
1 Januar 2021

verfasst von :
Julia Harnoncourt

Befreiung der Frau. Texte zur Geschichte eines weltweiten Kampfes


1 Januar 2021

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

Kulturen des Reparierens und die Lebensdauer der Dinge (Teil 2)


1 Januar 2021

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

Kulturen des Reparierens und die Lebensdauer der Dinge (Teil 1)

#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

18 Dezember 2020

#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

The international virtual conference “#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age” will take place from 11 to 14 January 2021 and will bring together more than sixty scholars and heritage practitioners to discuss how the digital turn affects the field of Jewish Studies.

15 Dezember 2020

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin, Lars Wieneke, Karin Priem, Christopher Morse, Valérie Schafer, Jens van de Maele, Blandine Landau

Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

Uncovering Luxembourg’s Industrial Past and Public History Research Methods

11 Dezember 2020

verfasst von :
Nicole Basaraba

Uncovering Luxembourg’s Industrial Past and Public History Research Methods

Visiting Research Fellow, Nicole Basaraba, examined how historians and anthropologists can remix industrial history into a mobile application designed for public engagement.

1 Dezember 2020

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

Edmond Célestin Grethen

Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France

1 Dezember 2020

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto, Arnaud Sauer

Légionnaires : Parcours de Guerre et de Migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France


1 Dezember 2020

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

« À nos braves » : les monuments aux légionnaires luxembourgeois entre conflit et réconciliation

Rethinking the Histories and Legacies of Industrial Cities

24 November 2020

Rethinking the Histories and Legacies of Industrial Cities

Online workshop organised by the 'Remixing the Industrial Pasts' team.
Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

18 November 2020

Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

The international online symposium will bring together scholars, museum professionals and heritage practitioners to discuss how participatory history is constructed, developed, and implemented in museums.
Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History, Challenges, Gaps

17 November 2020

Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History, Challenges, Gaps

International Workshop

6 November 2020

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

Round table: Museum of Self-isolation


6 November 2020

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

Communication, public engagement and public history


27 Oktober 2020

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

Review of: Marco WEITEN and Tony VACCARO, Tony Vaccaro: Soldier with a Camera. Lions Club Luxembourg-Country 50e anniversaire: 1967–2017. Luxembourg: Lions Club Luxembourg-Country, 2017.


26 Oktober 2020

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

Strategies of Digital Storytelling: Éischte Weltkrich - Remembering the Great War in Luxembourg

Timecode Indexing Module: creating multimedia access to oral history

14 Oktober 2020

verfasst von :
Douglas Lambert

Timecode Indexing Module: creating multimedia access to oral history

This is a preview of the Timecode Indexing Module (TIM) presented during the 2020 Oral History Association Annual Meeting.
REPAIR - a project presentation

14 Oktober 2020

REPAIR - a project presentation

Research seminar with Stefan Krebs, Rebecca Mossop, Thomas Hoppenheit
Remixing History in a Mobile App

14 Oktober 2020

Remixing History in a Mobile App

Research seminar with Nicole Basaraba
Collecting Craft Beer History at the Smithsonian

14 Oktober 2020

Collecting Craft Beer History at the Smithsonian

Hands on History session with Theresa McCulla (Smithsonian Museum) - online event.
