
26 Juni 2024

verfasst von :
Daniel Richter

Grüne Mauern und der Mythos der "ausgebliebenen Proletarisierung" - Periphere Arbeiterstraßen in der industrialisierten Kleinstadt Esch/Alzette zwischen Urbanität und Ruralität (1890-1935)

Maxime Kaci

12 Juni 2024

verfasst von :
Machteld Venken

Transnational Scholar in Residence: Maxime Kaci

From 10 to 26 June 2024, the 'Contemporary History of Luxembourg' (LHI) research group has the pleasure of welcoming Maxime Kaci as a Transnational Scholar in Residence.
Kaputt © Volker Schlecht 2016

7 Juni 2024

verfasst von :
Ira Yeroshko

Forced labor at GDR prison - animated in award-winning “Kaputt” animation

How does one visualize the tragic past of the Hoheneck imprisoned forced laborers, a reality that remained unseen for years? Three German directors, Volker Schlecht, Max Mönch, and Alexander Lahl, took on this daunting task by conducting extensive oral history research and transforming their findings into the award-winning animation “Kaputt.”
Mariupol. A Hunder Nights

7 Juni 2024

verfasst von :
Ira Yeroshko

Mariupol. A Hundred Nights - A Story Not Yet Forgotten

Thoughts about the animation film "Mariupol. A Hundred Nights" by Sofiia Melnyk and Andrii Palatnyi portraying a young girl who loses her family and home in Mariupol following the Russian invasion in 2022.
History's New Chatty Companion: Putting the Chat Eluxemburgensia to the Test

3 Juni 2024

verfasst von :
Estelle Bunout

History's New Chatty Companion: Putting the Chat Eluxemburgensia to the Test

Members of the research area Contemporary History of Luxembourg and participants of the Strand Colloquium for Digital and Transnational History had a workshop to assess the capabilities of the Chat Eluxemburgensia, an AI-powered chatbot designed to provide historical information in response to natural language queries. The workshop identified the chatbot's strengths in answering specific, structured questions about historical figures and events.

25 Mai 2024

verfasst von :
Christoph Brüll

Europavorstellungen im belgischen und luxemburgischen Widerstand

Faire l’histoire des inégalités au Luxembourg. État des lieux des sources et perspectives

22 Mai 2024

Faire l’histoire des inégalités au Luxembourg. État des lieux des sources et perspectives

Atelier pluridisciplinaire organisé par la Chambre des salariés, en collaboration avec le C²DH et le LISER.

21 Mai 2024

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Keynote: Living Archives and the Challenges of Doing Digital Public History in Real Time


15 Mai 2024

verfasst von :
Christoph Brüll

The Contribution of History to study Cross-Border Cooperation in Western Europe


15 Mai 2024

verfasst von :
Nicolas Arendt

Die Transformation der A.R.B.E.D. 1974-2001. Zwischen westeuropäischer und postsozialistischer Deindustrialisierung


8 Mai 2024

verfasst von :
Machteld Venken

Transnational Scholar in Residence: Dominika Gruziel

From 6 to 10 May 2024, the ‘Contemporary History of Luxembourg’ (LHI) research group has the pleasure of welcoming Dominika Gruziel as a Transnational Scholar in Residence.

26 April 2024

verfasst von :
Julia Harnoncourt

"Indésirables“ aus Übersee - Migrant/innen in Luxemburg am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts (8) - „Warum soll ich jeden Tag Gendarmen in meinem Haus dulden?“

Introducing the Warlux website on Luxembourgish soldiers during WWII

23 April 2024

verfasst von :
Sarah Maya Vercruysse

Introducing the Warlux website on Luxembourgish soldiers during WWII

The Warlux website, focusing on wartime experiences of young Luxembourgish men who served in the German labour service and armed forces during World War II, is now online.
Le Luxembourg et la Shoah

23 April 2024

Le Luxembourg et la Shoah

À l’occasion de la parution de « Le Luxembourg et la Shoah », Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, n°219, éd. Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris, mars 2024.
Provenance Research at the MNAHA, the National Library and the Musée de la Ville – Villa Vauban

22 April 2024

Provenance Research at the MNAHA, the National Library and the Musée de la Ville – Villa Vauban

Research seminar with Yasmina Zian, Anna Jagos and, Marc Adam Kolakowski.

18 April 2024

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

„Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft - quo vadis?“


17 April 2024

verfasst von :
Christoph Brüll

Der unbekannte Premiumpartner. Deutsch-belgische Beziehungen seit 1945

The C²DH starts cooperation with the Section of Applied Natural Sciences, Physics, and Mathematics of the Institut Grand-Ducal of Luxembourg

8 April 2024

verfasst von :
Machteld Venken

The C²DH starts cooperation with the Section of Applied Natural Sciences, Physics, and Mathematics of the Institut Grand-Ducal of Luxembourg

Signature of a Memorandum of Understanding and a Master thesis agreement with the Institut Grand-Ducal.
Conference report to “Ukrainian Studies Across the Borders”

4 April 2024

verfasst von :
Inna Ganschow

Conference report to “Ukrainian Studies Across the Borders”

The conference organized by the U-CORE project took place at the University of Luxembourg, 26-27 March 2024 and hosted UNDIPUS-scholars from three German universities, four disciplines and five projects.
À la recherche des Juifs spoliés : pillages et "aryanisation" au Luxembourg pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale

29 März 2024

À la recherche des Juifs spoliés : pillages et "aryanisation" au Luxembourg pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale

Présentation de la thèse de doctorat de Blandine Landau, réalisée sous la codirection des Prof. Andreas Fickers (C²DH-Université du Luxembourg) et Isabelle Backouche (EHESS, Paris), soutenue le 28.03.2024.
