things change for women over the eventful 20th century?
In quest of academic identities: my participation in the ISCH conference in Tallinn

29 July 2019

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

In quest of academic identities: my participation in the ISCH conference in Tallinn

From 26 to 29 June 2019, I participated in a conference in Tallinn (Estonia) organised by the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH), where, in addition, I presented a paper on cultural policy in Luxembourg. This experience was part of a quest to better understand cultural history and my own research.

20 July 2019

written by :
Inna Ganschow

Interview: Who were "the first Russians" in Luxembourg?


18 July 2019

written by :
Dominique Santana

Ties that bind: Unearthing shared treasures between Luxemoburg and Brazil

New research project on the industrial histories of the Minette region

17 July 2019

written by :
Stefan Krebs

New research project on the industrial histories of the Minette region

The C²DH has signed an agreement with the “European Capital of Culture Esch 2022” asbl (non-profit organisation) for the research project “Remixing Industrial Pasts in the Digital Age: Sounds, Images, Ecologies, Practices and Materialities in Space and Time”.

12 July 2019

written by :
Inna Ganschow

History of the Russian-Orthodoxe Community Luxembourgs (1929-2019)
