Bringing history to the public

Forum Z

Forum Z (the Z stands for Zeitgeschichte, or contemporary history) is a public platform for a critical and open discussion of current issues in contemporary Luxembourgish and European history. The Forum Z cycle was launched in 2017 and soon became one of the C²DH’s trademarks. In 2018, four events were held, giving experts and members of the public the opportunity to engage in constructive and lively debates. Andreas Fickers believes that the Forum Z events are a way of “involving Luxembourg society in discussions on contemporary history in Luxembourg – one of the key aspects of our mission.”

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“May 68 – Myth vs reality” looked back at a period that was characterised by social and cultural unrest. Contemporary eyewitnesses and historians discussed the prevailing tensions between a “modern myth” and the real impact that the movement had on Luxembourg society. The event was granted the “2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage” label.

For the “Industrial heritage” Forum Z, the public were encouraged to bring along photos, pictures and other objects related to the history of Luxembourg’s steel industry so that they could be digitised. This digital collection may be used as the basis for a future C²DH research project. During the second part of the day, experts spoke about the preservation and management of industrial heritage, citing specific projects as examples. The event was also granted the “2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage” label.

Precarity, poverty and exclusion have become a new social reality in Europe in recent years. To what extent is Luxembourg affected by these phenomena? This was the broad question addressed by the Forum Z entitled “Social inequalities in Luxembourg?”. The evening began with a keynote from Emeritus Professor Helmut Kaelble, followed by a round table with a panel composed of Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, together with historians, trade union leaders and heads of NGOs. The public were invited to vote on topical social issues by raising their hands.

On 11 November 2018, commemorations were held to mark the centenary of the Armistice that ended the First World War. How do we look back on the events, victims and traumas of a war that devastated Europe from 1914 to 1918? What aspects do we remember, and what stories have been deliberately sidelined or simply lost? These far-reaching questions were the theme of the Forum Z on “Lost Memories of WW1”, which took place on the day of the centenary. After a history slam, the audience was invited to join experts at themed tables to discuss the issues raised in small groups.

In 2018, the following Forum Z events were held:

see also

2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage

The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018 was to raise awareness of Europe’s cultural heritage and the values it represents.

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