Experimenting with the use of interactive digital storytelling in academia

12 April 2019

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

Experimenting with the use of interactive digital storytelling in academia

On 19 and 20 March, the C²DH hosted a two-day hands-on workshop on the use of interactive digital storytelling for academic historians with Sandra Gaudenzi, one of the leading experts in interactive storytelling and a senior lecturer at the University of Westminster.

5 April 2019

verfasst von :
Stefanie Kesteloot

On the Mediation of Human Rights in Times of Cold War

Kunstgeplänkel und Kommerzverbrämung: wie Film und Fernsehen der 1960er sich zwischen Mainstream und Avantgarde neu orientieren

2 April 2019

Kunstgeplänkel und Kommerzverbrämung: wie Film und Fernsehen der 1960er sich zwischen Mainstream und Avantgarde neu orientieren

Konferenz von Jörg Türschmann (Universität Wien).
Expanding Historical Narratives: From the Archive to the Multimedia Installation

28 März 2019

Expanding Historical Narratives: From the Archive to the Multimedia Installation

Multimedia artist Chiara Ligi will present the installation created for the exhibition ‘Être d’ailleurs en temps de guerre (14-18). Étrangers à Dudelange – Dudelangeois à l’étranger’, providing an insight into its concept and development.
Le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique

20 März 2019

verfasst von :
Frédéric Clavert

Le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique

Projet conjoint avec l'Université Rennes 2, le "Goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique" est un livre en ligne, vivant, investiguant les changements de la relation des à leurs sources primaires. La "Gazette des Archives" - la revue des archivistes français créée en 1933 - en publie une capture dans son numéro 253.

14 März 2019

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

Making an Archive-Based Historical Web Documentary

Hands on History logo

6 März 2019

History Types – Building block for a Theory of Public History?

Lectury by Thorsten Logge, Universität Hamburg

5 März 2019

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Cultures of memory and practices of forgetting in the digital age

Hands on History logo

28 Februar 2019

The MNHA at your fingertips. Challenges and possibilities of a museum’s 3D model

Hands-on History session with Gilles Zeimet, National Museum of History and Art (MNHA)
Forum Z
A Hands-On exploration through Luxembourg’s virtual and real landscapes of digital developments in Education, Research and Culture

1 Februar 2019

verfasst von :
Juliane Tatarinov

A Hands-On exploration through Luxembourg’s virtual and real landscapes of digital developments in Education, Research and Culture

Who’s afraid of the Digital? This was the leading question of C²DH’s first Forum Z in 2019, organised by the Digital History Unit of the centre. Museum curators, schoolteachers, researchers and professional educators presented their projects in the House of Startups in Luxembourg City in the form of hands-on workstations followed by an round table discussing the merits of new digital projects with the audience in a casual atmosphere.
Oral History Digital Indexing (OHDI): methods, approaches, and general theories

31 Januar 2019

Oral History Digital Indexing (OHDI): methods, approaches, and general theories

Research seminar with Douglas Lambert
 Workshop on Histories of Maintenance, Repair, Reuse and Disposal

24 Januar 2019

verfasst von :
Douglas Lambert, Stefan Krebs

Workshop on Histories of Maintenance, Repair, Reuse and Disposal

This report summarises a C²DH-hosted workshop concerning some undervalued and overlooked aspects of technology.
Mapping Urban History in the Digital Age

23 Januar 2019

Mapping Urban History in the Digital Age

Interdisciplinary workshop on digital urban history organised by the C²DH.
Experimental Media Archaeology featuring the Apple IIe

22 Januar 2019

verfasst von :
Sytze Van Herck

Experimental Media Archaeology featuring the Apple IIe

During a research visit to the Media Archaeology Lab in Boulder (CO) participants experimented with the Apple IIe. They either played an educational game or wrote a letter on a computer from the 1980s.
Hands on History logo

22 Januar 2019

Why use interactive digital storytelling in academia?

Lecture by Sandra Gaudenzi (University of Westminster, University College of London).
Using Digital Tools to Generate Subtitles for a Radio Play

21 Januar 2019

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

Using Digital Tools to Generate Subtitles for a Radio Play

This entry briefly describes how we generated English subtitles (using digital tools) for the binaural radio play "Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie" we produced in 2017.

18 Januar 2019

verfasst von :
Julia Harnoncourt

Frauen in der Landwirtschaft im Amazonas: Eine Spurensuche

Hands on History logo

16 Januar 2019

Building a historical cookbook from digitized newspapers

Lecture by Melvin Wevers (KNAW Humanities Cluster, Amsterdam)

1 Januar 2019

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

Ein binaurales Hörspiel über die Geschichte der akustischen 3D-Aufnahme


1 Januar 2019

verfasst von :
Richard Legay, Anita Lucchesi

Learning by Doing: Introducing Students to Public History through Digital Projects
