Le Luxembourg et la Grande-Région – coopération transfrontalière et intégration européenne

26 März 2018

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

Le Luxembourg et la Grande-Région – coopération transfrontalière et intégration européenne

En menant campagne conjointe aux premières élections européennes au suffrage universel de 1979, Pierre Werner (Luxembourg) et Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb (Belgique) décident d’unir leurs efforts pour favoriser les synergies entre les deux Luxembourg. En 1987 est né le « Cercle européen ‘’Perspectives et réalités frontalières’’», devenu en 2002 le « Cercle Européen Pierre Werner ». Son 30e anniversaire a été célébrée le 22 mars 2018, lors d’une manifestation organisée à Luxembourg par le Cercle, le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) et leurs partenaires, avec le Ministre des Finances, Pierre Gramegna, comme orateur invité.
Quo vadis, Europa? Die Krise der Europäischen Union und der Untergang der Römischen Republik

23 Februar 2018

Quo vadis, Europa? Die Krise der Europäischen Union und der Untergang der Römischen Republik

Vortrag von dem belgischen Historiker David Engels, organisiert von Let’s Talk about History!, mit Unterstützung des Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) und des Instituts für Geschichte der Universität Luxemburg
Forum Z
May 68 – myth vs reality

21 Februar 2018

verfasst von :
Richard Legay, Andreas Fickers

May 68 – myth vs reality

What was the impact of “May 68” in Europe and on Luxembourg society in particular? The tensions between myth and reality will be discussed at this Forum Z.
Le football et l’immigration en France, jeux et enjeux identitaires depuis les années trente

1 Februar 2018

Le football et l’immigration en France, jeux et enjeux identitaires depuis les années trente

Dans cette conférence, Yvan Gastaut (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis) étudiera les apports des migrants ou descendants de migrants dans le football français de l'élite.
A microhistorical approach to the Holocaust

29 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

A microhistorical approach to the Holocaust

From 24 to 26 January 2018, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) hosted several historians and other researchers for an international conference on some of the lesser-known aspects of the Holocaust.

23 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Eva Andersen

Call for Papers: Psychiatry in the 19th and 20th centuries from a transnational perspective

In recent years the buzzword in historical research has been "transnational history". Although over the past 15 years some historians have begun to integrate this perspective into the history of medicine and psychiatry, especially with respect to colonial history, this research area remains underdeveloped. It goes without saying that there have been transnational contacts and transfers of knowledge in the psychiatric field - translations of books, international conferences, correspondence, memberships in associations, international travel - but research on these processes remains rare. This raises the urgent question of how to approach research on psychiatric history with a transnational framework in mind.
Knowledge Graphs and Pluralism on Wikidata

18 Januar 2018

Knowledge Graphs and Pluralism on Wikidata

Nathalie Casemajor presents her paper on the social, technical and political stakes of knowledge pluralism on Wikidata, and its consequences for the broader Web data ecology.
Workshop: Wikimedia tools for Public History

18 Januar 2018

Workshop: Wikimedia tools for Public History

This workshop with Nathalie Casemajor aims to introduce the Wikimedia platform as a tool for public history and knowledge dissemination.
L’immigration dans le football luxembourgeois

15 November 2017

L’immigration dans le football luxembourgeois

Dans le cadre de la Journée annuelle en hommage à Louis Rech, bourgmestre de la ville de Dudelange (1985-1993), le Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines (CDMH), la Fondation Robert Krieps et le C²DH invitent à la présentation du livre de Jean Ketter, « L’immigration dans le football luxembourgeois ».

13 November 2017

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Call for Papers: Media history from the margins

On 19-24 August 2018 at Monte Verità, Switzerland, the Universities of Lausanne and Luxembourg, together with USI Università della Svizzera Italiana, are organising a Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) Summer Seminar entitled “Media history from the margins”.
USHMM Albert Nussbaum

9 November 2017

The way out: Microhistories of flight from Nazi Germany

This international conference will study the broad theme of the flight of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and their trajectories during the war and its aftermath from multiple perspectives.

8 November 2017

Social Networks and Entrepreneurship. Evidence from a Historical Episode of Industrialization

Javier Mejia Cubillos (Los Andes University) presents his paper on the relationship between social networks and entrepreneurship.
Karte Belgier in Deutschland

8 November 2017

verfasst von :
Christoph Brüll

Call for Papers: Belgier in Deutschland (1945-2004)

Dieser Workshop widmet sich den Kontakten und Kontaktzonen, die während der 60 jährigen belgischen Militärpräsenz auf deutschem Boden nach der Kapitulation des Deutschen Reichs entstanden sind.
Machines, Masses, and Metaphors

2 November 2017

Machines, Masses, and Metaphors: The Visual Making of Industrial Work(ers) in Interwar Luxembourg

Presentation by Ira Plein, PhD candidate at the C²DH and member of the research team FAMOSO.
Conférence Laurence Schram

25 Oktober 2017

Dossin: L’antichambre d’Auschwitz

Conférence avec Laurence Schram, Senior Researcher au centre de documentation de la Kazerne Dossin et auteur de livre.
Forum Z
ForumZ - A new narrative for Europe. Quo vadis? Cartoon

23 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

Report of the fifth Forum Z – “A new narrative for Europe: Quo vadis?”

The fifth Forum Z focused on those who tell the story of Europe. Professors and researchers gathered to share their thoughts and discuss with the public about the challenges of developing a new narrative for Europe in the digital age.

17 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Benoît Majerus

Call for Papers: Material cultures of psychiatry

In the past, our ideas of psychiatric hospitals and their history have been shaped by objects like straitjackets, cribs and binding belts. These powerful objects are often used as a synonym for psychiatry and the way psychiatric patients are treated. But what do we really know about the social life (see Majerus 2011) of psychiatric patients and the stories of less spectacular objects in the everyday life of psychiatric institutions? What do we know about the material cultures of these places in general?
"Shaping the Europe of the future" in pictures

12 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

"Shaping the Europe of the future" in pictures

The main auditorium of the University of Luxembourg was filled to the last seat for the conference “Shaping the Europe of the future” organised by the C²DH, with the European Commission Representation in Luxembourg and their partners on 13 October.
Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

3 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Sytze Van Herck, Richard Legay

Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

Digital Media and Technology has transformed how we teach, learn and present. In a transferable skills training of the doctoral school here at university, Robert Reuter introduced us to new media and tools that can enhance teaching and learning. Based on the eight learning events defined by Leclercq and Poumay at the university of Liège, we came up with several online tools that can extend and enhance teaching and engage the students or audience.
‘Finlux’ reading group meetings

15 September 2017

‘Finlux’ reading group meetings

The ‘Finlux’ reading group meetings is a place for researchers to discuss banking and financial history and to reflect on how to best write the history of the Luxembourg financial centre.
