
29 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Gerben Zaagsma

Interview with Prof. Dr Tim Hitchcock (University of Sussex)


28 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Florentina Armaselu, François Klein, Elena Danescu

Oral History and Linguistic Analysis. A Study in Digital and Contemporary European History

The article (long version) presents a workflow for combining oral history and language technology, and for evaluating this combination in the context of two use cases in European contemporary history research and teaching.
Agent-based modelling and network science for the study of the human past

27 Mai 2019

Agent-based modelling and network science for the study of the human past

Lecture by Iza Romanowska (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) and Tom Brughmans (University of Oxford)
Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory (DEMA)

17 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Tim van der Heijden, Aleksander Kolkowski, Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory (DEMA)

In September 2019, C²DH will launch the DEMA project which will provide a systematic reflection on the methodological underpinnings of experimental media archaeology as a practical and sensorial approach to media historiography.

11 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Thomas Durlacher

Weak emergence, computer simulations and complex systems


9 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Gerben Zaagsma

Doing History in the Digital Age - On Hybridity, Hermeneutics and the Politics of Digitisation

Development of a new digital document viewer at the Luxembourg National Library

8 Mai 2019

Development of a new digital document viewer at the Luxembourg National Library

'Impresso Talk' with Ralph Marschall (Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg)
Thus Spoke the People: Public Discourse in Belgrade's Politika on the Eve of Yugoslav Wars

8 Mai 2019

Thus Spoke the People: Public Discourse in Belgrade's Politika on the Eve of Yugoslav Wars

'Impresso Talk' with Josip Glaurdić and Michal Mochtak (Electoral Legacies of War: Political Competition in Postwar Southeast Europe - EL Wars)
Simulation of Roman Trade and Traffic between the Adriatic and the Danube

3 Mai 2019

Simulation of Roman Trade and Traffic between the Adriatic and the Danube

Lecture by Leif Scheuerman (Graz)
Explorations in the Digital History of Psychology

3 Mai 2019

Explorations in the Digital History of Psychology

Lecture by Christopher D. Green (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Sociological Aspects of Oral History in the Digital Age

30 April 2019

Sociological Aspects of Oral History in the Digital Age

Lecture by Jakub Mlynář (Malach Center for Visual History, Charles University) followed by a workshop on sociological aspects of oral history.

26 April 2019

verfasst von :
Max Kemman

Trading Zones of Digital History

Forum Z
Visualising history

17 April 2019

verfasst von :
Lars Wieneke

Visualising history

A Forum Z on history paintings, 3D reconstructions, virtual worlds and time machines.
Lecture Patrik Svensson - Unframing Infrastructure: recording and interview

9 April 2019

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

Lecture Patrik Svensson - Unframing Infrastructure: recording and interview

Lecture by Patrik Svensson, Professor of Humanities and Information Technology at Umeå University, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.
Beyond the tantrum: Questioning shared intuitions in historiography with emotion mining

8 April 2019

Beyond the tantrum: Questioning shared intuitions in historiography with emotion mining

'Impresso Talk' with Milan van Lange, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies

29 März 2019

verfasst von :
Jakub Bronec

Repatriation Efforts – Luxembourg State Policy Towards Jews during World War II

Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

28 März 2019

Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

The 9th edition of the 'Tensions of Europe' conference will be hosted by the C²DH from 27-30 June 2019.
PhD Defence: Trading Zones of Digital History

28 März 2019

PhD Defence: Trading Zones of Digital History

On 26 April 2019, Max Kemman will defend his PhD thesis at the University of Luxembourg.

25 März 2019

verfasst von :
Sytze Van Herck

Gendered labour in business computing: the IBM S/360 in practice

Le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique

20 März 2019

verfasst von :
Frédéric Clavert

Le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique

Projet conjoint avec l'Université Rennes 2, le "Goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique" est un livre en ligne, vivant, investiguant les changements de la relation des à leurs sources primaires. La "Gazette des Archives" - la revue des archivistes français créée en 1933 - en publie une capture dans son numéro 253.
