Rue du Brill 1922-2022 : visualisation des archives historiques pour les citoyens / Visualisierung des Historischen Archivs für die Bürger

14 November 2023

Rue du Brill 1922-2022 : visualisation des archives historiques pour les citoyens / Visualisierung des Historischen Archivs für die Bürger

Vorlesung im Rahmen der "20 years of ideas!" der Universität Luxemburg.
“Volleksgeschicht” zu Lëtzebuerg: sënnvoll Verbindunge mat Leit maachen

14 November 2023

“Volleksgeschicht” zu Lëtzebuerg: sënnvoll Verbindunge mat Leit maachen

Dëse Virtrag gëtt gehalen am Kader vun der Serie "20 years of ideas!" vun der Uni Lëtzebuerg.
Cartavox sound postcard recorder

31 Oktober 2023

verfasst von :
Tim van der Heijden

Doing Experimental Media Archaeology dataset published on Europeana

Dataset from the research project Doing Experimental Media Archaeology (DEMA) was recently published on Europeana, the online platform of cultural heritage.
Agonism: Conflicting Interpretations of the Past, Participation Practices, and Transforming Cultural Venues

30 Oktober 2023

Agonism: Conflicting Interpretations of the Past, Participation Practices, and Transforming Cultural Venues

Join us online for this international conference on the theoretical and practical engagement with divergent interpretations of the past and their resonances across the cultural sector.
Dominique Santana wins FNR awards 2023

20 Oktober 2023

verfasst von :
Noëlle Schon

‘A Colônia Luxemburguesa’ wins FNR Award

The 2023 FNR Award for Outstanding Promotion of Science to the Public goes to the transmedia documentary ‘A Colônia Luxemburguesa’ directed by Dominique Santana.
History@Play / Beyond Nuremberg: Critical Game Making as Public History Research

16 Oktober 2023

Beyond Nuremberg: Critical Game Making as Public History Research

History@Play lecture by Clarissa J. Ceglio, University of Connecticut | Greenhouse Studios.
Plurality and Purpose: Strengthening digital heritage eco-systems in Africa’s museum sector

16 Oktober 2023

Plurality and Purpose: Strengthening digital heritage eco-systems in Africa’s museum sector

Introductory lecture by Chao Tayiana, 2023 Public Historian in Residence at the C²DH.
Welcome to Chao Tayiana, Public Historian in Residence

16 Oktober 2023

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

Welcome to Chao Tayiana, Public Historian in Residence

The Kenyan historian will join the C²DH from 31 October to 30 November 2023.
Forum Z
Forum Z Fo'er an de Sixties Forum Z

4 Oktober 2023

verfasst von :
Véronique Faber

Report of the Forum Z Fo’er an de Sixties: Vu Boxeren a Fritten

Outreach event at the “Schueberfouer” about the long 1960s.
Forum Z
Forum Z Game on: Exploring History Through Play

2 Oktober 2023

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

GAME TIME: Exploring History Through Play

During the Forum Z we will explore the intersection between history and play.
IFPH 2024 at the University of Luxembourg, Belval

19 September 2023

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

CfP - 7th World Conference of the International Federation for Public History

The International Federation for Public History (IFPH) now welcomes applications for its 2024 World Conference that will take place on 3-7 September 2024 at the University of Luxembourg.
A sociology of the covid memory boom. The French case study

18 September 2023

A sociology of the covid memory boom. The French case study

Hands on History talk with Sarah Gensburger (SciencesPo, Paris).
History@Play: History and the (Digital) Margins of Rockstar Games

16 August 2023

History and the (Digital) Margins of Rockstar Games

Lecture by Esther Wright, University of Cardiff, UK.
Forum Z
Fo'er an de Sixties Forum Z

19 Juli 2023

verfasst von :
Véronique Faber

Fo'er an de Sixties: Vu Boxeren a Fritten

Op dësem Forum Z diskutéieren mer iwwert wat et op der Schueberfouer an den 1960er ze gesinn an ze di gouf.
Historesch Gesinn

6 Juli 2023

verfasst von :
Joella van Donkersgoed

Start of the new public history project "Historesch Gesinn"

Developing a sustainable network between the general public and cultural organisations to preserve memories and heritages in the long term.
Thucydides and Herodotus

7 Juni 2023

Public History in European Historical Perspectives

International online conference on the long history of public historical practices in Europe.
Faire équipe: quand historien-ne-s et auteur-e-s de bande dessinée travaillent ensemble (enregistrements)

5 Juni 2023

verfasst von :
Aliénor Gandanger

Faire équipe: quand historien-ne-s et auteur-e-s de bande dessinée travaillent ensemble (enregistrements)

Après une riche journée d'échanges avec nos différents intervenants le 28 avril, nous avons souhaité garder une trace des discussions et permettre leur écoute à un public élargi.
Faye Sayer

2 Juni 2023

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

2023 C²DH Visiting Public History Research Fellow Faye Sayer

We are proud to welcome Prof. Faye Sayer as our Public Historian in residence in June and July 2023.
Public history online symposium

31 Mai 2023

verfasst von :
Camilla Portesani, Thomas Cauvin

Recordings of the symposium 'When publics co-produce history in museums: skills, methodologies and impact of participation'

The 2022 online symposium focused on groups and communities becoming active participants in the production of history in museums.
Les papotages de Gazengel

17 Mai 2023

verfasst von :
Aliénor Gandanger

Going behind the scenes: Visualizing a researcher's life

It is through the Instagram account @lespapotages_de_Gazengel that a duo like no other tells in real time the adventures of a doctoral student from the beginning of her thesis.
