
21 August 2018

verfasst von :
Anita Lucchesi

\#memorecord: Um experimento de história pública digital


1 August 2018

verfasst von :
Demival Vasques

Degree distributions of bipartite networks and their projections.


31 Juli 2018

verfasst von :
Florentina Armaselu, Frédéric Reis, Lars Wieneke, Daniele Guido

TEI Transviewer

TEI Transviewer is an interface for the exploration of documents in XML-TEI format.
Au bord de la falaise

25 Juli 2018

verfasst von :
Jakub Bronec

École d’Été Éditions Numériques / Humanités Numériques 2018 – Grenoble

Du 28 mai au 5 juillet 2018, j'ai eu le plaisir de participer à l'école d'été de l'histoire numérique à Grenoble (France). L’université Grenoble-Alpes en collaboration avec la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme -Alpes et l'UMR Litt&Arts a organisé la seconde édition de l'École D’été Édition Numérique et Humanités Numériques (EDEEN).

15 Juli 2018

verfasst von :
Gerben Zaagsma

Roundtable 'Humanities in the mirror: writing Jewish history in a digital key'


10 Juli 2018

verfasst von :
Frédéric Clavert

Commémorations, scandale et circulation de l’information : le Centenaire de la bataille de Verdun sur Twitter

Media history from the margins

9 Juli 2018

Media history from the margins

On 19-24 August 2018 at Monte Verità, Switzerland, the Universities of Lausanne and Luxembourg, together with USI Università della Svizzera Italiana, are organising a Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) Summer Seminar entitled “Media history from the margins”.
Materializing memories, dispositives, generations, amateurs

9 Juli 2018

Materializing memories, dispositives, generations, amateurs

Research seminar with Andreas Fickers and Tim Van der Heijden.
Constructing a virtual laboratory for simulating patterns of settlement and migration: integrating Agent-based models and history

5 Juli 2018

Constructing a virtual laboratory for simulating patterns of settlement and migration: integrating Agent-based models and history

Research seminar with Kaarel Sikk, PhD student at C²DH.
Follow-up on the Summer School on Transnational Radio History

3 Juli 2018

verfasst von :
Richard Legay

Follow-up on the Summer School on Transnational Radio History

On 18-22 June 2018, the C²DH hosted an international Summer School on Transnational Radio History, an event organised in collaboration with the Ministry for Culture in Saarland (Germany) and its Luxembourgish counterpart in the context of the European Year of Culture 2018. By mixing academic panels with hands-on workshops and sites visits, the event was the perfect opportunity for scholars from around the world to hold fascinating discussions on the topic of transnational radio history.

27 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Florentina Armaselu

The Magnifying Glass and the Kaleidoscope. Analysing Scale in Digital History and Historiography

The question addressed by the project is to what extent can digital tools and methods assist the detection of scale-related patterns in historical writings.

27 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Anita Lucchesi

#Memorecord: A memory Harvest! Learnings on crowdsourcing Digital Public History


27 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Tim van der Heijden

Conceptualizing Tactics and Engagement in Amateur Media Practices: A Longue Durée Perspective


26 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Anita Lucchesi, Gerben Zaagsma

Online Storytelling & Webdesign

2017 Annual report

25 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Isabelle Voegeli

2017 Annual report

After one exciting year of existence, the C²DH publishes its first annual report - in a fully digital format.
DHBenelux 2018 - Integrating Digital Humanities

11 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Max Kemman

DHBenelux 2018 - Integrating Digital Humanities

The theme of this year's annual DHBenelux conference was "Integrating Digital Humanities". Max Kemman provides a review of the conference, and how the discussions focused on the integration of the practices of scholars and librarians.
A museum at your fingertips? Some thoughts on 3D tours of museums

7 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

A museum at your fingertips? Some thoughts on 3D tours of museums

More and more cultural institutions create virtual tours that allow visitors to explore the collections at home instead of actually visiting the institutions. In this blog post, I would like to provide some reflections on virtual tours, their usefulness and their limits.
Digitising the analogue

5 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Eva Andersen, Sytze Van Herck

Digitising the analogue

Some time ago it suddenly hit us that it has been a while since we read an academic book or article in a physical format. This for the simple reason that we can retrace digital information much quicker — i.e. annotating a PDF, extracting highlighted text automatically with ZotFile or quickly looking up a specific word in a pdf document. A second realisation was that as PhD students in the field of digital history and hermeneutics these "small" digital aspects of a scholars life are almost never highlighted.

1 Juni 2018

verfasst von :
Jakub Bronec

Mezinárodní události očima lucemburských a československých židovských pamětníků


29 Mai 2018

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Key Note : Für eine digitale Hermeneutik in den Geisteswissenschaften
