From 16 to 20 October, we’ll have the pleasure of welcoming a tandem of Transnational Scholars in Residence to the Contemporary History of Luxembourg (LHI) reserach group and long term practioners of digital migration history the Netherlands: Marijke van Fassen and Rik Hoestra. Both are co-authors of an interesting paper published in our Journal of Digital History (JDH).

Marijke van Fassen is a researcher at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands in Amsterdam, where she is currently coordinating the “Migrant: Mobilities and Connection” project on Dutch emigrants to Australia and their cultural heritage, in close collaboration with a number of Australian experts in digital humanities and cultural heritage experts.

Rik Hoestra is a digital historian from the DHLab of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW) and develops strategies and a stimulating reflection on the datification of historical sources, with lately a focus on formulaic language detection.
On 19 October, we’ll host with them a workshop dedicated to ‘Digitising, georeferencing and modeling administrative historical data’. If you are interested in participating, please contact or