Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

4 April 2020

written by :
Dominique Santana, Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto, Gerben Zaagsma

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Interactive documentary produced by students on the Bachelor course in Contemporary History of Luxembourg, in collaboration with the National Museum of Military History in Diekirch, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
Docuemnts at the National Archives in Luxembourg

2 April 2020

History of justice - An insight into the work with court files in the National Archives of Luxembourg

Student assistant Nikolay Chevtchenko shares his experience in working for the C²DH's 'History of Justice in Luxembourg' project.

1 April 2020

written by :
Inna Ganschow

Russians in Luxembourg: 100 Jahre Russen in Luxemburg. Geschichte einer atomisierten Diaspora


1 April 2020

written by :
Vera Fritz

Activism on and off the bench: Pierre Pescatore and the law of integration


24 March 2020

written by :
Inna Ganschow

Curator of the Exhibit: Ressortissants d'un empire en miettes. Prisonniers de guerre, réfugiés, migrants originaires de la Russie des tsars au Luxembourg


21 March 2020

written by :
Denis Scuto

Une pandémie, cent ans plus tard


9 March 2020

written by :
Jakub Bronec

IWalk: Mapping Jewish Life with your Mobile – New ways of teaching Jewish history in Luxembourg

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

4 March 2020

written by :
Dominique Santana, Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto, Gerben Zaagsma

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Interactive documentary produced by students on the Bachelor course in Contemporary History of Luxembourg, in collaboration with the National Museum of Military History in Diekirch, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.

1 March 2020

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Podcast "Communicating Europe"


28 February 2020

written by :
Machteld Venken

Die räumliche Grammatik der Großregion. Ein historischer Zugang.


26 February 2020

written by :
Machteld Venken

Introduction to the Hands-On-History Lecture


20 February 2020

written by :
Vera Fritz

Using judge biographies together with the CJEU's archives


8 February 2020

written by :
Denis Scuto

La promesse de Dupong...


1 February 2020

written by :
Denis Scuto

Une juste présence du passé?


1 February 2020

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Vom nation building zum nation branding: eine kurze Geschichte der Kulturpolitik in Luxemburg seit der Nachkriegszeit


30 January 2020

written by :
Werner Tschacher

"'Katholisches Milieu' und 'Stunde Null'? Brüche und Kontinuitäten im Aachen der Nachkriegszeit im Spiegel von Biographien

Learning by Walking: Discovering Esch and its Industrial Surroundings

15 January 2020

written by :
Irene Portas, Jens van de Maele, Viktoria Boretska

Learning by Walking: Discovering Esch and its Industrial Surroundings

On 12 November, the REMIX team visited the town of Esch-sur-Alzette and the surrounding industrial sites. The visit was organised and guided by Denis Scuto, the C²DH Vice-Director and a true Escher at heart. In addition to its exploratory purposes, the full-day tour proved to be an excellent bonding experience for the REMIX team.
Forum Z
Holocaust History and Memory

9 January 2020

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Holocaust History and Memory

This Forum Z centres around three themes related to Holocaust history and memory – Holocaust history in the digital age, the Holocaust and Jewish life in Luxembourg, and combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe.
Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

8 January 2020

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Premiere of the interactive documentary produced on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.

8 January 2020

written by :
Jakub Bronec

The MAXQDA and ethic commitments
