
24 October 2019

written by :
Machteld Venken

Native Borderland Children in Europe: comparing verification and nationalization narratives after the Second World War

Soirée cinématographique: «Un mur à Berlin» de Patrick Rotman

22 October 2019

Soirée cinématographique: «Un mur à Berlin» de Patrick Rotman

Projection du film documentaire et débat avec Georges Marion (Le Monde) et Prof. Dr. Andreas Fickers (C²DH) à l'occasion du 30e anniversaire de la chute du mur de Berlin.

21 October 2019

written by :
Elena Danescu

The Iron Curtain: An Historical Overview


18 October 2019

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Roundtable on uses of Web archives and concluding remarks


18 October 2019

written by :
Machteld Venken

The ambiguity of Germanness among borderland youth: A preliminary comparison.

Zukunftshandeln in globalen Krisen: Bundesdeutsche Praktiken in den 1970/80er Jahren

10 October 2019

Zukunftshandeln in globalen Krisen: Bundesdeutsche Praktiken in den 1970/80er Jahren

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch (Universität Potsdam) im Rahmen des trinationalen Doktorandenkollegs.

3 October 2019

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering at C²DH digital history Lab


3 October 2019

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Archives du Web, "la cathédrale et le bazar"


1 October 2019

written by :
Elena Danescu

Challenges in completing EMU: asymmetric competition vs fiscal harmonisation. A case study of the Benelux countries


1 October 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

Video Content Analysis


26 September 2019

written by :
Elisabeth Wingerter

The Alfred Oppenheimer Testimony and Luxemburg's Master Narrative

Oral histoRies on the fAll of The irOn cuRtain (ORATOR)

20 September 2019

Oral histoRies on the fAll of The irOn cuRtain (ORATOR)

International workshop to initiate the ORATOR project.
C²DH Visiting Researcher Fellowships 2020

2 September 2019

written by :
Andreas Fickers

C²DH Visiting Researcher Fellowships 2020

The C²DH offers several fellowships for visiting researchers: for PhD candidates, Post-Docs and Senior Researchers.

1 September 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

Making sense of digital oral history


21 August 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

Joint supervision – blessing and cursed paths of doing a PhD at two universities

The Benelux, Regional Groupings and the Dynamics of European Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

19 August 2019

written by :
Spero Paravantis

The Benelux, Regional Groupings and the Dynamics of European Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives

On 8-9 April 2019, the University of Luxembourg hosted the conference 'The Benelux, Regional Groupings and the Dynamics of European Integration: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives' which explored the ways in which regional (sub-) groupings have played a significant, but comparatively neglected role in the processes of European integration.

1 August 2019

written by :
Jakub Bronec

MUZEUM JAKO CESTA KE SMÍRU: Rozkol současné lucemburské židovské komunity


18 July 2019

written by :
Dominique Santana

Ties that bind: Unearthing shared treasures between Luxemoburg and Brazil


15 July 2019

written by :
Elena Danescu

Audiovisual work-Podcast: The Monster under the Bed - Brief history of the European Union Budget


11 July 2019

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Le millefeuille temporel des archives du Web
