Archives nationales Luxembourg

1 Februar 2022

verfasst von :
Nina Janz

The European archival landscape – A Conference on access and prevention strategies in archives and the impact on historical research

An international conference on “Strategies of Blockade. Access to Archive Records in France and Germany in an International Perspective” took place in January 2022 in Paris. Researchers from the C²DH presented the current archive situation in Luxembourg and its impact on research in contemporary history.
Warlux project

24 Januar 2022

verfasst von :
Nina Janz

CfP: The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945)

In connection with the WARLUX research project, this conference focuses on the impact of war experiences on non-German nationals serving in the Nazi German armed forces and labour organisations. It will be held on 26-28 October 2022 at the University of Luxembourg.
WARLUX workshop report Nina Janz

24 Januar 2022

verfasst von :
Nina Janz

Workshop report: Zwangssoldaten, Malgré-Nous, Zwangsrekrutéiert? – Terms, Numbers and Statistics

Report of the WARLUX workshop from 14 October 2021.
Peripheries at the centre. Book by Machteld Venken

30 November 2021

verfasst von :
Arnaud Sauer

Peripherien im Zentrum. Schulbildung im Grenzland im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit

Aufzeichnunng des Webinars mit Machteld Venken vom 24. November 2021.
Travailleurs frontaliers à Menen

25 November 2021

Construire des politiques sociales dans un contexte frontalier: le cas des ouvrier·e·s belges dans le Nord de la France

Webinaire du Dr. Claudine Marissal (EUI) dans le cadre de "FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région".
History of Digital Media and Digital Media Historiography

25 November 2021

ECREA Communication History Section Workshop 2022

Workshop on History of Digital Media and Digital Media Historiography, organised by the ECREA Communication History Section and co-sponsored by the ICA Communication History Division, to be held at the C²DH.
L’essor de la sidérurgie luxembourgeoise du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle. Les conditions de développement technique et économique du Bassin Minier.

25 November 2021

L’essor de la sidérurgie luxembourgeoise du XIXe siècle au début du XXe siècle. Les conditions de développement technique et économique du Bassin Minier.

Conférence de Jacques Maas, assistant de recherche au C²DH. L'événement hybride fait partie de la série de conférences REMIX.
Brexit Reality Portraits

24 November 2021

Brexit Reality Portraits

Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg and its partners are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Brexit Reality Portraits” with Thomas Cauvin, Elena Danescu, Christophe Hansen, Catherine Léglu, Martine Reicherts and Alexiane Terrochaire-Barbançon.

18 November 2021

Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe

This lecture series is organised in connection with the courses 'History of European integration (1919-1993)' and 'Economic and social history of Europe after 1945' from the Master in European Contemporary History, and the course “Democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe” from the Bachelor in European Cultures.
Participation and Public Interpretations: How to Navigate Multiple Historical Narratives in Museums?

15 November 2021

Participation and Public Interpretations: How to Navigate Multiple Historical Narratives in Museums?

This symposium will bring together scholars, museum and archives professionals, heritage and other public history practitioners to discuss if and how multiple and sometimes conflicting historical narratives can coexist in museums.
Peripheries at the centre. Book by Machteld Venken

29 Oktober 2021

Peripherien im Zentrum. Schulbildung im Grenzland im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit

Webinar von Machteld Venken im Rahmen von «FLUXUS - Série de conférences portant sur les migrations et les frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région».

28 Oktober 2021

FutureLabEU - Partageons nos idées pour l'Europe!

Participez à l'atelier d'avenir transfrontalier "FutureLabEU Grande Région" et développez vos idées pour l'Europe de demain avec des jeunes de Sarre, du Luxembourg et de Lorraine!
The Aesthetics of Smoke in Interwar Luxembourgish Literature

1 Oktober 2021

The Aesthetics of Smoke in Interwar Luxembourgish Literature

Lecture by Dr Anne-Marie Millim, Assistant Professor in English Studies at the University of Luxembourg. The hybrid event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Rumelange rue des Bruyères

28 September 2021

Rëm.xx: Rumelange, a post-industrial town and its cultural heritage revisited

Lecture by Giny Laroche , co-founding partner of The Impact Lab. The hybrid event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Salle des ordinateurs 1980 BGL

21 September 2021

« FinLux » seminar: Schedule for the winter term 2021

‘FinLux’ is a series of seminars held on a monthly basis and focusing on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre.
Isis Luxenburger: The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

16 September 2021

verfasst von :
Arnaud Sauer

Isis Luxenburger: The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

Recording of the FLUXUS webinar by Isis Luxenburger, held on 14 July 2021.
Local administration during the first and second World Wars conference

14 September 2021

verfasst von :
Elisabeth Wingerter

How is order enforced during war and occupation? A conference on local administration during the first and second World Wars

Wartime regimes are more than simple top-down structures of terror and coercion between the occupier and the occupied or between the warring state and its population. Existing administrations, networks and functional elites took on complex roles, often adapting to local circumstances. Administrative authorities and personnel were constantly interacting with the population regarding everyday affairs. Studying the responses of administrations to the World Wars could enrich our understanding of contemporary history.
European Union Pavilion at World Expo

7 September 2021

The European Union Pavilions in World Expos between 1958 and 2010

'Europe' seminar with Anastasia Remes, European University Institute
IMISCOE 2021 report

25 August 2021

verfasst von :
Machteld Venken, Lorella Viola

Conference Report: Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods

Lorella Viola and Machteld Venken (C²DH) organised the panel series “Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods” at the International Migration Research Network Annual Conference (IMISCOE) on 7-9 July 2021 at the University of Luxembourg. The aim of the panel series was to explore how digital technologies have impacted migration history research.
CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

23 Juli 2021

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

As part of the ongoing series of symposia on public participation in museums, the C²DH invites proposals for a one-day online international event. This online symposium “Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?” will take place on 7 December 2021.
