
16 September 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Review of Adam Crymble: Technology and the Historian. Transformations in the Digital Age

Eichmann in the Cold War - a DVD film project

9 September 2021

Eichmann in the Cold War - a DVD film project

Hands on History Lecture with Irmgard Zündorf, Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF).
Digital Roots cover

9 September 2021

written by :
Valérie Schafer

New publication: Digital Roots. Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age

Volume 4 in the series 'Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics' published by De Gruyter Oldenburg.

30 August 2021

written by :
Florentina Armaselu

HISTORIAE, History of Socio-Cultural Transformation as Linguistic Data Science. A Humanities Use Case

The paper proposes an interdisciplinary approach including methods from disciplines such as history of concepts, linguistics, natural language processing (NLP) and Semantic Web, to create a comparative framework for detecting semantic change in multilingual historical corpora and generating diachronic ontologies as linguistic linked open data (LLOD).
IMISCOE 2021 report

25 August 2021

written by :
Machteld Venken, Lorella Viola

Conference Report: Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods

Lorella Viola and Machteld Venken (C²DH) organised the panel series “Doing Historical Research on Migration in the Digital Age: Theories, Concepts and Methods” at the International Migration Research Network Annual Conference (IMISCOE) on 7-9 July 2021 at the University of Luxembourg. The aim of the panel series was to explore how digital technologies have impacted migration history research.

18 August 2021

written by :
Florentina Armaselu

Towards a computer-assisted aesthetics of user response

The article focuses on the analysis of the user as an aesthetic category and proposes a methodology for evaluating user response within a framework that combines theoretical background from different areas, the theory of aesthetic response, psycholinguistics, appraisal theory, dialogism, and affective stylistics, with the application of digital tools for corpus linguistics and sentiment analysis.
Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

15 July 2021

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

On the 8 June, the C²DH (University of Luxembourg) and the Center for Digital Humanities (Perm State University, Russia) organised an international round table entitled “Different Cultures in Digital History”
CfP - Chapters solicited for an edited volume on “Multilingual DH”

24 June 2021

written by :
Lorella Viola

CfP - Chapters solicited for an edited volume on “Multilingual DH”

This edited volume will explore the contemporary and future relevance of multilingualism (and its cultural impact) in DH practices. Guest editors: Dr Lorella Viola (University of Luxembourg) and Paul Spence (King’s College London).

17 June 2021

written by :
Antonio Fiscarelli



9 June 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Uncovering the Forgotten Roots of Digital History: the Association for History and Computing


2 June 2021

written by :
Tim van der Heijden

Replicating the Kinora: 3D modelling and printing as heuristics in digital media history

Historical Network Research conference 2021

1 June 2021

Historical Network Research conference 2021

The C²DH is hosting the 6th Historical Network Research conference „Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke“.

28 May 2021

written by :
Eva Andersen

A Republic of Alienists? A transnational perspective on psychiatric knowledge circulation across Europe (1843-1925)

Different Cultures in Digital History

26 May 2021

Different Cultures in Digital History

International Round Table and workshop on Digital History and new academic publication practices organised online by the C²DH (University of Luxembourg) and the Center for Digital Humanities (Perm State University, Russia).

25 May 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Exploring the History of Digital History

Workshop report: Performing media archaeological experiments

24 May 2021

written by :
Aleksander Kolkowski, Tim van der Heijden, Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers

Workshop report: Performing media archaeological experiments

On 18 December 2020, the second workshop of the DEMA project - Doing Experimental Media Archaeology: Practice & Theory - project took place at the C²DH. For this workshop, participants from various fields, including media history, art history, musicology, history of science, sensorial ethnography, contemporary composition and sound art were invited to share experiences on how to perform historical re-enactments and how experimental research can serve or operate in artistic practice.

11 May 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Digital Cultural Heritage and the Politics of Digitisation

Lecture by Smiljana Antonijević " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

3 May 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Lecture by Smiljana Antonijević " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

Lecture " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities " by Dr. Smiljana Antonijević, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.
EU data viz 2021

29 April 2021

EU DataViz

EU DataViz is an international conference on open data and data visualisation organised by the Publications Office of the European Union, in partnership with the C²DH.

28 April 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation
