Estelle Bunout holds a PhD in contemporary history from the University of Lorraine (France). In her thesis, she studied the expertise of Eastern Europe in Germany and Poland (1918-1972), its emergence after 1918, its formalization as a science of the enemy and its revision after 1945 accompagnying the Ostpolitik of Willy Brandt, until 1972. To analyse the posture of the expert on Eastern Europe, she focused on 30 experts from Germany and Poland, across the regime and border changes these countries experienced and studied the change of their practices from 1918 to 1972. For this transnational prosopography, she developed a dedicated visualisation of border changes and biographical information. She holds a M.A. in History of European Integration from the University of Strasbourg.
In the context of the impresso project, she was researching- until October 2020 - the antimodern conception of the European Idea in the digitized newspaper collections of Switzerland and Luxembourg primarily. In 2021, she was fellow at the Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History (Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung – ZZF), working on the GDR digitised newspapers collection, to study the representation of the Soviet-Union via text-mining tools.
Her current work is dedicated to "Fleeting and lasting presence: Polish sociabilities in Luxembourg and the Great Region in the long twentieth century".

Estelle is a Postdoctoral researcher