The “The Quest for Questions in Digital History” at DH Benelux 2017

7 Juli 2017

verfasst von :
Florentina Armaselu, Elena Danescu

The “The Quest for Questions in Digital History” at DH Benelux 2017

The fourth DHBenelux Conference was hosted by Utrecht University (the Netherlands) from 3 to 5 July 2017. Dr Florentina Armaselu presented a paper co-authored with Dr Elena Danescu, entitled "The Quest for Questions in Digital History: A Comparative View on Werner- and Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union".
Appel à participation

21 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Florentina Armaselu

Mesurer l’effet Eurêka en histoire numérique à travers l’analyse du discours

Le C²DH cherche des volontaires pour aider à mesurer l’impact des outils numériques sur l’innovation et la découverte en histoire.
Forum Z
ForumZ - Storytelling. Intro Fickers

20 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

Chronique en images de «ForumZ: L’avenir de la narration historique»

Le samedi 17 juin 2017, le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), en partenariat avec le Centre national de littérature (CNL), ont organisé la troisième édition de ForumZ.
Forum Z
#c2dhstorytelling: Programme

13 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

#c2dhstorytelling: Programme

Overview of all the stories to be told during the plenary session, the parallel sessions and the round table

13 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

Digital history between critical thinking and charismatic ideology

Digital history provides new opportunities, but the use of digital tools should not blind historians to the existing challenges. An uncritical belief in the power of digital tools would be wrong, as much as an outright dismissive stance.
Forum Z
Kunstkopf - The future of storytelling

2 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

ForumZ: The future of storytelling in history

How has the emergence of the digital era affected the age-old art of telling tales? This question was in the focus of a public discussion during the third ForumZ event.
dhnord2017 call for papers extended deadline

1 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

Call for papers: (De)constructing Digital History, Lille 27-29 November

During this conference digital history will be addressed through a triple spectrum: academic research, public history, and pedagogy, in order to trace continuities and transformations in history as a discipline; and contribute to explore the broader digital humanities field through this case study.

23 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

Inauguration officielle du Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History

Ce 22 mai 2017, l’Université du Luxembourg a inauguré officiellement son troisième centre interdisciplinaire en présence du ministre de la Justice, Félix Braz, et du ministre délégué à l'Enseignement supérieur et à la Recherche, Marc Hansen.
Clarin workshop for developing a transcription-chain

23 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Stefania Scagliola

Catching Speech in Arezzo: A Clarin workshop for developing a transcription-chain for Oral History

The challenge of this workshop on 'transcription and technology’, which took place from 10 to 12 May in Arezzo, consisted in turning recorded human speech into a textual representation that is as close as possible to what has been uttered.
Tinkering with black boxes and the need for a critical mindset

10 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

Tinkering with black boxes and the need for a critical mindset

From 20th to 24th February, a winter school on “Skills in digital humanities” was organised at the University of Luxembourg, where the participants were introduced to the software Nodegoat and the development of databases. It was a possibility of tinkering with a digital tool that was completely new to me. In the following, I will give a personal account of my own experiences with Nodegoat, and present a critical reflection on the problems I encountered and the use of digital tools.
First issue of the “Journal of Historical Network Research” out now

9 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

First issue of the “Journal of Historical Network Research” out now

We are pleased to announce the Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research, a new publication dedicated to historical research by means of theories and methodologies developed in social network analysis and network science.

9 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

histograph, a tool for the exploration of multimedia archives

histograph helps institutions reveal the manifold relations between their digital collections of texts, images, audio and video documents.

9 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Cécile Duval, François Klein, Laurence Maufort, Marco Gabellini by - Digital collections on History of the European Integration

A collection of thematic ePublications on the European integration process from 1945 to 2014. An analysis of a range of subjects based on an extensive and contextualised selection of more than 25.000 relevant and enriched multimedia, multisource and multilingual documentary resources.
BLIZAAR project

9 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

BLIZAAR - Hybrid Visualization of Dynamic Multilayer Graphs

BLIZAAR project develops new visualization techniques for the exploration of multimedia document collections
I need a research tool to…

9 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Anita Lucchesi

I need a research tool to…

A whole range of digital tools exists nowadays to help historians in their daily work, but how to choose the “perfect” one for your needs? Should you lose time searching for the holy Grail, or take the risk to try out and study tools that, in the end, might not fit your needs?
Teaching Digital Public History: taking future historians outside the Ivory Tower

8 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Anita Lucchesi, Richard Legay

Teaching Digital Public History: taking future historians outside the Ivory Tower

Members of the C²DH are preparing a course in Digital Public History for Bachelor students at the University of Luxembourg and they reflect on ways to get them involved with the topic.
