100 Jahre Ostbelgien

18 September 2020

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll, Philippe Beck, Vitus Sproten, Daniele Guido

Virtual exhibition 'East Belgium 1920-2020'

East Belgium 1920-2020 is a virtual exhibition about the History of the region Eupen-Malmedy-Sankt Vith since the change of nationality in 1920.
Migrants russes au Luxembourbourg

15 September 2020

verfasst von :
Inna Ganschow

Exposition: «Ressortissants d'un empire en miettes. Prisonniers de guerre, réfugiés, migrants originaires de la Russie des tsars au Luxembourg»

Le Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations humaines vous propose de découvrir cette exposition réalisée en coopération avec le C²DH avec le conseil scientifique de Inna Ganschow.
RESAW Luxembourg

26 Juni 2020

Mainstream vs. marginal content in Web history and Web archives

4th RESAW remote conference, hosted by the C²DH.
16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference - online

18 Juni 2020

16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference - online

Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?
Forum Z
Forum Z online Reading yesterday's news in the digital age

10 Juni 2020

verfasst von :
Marten Düring, Estelle Bunout

Forum Z goes online - digitised newspapers edition!

What better place to share the opportunities inherent in the digitisation of newspapers collections than an online event?
Docuemnts at the National Archives in Luxembourg

2 April 2020

History of justice - An insight into the work with court files in the National Archives of Luxembourg

Student assistant Nikolay Chevtchenko shares his experience in working for the C²DH's 'History of Justice in Luxembourg' project.
Traces et mémoires en devenir d'une pandémie

30 März 2020

verfasst von :
Frédéric Clavert

Traces et mémoires en devenir d'une pandémie

En collectant des sources primaires nativement numériques comme les tweets, historiens et historiennes peuvent préparer l'écriture de l'histoire de la pandémie en cours. Quelques éléments sont livrés ici par Frédéric Clavert, professeur assistant en histoire contemporaine et spécialistes des réseaux sociaux numériques.
Forum Z
Reading yesterday's news in the digital age

3 März 2020

verfasst von :
Estelle Bunout

Reading yesterday's news in the digital age

Text mining 200 years of historical newspapers - online event.
Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

2 März 2020

Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

Online lecture by Sara Tonelli, head of the Digital Humanities group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento).
Distant Viewing: Analysing Large Visual Corpora

10 Februar 2020

Distant Viewing: Analysing Large Visual Corpora

Brown bag lunch event with Lauren Tilton and Taylor Arnold, University of Richmond and Université de Lyon.
An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

19 Dezember 2019

verfasst von :
Tim van der Heijden

An Experimental Media Archaeological Approach to Early-Twentieth Century Home Cinema

In this blog post, I present my post-doctoral research within the DEMA project in which I examine the genealogy of home cinema and amateur moviemaking as early-twentieth century practices by means of an experimental media archaeological approach.
Digitizing our Shared UNESCO Histories – Impact, Collaboration, Future Challenges

19 November 2019

Digitizing our Shared UNESCO Histories – Impact, Collaboration, Future Challenges

The UNESCO Archives and the C²DH are co-organizing a study day on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
Lecture by Jane Winters: Reflections on the past, present and future of digital archives. Recording and interview.

15 Oktober 2019

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

Lecture by Jane Winters: Reflections on the past, present and future of digital archives. Recording and interview.

Lecture by Prof. Dr Jane Winters, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.
Out now - Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies, and Minds in the Age of Steel

19 September 2019

verfasst von :
Karin Priem

Out now - Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies, and Minds in the Age of Steel

Publication of a new book, edited by Karin Priem and Frederik Herman.
"Une histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg en 70 chroniques" par Denis Scuto

24 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

"Une histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg en 70 chroniques" par Denis Scuto

Édité par le C²DH et la Fondation Robert Krieps, ce livre recueille les chroniques de l'historien Denis Scuto publiées de 2015 à 2019 au quotidien luxembourgeois "Tageblatt". Il est richement illustré de documents souvent inédits.
Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory (DEMA)

17 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Tim van der Heijden, Aleksander Kolkowski, Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory (DEMA)

In September 2019, C²DH will launch the DEMA project which will provide a systematic reflection on the methodological underpinnings of experimental media archaeology as a practical and sensorial approach to media historiography.
Thus Spoke the People: Public Discourse in Belgrade's Politika on the Eve of Yugoslav Wars

8 Mai 2019

Thus Spoke the People: Public Discourse in Belgrade's Politika on the Eve of Yugoslav Wars

'Impresso Talk' with Josip Glaurdić and Michal Mochtak (Electoral Legacies of War: Political Competition in Postwar Southeast Europe - EL Wars)
Sociological Aspects of Oral History in the Digital Age

30 April 2019

Sociological Aspects of Oral History in the Digital Age

Lecture by Jakub Mlynář (Malach Center for Visual History, Charles University) followed by a workshop on sociological aspects of oral history.
Forum Z
Visualising history

17 April 2019

verfasst von :
Lars Wieneke

Visualising history

A Forum Z on history paintings, 3D reconstructions, virtual worlds and time machines.
Beyond the tantrum: Questioning shared intuitions in historiography with emotion mining

8 April 2019

Beyond the tantrum: Questioning shared intuitions in historiography with emotion mining

'Impresso Talk' with Milan van Lange, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
