“Etre d’ailleurs en temps de guerre” - ZäithistorikerIn Chronik um Radio 100,7

22 März 2018

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

“Etre d’ailleurs en temps de guerre” - ZäithistorikerIn Chronik um Radio 100,7

Wéi ëmmer wann een sech d’Méi mecht, amplaz dat ofzeschreiwen wat zënter Generatiounen vun engem Geschichtsbuch an dat nächst kopéiert gëtt, sech mat de primären Archivquellen auserneenzesetzen, entdeckt een komplex an oft vergiessen historesch Realitéiten. Dat weist eng Ausstellung iwwer Diddeleng am Eischte Weltkrich. Dozou eng Chronik vum oder besser gesot vun zwee Zäithistoriker.
Third edition of the winter school in digital history

8 März 2018

verfasst von :
Aurélia Lafontaine

Third edition of the winter school in digital history

From 19 to 23 February 2018, the C²DH welcomed students in the first year of their master’s degree in history for the third edition of the winter school in digital history. This year, the winter school focused on the creation of a digital archival collection from scratch.
Vernissage de l'exposition «Être d’ailleurs en temps de guerre (14-18). Étrangers à Dudelange / Dudelangeois à l’étranger»

20 Februar 2018

Vernissage de l'exposition «Être d’ailleurs en temps de guerre (14-18). Étrangers à Dudelange / Dudelangeois à l’étranger»

L’histoire migratoire de la ville de Dudelange en cours de guerre est le thème de l’exposition «Être d’ailleurs en temps de guerre (14-18). Étrangers à Dudelange / Dudelangeois à l’étranger» organisée conjointement par le Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines (CDMH) et le C²DH.
Exposition «Être d’ailleurs en temps de guerre (14-18). Étrangers à Dudelange / Dudelangeois à l’étranger»

20 Februar 2018

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

Exposition «Être d’ailleurs en temps de guerre (14-18). Étrangers à Dudelange / Dudelangeois à l’étranger»

Résultat d’un partenariat entre le Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines (CDMH) et le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), cette exposition se propose de scruter la dimension migratoire de Dudelange au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale en s’intéressant aux trajectoires de celles ou ceux qui quittent la cité tout comme de celles ou ceux qui y arrivent ou restent.
Hands on History logo

8 Februar 2018

Mettre l'histoire de l'Europe en musée ? Expériences tirées de la Maison de l'histoire européenne

Hands-on History avec Étienne Deschamps (Archives historiques du Parlement européen)
The history of justice in Luxembourg from 1815 to the present day

31 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

The history of justice in Luxembourg from 1815 to the present day

On Monday 29 January 2018, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) and the Luxembourg Ministry of Justice signed an agreement to launch a research project that will explore more than 200 years of the history of justice in Luxembourg.
Hands on History logo

11 Januar 2018

Réagir à l’archive. Sartre et la radio

Une conférence/projection sonore de Grégory Cormann et Jeremy Hamers (Université de Liège) dans le cadre la série "Hands on History".

18 Dezember 2017

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

European Research Grant "European History Reloaded"

European research grant awarded for research into Europe's Audiovisual Heritage Online, coordinated by prof. dr. E. Müller, Utrecht University
Machines, Masses, and Metaphors

2 November 2017

Machines, Masses, and Metaphors: The Visual Making of Industrial Work(ers) in Interwar Luxembourg

Presentation by Ira Plein, PhD candidate at the C²DH and member of the research team FAMOSO.
Digital orphan l’Histoire de Luxembourg

18 September 2017

verfasst von :
Stefania Scagliola

The retrieval of the digital orphan "L’Histoire de Luxembourg"

This is a story about how a lesson on Digital Source Criticism for bachelor students of history who had to sort out how Youtube works, led to the retrieval of a series of animations on the History of Luxembourg. Thanks to the company Kiwi Media, the ‘digital orphans’ have found a new stage on Youtube.
What happens when archives and research are transferred into the physical space of a museum? 'La Forge d’une société moderne' and other stories

11 Juli 2017

verfasst von :
Karin Priem

What happens when archives and research are transferred into the physical space of a museum? 'La Forge d’une société moderne' and other stories

In this essay, I would like to reflect upon what happens when archival material and research are transferred into the three-dimensional physical space of a museum. A main focus will be on what happens when restored, digitised and partly retouched glass plates are framed and staged in a museum setting.
Forum Z
Archives on hold? Some comments on the first #ForumZLu

12 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Karin Priem

Archives on hold? Some comments on the first #ForumZLu

The history of archives and archiving practices needs to be seen as closely related to trends and fashions in historical research, its methodological underpinnings and its definitions of culture.
Forum Z
A digital turn? On the future of archives

12 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

A digital turn? On the future of archives

When the first ForumZ with the topic Archives for the digital era, organized by the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), took place on 11 February, many interested people found their way to the Casino – Forum d’art contemporain in Luxembourg City on that Saturday morning. Thanks to the hashtags #ForumZLu and #archivesforthefuture, they could also actively participate in the debates over the Twittersphere.
Forum Z
Archives for the Digital Age. Challenges and Opportunities

12 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Karin Priem

Archives for the Digital Age. Challenges and Opportunities

The ForumZ series started with an event on “Archives for the digital age. Challenges and opportunities” at the Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain.

9 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Cécile Duval, François Klein, Laurence Maufort, Marco Gabellini by - Digital collections on History of the European Integration

A collection of thematic ePublications on the European integration process from 1945 to 2014. An analysis of a range of subjects based on an extensive and contextualised selection of more than 25.000 relevant and enriched multimedia, multisource and multilingual documentary resources.
