Cassette tape recorder

25 May 2020

Workshop on Digital Oral History Content Management

Solving the Shoebox Syndrome: “Digital” Oral History Content Management. Online workshop with Douglas Lambert.
Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling (DDTM) of immigrant discourses in the United States, 1898-1920

14 May 2020

Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling (DDTM) of immigrant discourses in the United States, 1898-1920

DTU-Seminar conducted by Lorella Viola.
Lecture by Julianne Nyhan "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

12 May 2020

written by :
Noëlle Schon

Lecture by Julianne Nyhan "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

Lecture "New findings and new questions about the origins of Digital Humanities: on the state of the art of histories of the Index Thomisticus project of Fr Roberto Busa S.J." by Dr. Julianne Nyhan, UCL (London), and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.

1 May 2020

written by :
Demival Vasques

Transitivity and degree assortativity explained: The bipartite structure of social networks.


14 April 2020

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Mehr Mut zum Experimentieren. Digitale Lehre - Interview mit Andreas Fickers

Traces and memories in the making of a pandemic (3) - #covidmemory

10 April 2020

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Traces and memories in the making of a pandemic (3) - #covidmemory

Today, April 10, C²DH researchers launched the digital memory bank The platform #covidmemory offers people living or working in Luxembourg the opportunity to share their personal experiences with one another and to archive them for future generations.
Traces et mémoires en devenir d'une pandémie

30 March 2020

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Traces et mémoires en devenir d'une pandémie

En collectant des sources primaires nativement numériques comme les tweets, historiens et historiennes peuvent préparer l'écriture de l'histoire de la pandémie en cours. Quelques éléments sont livrés ici par Frédéric Clavert, professeur assistant en histoire contemporaine et spécialistes des réseaux sociaux numériques.
CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

10 March 2020

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

The international conference “#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age” will take place on 12 and 13 January 2021 at the University of Luxembourg and will bring together scholars and heritage practitioners to discuss how the digital turn affects the field of Jewish Studies.

9 March 2020

written by :
Jakub Bronec

IWalk: Mapping Jewish Life with your Mobile – New ways of teaching Jewish history in Luxembourg

Forum Z
Reading yesterday's news in the digital age

3 March 2020

written by :
Estelle Bunout

Reading yesterday's news in the digital age

Text mining 200 years of historical newspapers - online event.
Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

2 March 2020

Collecting, analysing and visualising documents in the political domain

Online lecture by Sara Tonelli, head of the Digital Humanities group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento).

1 March 2020

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Podcast "Communicating Europe"

Digital Humanities in Quebec: A Dual Perspective

28 February 2020

Digital Humanities in Quebec: A Dual Perspective

Presentation by Michael Sinatra and Emmanuel Chateau-Dutier, Université de Montréal.
CfP - Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?

27 February 2020

written by :
Estelle Bunout

CfP - Capturing Europe in Digital Sources: New Approaches for European Integration History?

Extended deadline for the Call for Papers for the 16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Conference to be held from 28 to 29 May 2020 in Luxembourg.

13 February 2020

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

The Digital Archive and the Politics of Digitisation

Distant Viewing: Analysing Large Visual Corpora

10 February 2020

Distant Viewing: Analysing Large Visual Corpora

Brown bag lunch event with Lauren Tilton and Taylor Arnold, University of Richmond and Université de Lyon.

5 February 2020

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Roundtable - Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe


5 February 2020

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma, Denis Scuto

Denis Scuto an Dr. Gerben Zaagsma iwwer den FORUM Z Holocaust: History and Memory


29 January 2020

written by :
Thomas Durlacher

The new digital responsibility – or what is data-ethics?

What’s Digital About Digital History

23 January 2020

What’s Digital About Digital History

Conference with Thomas Haigh, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee and Siegen University.
