Digital cultural heritage series

7 November 2022

Digital cultural heritage series

At the C²DH, we want to bring together different aspects and experts on topics related to digital cultural heritage.
The Participatory Archive: Creative Engagement, Sharing Authority and Public History in Northern Ireland

18 October 2022

The Participatory Archive: Creative Engagement, Sharing Authority and Public History in Northern Ireland

Lecture by Lynsey Gillespie, Dr. Laura Aguiar and Bronagh McAtasney. Hybrid event.
Accès aux archives du CNA : Démarches, questions, contacts

12 October 2022

Accès aux archives du CNA : Démarches, questions, contacts

Hands on History avec Paul Lesch, Yves Steichen, Manon Pinatel, Tessy Oppermann, Viviane Thill.
War letter

22 June 2022

written by :
Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse, Milan van Lange

Transcribing, Curating and Researching War Letters in the Digital Age

A short report of the 2nd ‘War Letters’ workshop in Belval, Luxembourg.
Nina Janz presenting the WARLUX project in Texas

17 May 2022

written by :
Nina Janz

Presentation of the WARLUX project at the Society of Military History Annual Meeting in Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas

Nina Janz took the long way to Texas to present the topic of Project Warlux to an international audience of military historians.
Archives on cross-border cooperation

26 April 2022

written by :
Estelle Bunout, Machteld Venken, Christoph Brüll

Where to find archives for the history of cross-border cooperation?

On 24-25 March, the C²DH welcomed archivists and digital humanists to discuss collections informing the history of cross-border cooperation in the Greater Region.
Trausch library

6 April 2022

Producing Historiography in a Changing World: Practices of Historians in Analog and Digital Contexts

International conference organised within the framework of the 'Gilbert Trausch' research project at the University of Luxembourg.
IN#SANE. The contemporary history of an eroding difference

29 March 2022

IN#SANE. The contemporary history of an eroding difference

Research seminar with Benoît Majerus and Samuel Dal Zilio.
War letters

16 March 2022

written by :
Nina Janz, Milan van Lange

A Workshop on War Letters (in the Digital Age)

Impressions of building a community around people working on the digitization of historical ‘egodocuments’ using Transkribus.
Archives nationales Luxembourg

1 February 2022

written by :
Nina Janz

The European archival landscape – A Conference on access and prevention strategies in archives and the impact on historical research

An international conference on “Strategies of Blockade. Access to Archive Records in France and Germany in an International Perspective” took place in January 2022 in Paris. Researchers from the C²DH presented the current archive situation in Luxembourg and its impact on research in contemporary history.
Hands on History Raphaëlle Branche

12 October 2021

L’accès aux archives publiques en France: retour sur les dernières évolutions

Hands in History avec Prof. Raphaëlle Branche, professeure d’histoire contemporaine à l’Université de Paris Nanterre et membre de l’Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique (CNRS).
Intellectual and Material Practices of an Historian in the 20th Century: The Case of Gilbert Trausch

29 September 2021

Intellectual and Material Practices of an Historian in the 20th Century: The Case of Gilbert Trausch

Research seminar with Renée Wagener and Wolfgang Freund.
Remise du Prix Paul Belche à Dominique Santana

18 June 2021

written by :
Dominique Santana

Remise du « Prix Paul Belche » à Dominique Santana

Le Rotary Club Esch – Bassin Minier a présenté son ‘Prix Paul Belche’, un don de 10 000 EUR, au C²DH pour soutenir le projet de recherche «A Colõnia Luxemburguesa» de la jeune historienne et réalisatrice.

12 April 2021

written by :
Valérie Schafer

CfP: Data as a new resource? Similarities and differences of data vs. material resources

Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival. 30 June 2021, Online meeting via WEBEX, 10.00-18.00 CET
Workshop Gilbert Trausch

7 April 2021

written by :
Wolfgang Freund

At Work in the Library: Intellectual and Material Practices of Historians in the 20th Century

Report of the Virtual Workshop organised on 5 March 2021 by the Gilbert Trausch research group at the University of Luxembourg.
A Colona Luxemburguesa

15 March 2021

written by :
Dominique Santana

A COLÔNIA LUXEMBURGUESA – Let’s co-create our shared history!

The C²DH (University of Luxembourg), the film production company Samsa Film, and the Centre National de l'Audiovisuel (CNA) are currently producing the transmedia documentary “A COLÔNIA LUXEMBURGUESA » by the Luxembourg-Brazilian director and historian Dominique Santana, with the support of the Film Fund Luxembourg and Esch2022. This transmedia project takes us to the core of the so-called Colônia Luxemburguesa and invites us to discover together a century of common industrial, cultural and social heritage.
Warlux project

10 February 2021

written by :
Nina Janz

Between the front and home – War letters of Luxembourgers in Nazi forces and organisations during WWII as a source to study their individual war experiences

The ongoing project WARLUX aims to study the biographies of young Luxembourgers, born between 1920 and 1927, who were drafted by the Nazi German authorities for the Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst) and the German Army (Wehrmacht).
Hands on History - Peter Crooks

14 October 2020

"A Malignant Destiny": Recovering from Ireland's National Archival Tragedy of 1922 through the 'Beyond 2022' Project

Hands on History session with Peter Crooks (Trinity College Dublin) - online event.
Hands on history Web archive

14 October 2020

Towards critical web archive research

Hands on History session with Dr. Anat Ben-David (The Open University of Israel) - online event.
100 Jahre Ostbelgien

18 September 2020

written by :
Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll, Philippe Beck, Vitus Sproten, Daniele Guido

Virtual exhibition 'East Belgium 1920-2020'

East Belgium 1920-2020 is a virtual exhibition about the History of the region Eupen-Malmedy-Sankt Vith since the change of nationality in 1920.
