« FinLux » seminar: Schedule for the winter term 2020

25 August 2020

« FinLux » seminar: Schedule for the winter term 2020

‘FinLux’ is a series of seminars held on a monthly basis and focusing on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre.
Conférence de La Haye

21 August 2020

The Werner Report, 50 Years On

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Werner Report, the C²DH and its partners are organising a series of events from 6 to 9 October 2020. At a time of uncertainty as to the wider European project, the role of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) will be analysed via an interdisciplinary approach based on archive research and existing literature.
RESAW Luxembourg

26 Juni 2020

Mainstream vs. marginal content in Web history and Web archives

4th RESAW remote conference, hosted by the C²DH.
Lincoln Mullen

18 Juni 2020

Creating and Visualizing Datasets to Interpret American Religious History

Guest lecture by Lincoln Mullen (Department of History and Art History, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University) in the framework of the DTU-DHH Master Class “Digital History and Hermeneutics”.
16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference - online

18 Juni 2020

16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference - online

Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?
Does Blogging Make You a Better Academic? Writing Practices in Scholarly Blogs in the Humanities

12 Juni 2020

Does Blogging Make You a Better Academic? Writing Practices in Scholarly Blogs in the Humanities

Guest lecture by Dr. Mareike König (German Historical Institute Paris) in the framework of the DTU-DHH Master Class “Digital History and Hermeneutics”.
Three keynotes on historical networks: Dynamics, Letters, and Concepts across space and time

10 Juni 2020

Three keynotes on historical networks: Dynamics, Letters, and Concepts across space and time

After much consideration and in light of the developing situation concerning Covid-19, we had to decide that the HNR conference in Luxembourg will no longer take place on 16-19 June 2020, but has been rescheduled to summer 2021. The exact date for the conference will be announced as soon as possible. Keynotes will however be streamed on 19 June 2020.
Randy Widdis

4 Juni 2020

verfasst von :
Machteld Venken

Lecture and workshop with Dr Randy Widdis on border studies

Randy Widdis, Professor Emeritus of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Regina in Canada, was invited to the C²DH in February 2020 for a “Hands-on History” lecture followed by a two-day workshop.
Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling (DDTM) of immigrant discourses in the United States, 1898-1920

14 Mai 2020

Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling (DDTM) of immigrant discourses in the United States, 1898-1920

DTU-Seminar conducted by Lorella Viola.
Lecture by Julianne Nyhan "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

12 Mai 2020

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

Lecture by Julianne Nyhan "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

Lecture "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities: on the state of the art of histories of the Index Thomisticus project of Fr Roberto Busa S.J." by Dr. Julianne Nyhan, UCL (London), and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.
CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

10 März 2020

verfasst von :
Gerben Zaagsma

CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

The international conference “#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age” will take place on 12 and 13 January 2021 at the University of Luxembourg and will bring together scholars and heritage practitioners to discuss how the digital turn affects the field of Jewish Studies.
Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

2 März 2020

Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

Online lecture by Sara Tonelli, head of the Digital Humanities group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento).
Digital Humanities in Quebec: A Dual Perspective

28 Februar 2020

Digital Humanities in Quebec: A Dual Perspective

Presentation by Michael Sinatra and Emmanuel Chateau-Dutier, Université de Montréal.
CfP - Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?

27 Februar 2020

verfasst von :
Estelle Bunout

CfP - Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?

Extended deadline for the Call for Papers for the 16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference to be held from 28 to 29 May 2020 in Luxembourg.
What’s Digital About Digital History

23 Januar 2020

What’s Digital About Digital History

Conference with Thomas Haigh, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee and Siegen University.
Call for Papers:  Historical Network Research conference 2020

21 Januar 2020

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

Call for Papers: Historical Network Research conference 2020

The 6th Historical Network Research conference will be hosted by the C²DH on 17-19 June in Belval.
Digital Humanities, Medieval History, and Lexicography: The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources

8 Januar 2020

Digital Humanities, Medieval History, and Lexicography: The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources

Lecture by Dr. Sara L. Uckelman, Department of Philosophy, Durham University.
How users and non-users still matter. New themes in STS research on user-technology relations.

17 Dezember 2019

How users and non-users still matter. New themes in STS research on user-technology relations.

Lecture by Professor emerita Nelly Oudshoorn, University of Twente.
Lecture by Melvin Wevers: "Signals and Noise: Extracting Patterns of Cultural Expressions from Digitized Sources". Recording and interview.

16 Dezember 2019

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

Lecture by Melvin Wevers: "Signals and Noise: Extracting Patterns of Cultural Expressions from Digitized Sources". Recording and interview.

Lecture by Dr. Melvin Wevers, KNAW Humanities Cluster, Amsterdam, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.
Talking about Europe: in La Stampa, Le Monde, Die Zeit and Der Spiegel, 1940s - 2010s

4 Dezember 2019

Talking about Europe: in La Stampa, Le Monde, Die Zeit and Der Spiegel, 1940s - 2010s

'Impresso Talk' with Enrico Bergamini and Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (Bruegel Institute).
