The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th 2022 has triggered a worldwide wave of support and expressions of solidarity, also among C²DH staff. This report gives an overview of their past activities together with a preliminary review and recommendations for the year 2023. This does not cover private support activities undertaken by C²DH members.
This report consists of three parts: First, a brief summary of the response of Luxembourgish research institutions, published already in June 2022. Second, a chronology of activities by C²DH staff since March 2022. Third, an overview of past and planned activities by C²DH. These activities we group in a) Collaboration and Training in support of Ukrainian researchers and b) Documentation and Preservation with a focus on cultural heritage and future research activities.
At the time of writing, most do not expect the war to end any time soon. This makes it necessary to revisit past support activities regarding their success and effectiveness, to adjust measures according to the changed situation and to identify new opportunities for support also in light of their impact on the centre and its ongoing activities in research and teaching. Overall, the centre will continue and expand its support activities in light of the orientation towards the development of the future Ukrainian research landscape.
![Luxembourg Ukrainian Researcher Network](