More than 10,000 Luxembourgish women and men wore German uniforms during WWII in armed forces and civil organizations, such as the Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS and the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD). Who were these people? What was the reason for their commitment to the occupation forces? How did their families cope with the situation?
WARLUX will collect their biographies and investigate their individual profiles from the perspective of their social background, trajectories during the war and their life in the post-war period. With this new approach the project aims to analyze individual war experiences, survival strategies, reactions, contradictions,… within greater political, military and administrative frameworks, and also review the categories, that have tended to be used and integrated in the master narrative of the country as a “nation résistante et martyre”.
You can find more information about the project on Digital War History: https://digiwarhist.hypotheses.org
Wednesday, 28 October 2020, from 14.00 to 15.00
Online - Webex.
If you want to participate, please send an e-mail to vanessa.napolitano@ext.uni.lu to receive the link.