
1 January 2020

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Zwischen neuem „Hör-Gefühl“ und „Psychoterror“: Die Debatte über die emotionale Wirkung der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie im Hörspiel der 1970er Jahre


1 January 2020

written by :
Thomas Cauvin

International Public History: an Introduction 7th meeting of the Japanese Public History Association


1 January 2020

written by :
Karin Priem

Book review: Marguerite Figeac-Monthus (Hg.), Éducation et culture matérielle en France et en Europe du XVIe siècle à nos jours (Didactiques des lettres et des cultures, 5), Paris 2018.


1 January 2020

written by :
Werner Tschacher, Stefan Krebs

Wallichs, Adolf


1 January 2020

written by :
Stefan Krebs



1 January 2020

written by :
Julia Harnoncourt

The Veil, Colonial Discourses of Legitimation and the Algerian War of Independence


1 January 2020

written by :
Werner Tschacher

Das Hexereistereotyp als Verschwörungstheorie und das Problem der Epochengrenzen


1 January 2020

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Sammelbesprechung Sound History

An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

19 December 2019

written by :
Tim van der Heijden

An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

In this blog post, I present my post-doctoral research within the DEMA project in which I examine the genealogy of home cinema and amateur moviemaking as early-twentieth century practices by means of an experimental media archaeological approach.

19 December 2019

written by :
Jessica Burton

A Coordinated Europeanization of the Comics Industry through Distribution: The Politics of the Global Journey of Astérix and Tintin through the Strategic Distribution of their Magazines and Contents in the 1960s


4 December 2019

written by :
Stefanie Kesteloot

Drawing on UNESCO's Archival Sources to Research Literacy Campaigns in Latin America in the 1950s


2 December 2019

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Digital Public History in Luxemburg

Digitizing our Shared UNESCO Histories – Impact, Collaboration, Future Challenges

19 November 2019

Digitizing our Shared UNESCO Histories – Impact, Collaboration, Future Challenges

The UNESCO Archives and the C²DH are co-organizing a study day on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
Forum Z
From one wall to another… Connected histor(y/ies)

25 October 2019

written by :
Elena Danescu

From one wall to another… Connected histor(y/ies)

To mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, experts will discuss the changing concept of 'walls' in history.
Trug und Schein - ein Briefwechsel. How to measure and promote historical thinking in a (online) public history project

25 October 2019

Trug und Schein - ein Briefwechsel. How to measure and promote historical thinking in a (online) public history project

Research seminar with Laura Fahnenbruck

25 October 2019

written by :
Andreas Fickers

New (digital) ways of telling the story of technology: binaural radio plays, video essays and web documentaries‘

1919 Vive d'Republik!

21 October 2019

1919 Vive d'Republik!

Lecture publique par le théâtre des Casemates, en coopération avec le C²DH.

21 October 2019

written by :
Werner Tschacher

Die europäischen Hexenverfolgungen - Geschichte und Aktualität

Forum Z
La Marche des Femmes de 1919 à 2019 au Luxembourg

11 October 2019

written by :
Martine Richard

La Marche des Femmes de 1919 à 2019 au Luxembourg

Ce 10e ForumZ autour de l’émancipation et de la représentation des Femmes au Luxembourg de 1919 à 2019 s’est déroulé dans les salles du Musée National d’histoire et d’Art ce jeudi 10 octobre en soirée.

3 October 2019

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering at C²DH digital history Lab
