Data visualisation workshop

3 April 2018

Data visualisation workshop

Workshop about data visualisation organised jointly by the Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).
Paper prototype, wireframe

23 März 2018

verfasst von :
Sytze Van Herck

The scientific user experience design method

When academics or developers create a website or an application, they usually start from the back end and only then focus on the design or front end. In this blogpost I would like to argue that the design process and user analysis specifically should come first. The methods outlined below were discussed during the workshop on the introduction to user experience design and evaluation methods by dr. Carine Lallemand and dr. Vincent Koenig.

22 März 2018

verfasst von :
Kaarel Sikk

Transferring knowledge from locational predictive models into spatial Agent Based Models: generilizing human perception of environment


21 März 2018

verfasst von :
Sean Takats

Managing research photos and archival images with Tropy

Third edition of the winter school in digital history

8 März 2018

verfasst von :
Aurélia Lafontaine

Third edition of the winter school in digital history

From 19 to 23 February 2018, the C²DH welcomed students in the first year of their master’s degree in history for the third edition of the winter school in digital history. This year, the winter school focused on the creation of a digital archival collection from scratch.
Google Maps as a tool for researchers? The example of the debates on the national museum in Luxembourg

7 März 2018

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

Google Maps as a tool for researchers? The example of the debates on the national museum in Luxembourg

Some time ago, I was wondering whether I could use Google Maps as a tool for my research on the history of the National History and Art Museum in Luxembourg, to adopt a distant reading approach, with the aim to gain new insights. I did it and, in the following blog post, I look back at this small experience.

1 März 2018

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

La culture à la télévision

How to deal with 4 million+ tweets when you are not a data scientist ?

21 Februar 2018

verfasst von :
Frédéric Clavert

How to deal with 4 million+ tweets when you are not a data scientist ?

#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History

14 Februar 2018

#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History

Research seminar with Anita Lucchesi, C²DH PhD Student
Digital bricolage: how to deal with 4 million tweets when you are not a data scientist

14 Februar 2018

Digital bricolage: how to deal with 4 million tweets when you are not a data scientist

Research seminar with Frédéric Clavert, C²DH Senior Research Scientist
Hands on History logo

8 Februar 2018

Hands-on Historical Investigations

Hands-on History session with Kristen Haring (Stanford University).
Out now: Interview with Andreas Fickers in Revista Z Cultural magazine

29 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Out now: Interview with Andreas Fickers in Revista Z Cultural magazine

The director of the C²DH was being interviewed by Ricardo M. Pimenta for the Brazilian magazine on Digital Humanities "Revista Z Cultural".
Popkult60: A closer look at popular culture in Europe over the long decade of the 1960s

19 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

Popkult60: A closer look at popular culture in Europe over the long decade of the 1960s

A new interdisciplinary research group composed of members of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), the Institute for History at the University of Luxembourg and Saarland University will investigate transnational transfers of popular culture in Europe in the 1960s.
Call for Papers for Issue #2 of the Journal of Historical Network Research

18 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

Call for Papers for Issue #2 of the Journal of Historical Network Research

We are inviting submissions of papers to be considered for publication in the second issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research, which will appear in the autumn of 2018.
Knowledge Graphs and Pluralism on Wikidata

18 Januar 2018

Knowledge Graphs and Pluralism on Wikidata

Nathalie Casemajor presents her paper on the social, technical and political stakes of knowledge pluralism on Wikidata, and its consequences for the broader Web data ecology.
Workshop: Wikimedia tools for Public History

18 Januar 2018

Workshop: Wikimedia tools for Public History

This workshop with Nathalie Casemajor aims to introduce the Wikimedia platform as a tool for public history and knowledge dissemination.
Hands on History logo

11 Januar 2018

The Historical Art of Projection. Digital and experimental approaches to the archaeology of the screen

Hands-on History session with Karin Bienek and Ludwig Vogl-Bienek (University of Trier).
Hands on History logo

11 Januar 2018

Réagir à l’archive. Sartre et la radio

Une conférence/projection sonore de Grégory Cormann et Jeremy Hamers (Université de Liège) dans le cadre la série "Hands on History".

1 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

Netzwerkvisualisierungen in den Geschichtswissenschaften zwischen explorativer Quellenanalyse und der Suggestionskraft des Bildes


1 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Marten Düring

The Power of Networks. Prospects of Historical Network Research
