Public history Luxemburgische Zeitgeschichte

May 68 – myth vs reality

9 Mai 2018

May 68 – myth vs reality

© Tony Krier / Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg

What was the impact of “May 68” in Europe and on Luxembourg society in particular? The tensions between myth and reality will be discussed at this Forum Z.

“May 68” has come to symbolise a fundamental turning point in society, often associated with challenges to the moral order and “revolutionary” processes in cultural and social life. The latest Forum Z organised by the C²DH will provide a historiographical perspective on an event that attracted the attention of the world’s media; it will analyse the prevailing tensions between a “modern myth” and the real impact that this global movement had on Luxembourg society. This Forum Z will adopt a critical, engaged approach, talking to eyewitnesses and historians and allowing original sources to speak for themselves.


Lecture by Hans Reul (Music Editor at radio station BRF): “Love, Peace, and Protest. Songs, Chansons und Lieder der Generation ‘68”

Round table moderated by Andreas Fickers (Director of the C²DH)
with the participation of Robert Bohnert, Dietmar Hüser, Frédéric Krier, Berthe Lutgen, Marie-Flore Weber and Florence Weimerskirch and the contribution of illustrator Carlo Schneider.


Wednesday 9 May 2018 from 18.00 to 20.00

at the Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster – 28, rue Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg.




2018 Année européenne du patrimoine dulturel


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