Plan Stübben Esch-sur-Alzette 1924

30 May 2022

L’invention d’Esch-sur-Alzette. Josef Stübben et les architectes de la ville.

Exposition au "Bridderhaus" à Esch-sur-Alzette (19 juin-15 septembre 2022). Vernissage: 18 juin 2022 à 17 heures.
Steel industry Esch-sur-Alzette

23 May 2022

From Boom to Bust: the History of Industrial Regions (1870-1970 and beyond)

International conference organised by the “Remixing Industrial Pasts” team.
Forum Z
Forum Z Liewen am Minett revisited

23 May 2022

written by :
Noëlle Schon

The debate goes on: Liewen am Minett revisited

Some 35 years after its appearance, the photo book "Liewen am Minett" was once again in the spotlight and the identity and image of the Minett at the centre of discussion.
Vernissage of the Minett Stories virtual exhibition

16 May 2022

Vernissage of the virtual exhibition 'Minett Stories'

The C²DH has the pleasure to invite you to the official launch of its new virtual exhibition "Minett Stories".
Forum Z
Forum Z Liewen am Minett revisited

19 April 2022

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Liewen am Minett revisited

This ForumZ revisits the famous photo book “Liewen am Minett” that documented the Minett region in the late 1980s and sparked a debate about the region’s identity.
Travailleurs frontaliers à Menen

7 April 2022

written by :
Arnaud Sauer

Enregistrement du webinaire "Construire des politiques sociales dans un contexte frontalier: le cas des ouvrier·e·s belges dans le Nord de la France"

Webinaire du Dr. Claudine Marissal (EUI) dans le cadre de "FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région" (13 décembre 2021).
Nuit de la Culture - Brutalité

5 April 2022

HistorEsch at Nuit de la Culture - Brutalité

C²DH public historians will be hosting another public engagement event at the upcoming Nuit de la Culture in Belval.
ArtistEsch inauguration fresque

31 March 2022

ArtistESCH: Deng Geschicht Op Denger Mauer | Ton Histoire Sur Ton Mur

Joint initiative with Portuguese artist Mariana Duarte Santos to create a new artwork in the district Lallange of the city Esch-sur-Alzette. | Zesummenaarbecht mat der portugisescher Kënschtlerin Mariana Duarte Santos fir ee neit Konschtwierk am Lallenger Quartier zu Esch ze kreéieren.
Laço Belval

8 March 2022

[L]AÇO: des liens de fer entre le Brésil et le Luxembourg

Des kiosques participatifs connectés à Belval et à Minas Gerais (Brésil).
Steel industry Esch-sur-Alzette

7 March 2022

written by :
Werner Tschacher

CfP - From Boom to Bust: the History of Industrial Regions (1870-1970 and beyond)

International Conference on 9-10 June 2022 at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) in Esch-Belval.
Bruce Springsteen

4 March 2022

written by :
Denis Scuto

Bruce Springsteen, ein “Minetter” der USA

This Hard Minett Land – Eine besondere Entdeckungsreise durch Luxemburgs Süden.
Minett stories rallye

22 February 2022

written by :
Sandra Camarda

The Minett Stories Rallye

A new treasure hunt takes you on a journey through the former ironworks of Belval. Discover secret locations, solve riddles and maybe win a prize.
REMIX exhibition Massenoire

11 February 2022

Remixing Industrial Pasts: Constructing the Identity of the Minett

The multimedia exhibition “Remixing Industrial Pasts: Constructing the Identity of the Minett” is part of the European Capital of Culture Esch2022 programme.
Travailleurs frontaliers à Menen

25 November 2021

Construire des politiques sociales dans un contexte frontalier: le cas des ouvrier·e·s belges dans le Nord de la France

Webinaire du Dr. Claudine Marissal (EUI) dans le cadre de "FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région".
Geschichte und Architektur Stadtführer Esch/Alzette

22 November 2021

written by :
Denis Scuto

Der „Geschichte und Architektur Stadtführer Esch/Alzette“ jetzt auf Deutsch erhältlich

Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, die Geschichte und das architektonische Erbe von Esch/Alzette zu entdecken, der außergewöhnlichen Hauptstadt des luxemburgischen Erzbeckens.
Rumelange rue des Bruyères

28 September 2021

Rëm.xx: Rumelange, a post-industrial town and its cultural heritage revisited

Lecture by Giny Laroche , co-founding partner of The Impact Lab. The hybrid event is part of the REMIX lecture series.

17 September 2021

written by :
Thomas Cauvin, Joella van Donkersgoed

HistorEsch: Public History Activities in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette

HistorEsch is the overarching name for several public history projects that will be organised between 2021-2022 to actively involve the residents of Esch-sur-Alzette in the production of history.
Laying the foundations of a modern city. Middle-classes/Bourgeoisie and entrepreneurship in early 20th century Esch-sur-Alzette (1900-1940)

2 August 2021

Laying the foundations of a modern city. Middle-classes/Bourgeoisie and entrepreneurship in early 20th century Esch-sur-Alzette (1900-1940)

Research seminar with Suzana Lopes Ferreira Cascao
Grubenlandschaft Dudweiler

24 June 2021

Neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte des Bergbaus an der Saar (Werkstattbericht)

Lecture by Birgit Metzger, cultural scientist and historian. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Steel industry Saarland

24 June 2021

'The Romanticism of Hell'. Environmental History of the Saar-region in the 19th-century

Lecture by Markus Lay, office manager of Saarland’s historical commission. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
