
25 October 2018

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Twitter data as primary sources for historians: a critical approach


25 October 2018

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Interfacing counterculture and digital cultures: an interview with Geert Lovink

Amerikanisierung, Westernisierung, Europäisierung? Popgeschichte und die historischen Raumdebatten.

18 October 2018

Amerikanisierung, Westernisierung, Europäisierung? Popgeschichte und die historischen Raumdebatten.

Konferenz von Bodo Mrozek (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam)
CIDOC 2018 – Semantic Data Integration Conference in Heraklion, 29 September- 5 October 2018

12 October 2018

written by :
Jakub Bronec

CIDOC 2018 – Semantic Data Integration Conference in Heraklion, 29 September- 5 October 2018

The aim of the conference was generate and trace the “Provenance of Knowledge” as a core element in documentation. Provenance and Knowledge set a goal to verify the origins of the information and knowledge about an object which correlates to an idea in order to reconstruct the whole chain of creation, use, interpretation and dissemination of particularly information.
Journée d'étude: Le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique

12 October 2018

Journée d'étude: Le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique

Le C²DH, l'Université Rennes 2 et l'Association des Archivistes français organisent le 14 novembre aux Archives Nationales (France, site de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine) une journée d'étude autour du livre en ligne, Le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique.

12 October 2018

written by :
Marco Gabellini, Cécile Duval

L’iconographie, support documentaire à double tranchant


12 October 2018

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Digital History of Technology: A Critical Dialogue / round table discussion

Interview with Prof. Dr. Emeritus Hartmut Kaelble

11 October 2018

written by :
Dominique Santana

Interview with Prof. Dr. Emeritus Hartmut Kaelble

Hartmut Kaelble is Emeritus Professor at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

10 October 2018

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Does Born-Digital Heritage turn Historians into Digital Historians?


5 October 2018

written by :
Vitus Sproten

Die Geschichte des Radios im Osten Belgiens (1920-1980)


2 October 2018

written by :
Benoît Majerus, Dominique Santana, Juliane Tatarinov

Forum Z: Soziale Ungleichheiten in Luxemburg?

Small States in the European Union : Luxembourg

1 October 2018

written by :
Elena Danescu

Small States in the European Union : Luxembourg


1 October 2018

written by :
Christoph Brüll

Eupen et Malmedy, la Belgique s'agrandit


28 September 2018

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Digitale Hermeneutik & Geschichtswissenschaft: eine kritische Standortbestimmung


22 September 2018

written by :
Denis Scuto

Merde alors!

Il y a des gens dont, pour le dire en termes crus, la gueule ne me revient pas. Sans que je sache nécessairement pourquoi. Un d’entre eux, avec sa gueule, ne me lâche pas depuis mes vacances en Italie cet été. Je n’arrive pas à m’en débarrasser. Il s’agit de l’homme politique italien d’extrême droite Matteo Salvini, chef de la Lega (Nord) et depuis juin vice-premier ministre et ministre de l’Intérieur.
"Contemporary history in the digital era" study day (Lausanne, 4 July 2018): Challenges facing history in the digital age, a new “allure of the archives”?

21 September 2018

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

"Contemporary history in the digital era" study day (Lausanne, 4 July 2018): Challenges facing history in the digital age, a new “allure of the archives”?

The aim of the “Contemporary history in the digital era – sources, methodologies and criticism” day (Lausanne, 4 July 2018), the result of a partnership between the Universities of Lausanne and Luxembourg, the website and the International Association of Contemporary History of Europe (IACHE), was to encourage collective reflection on the role of technological innovation in historical research, especially its influence on the historian’s relationship with primary sources.
CfP: Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

20 September 2018

written by :
Valérie Schafer

CfP: Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age

The Tensions of Europe conference is organised biennially by an interdisciplinary community of scholars who study the shaping of Europe through the lens of technology and material culture. The 9th edition of the conference will be organised by the C²DH around the theme ‘Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age.
Revolte. Repräsentationskrisen im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit

14 September 2018

Revolte. Repräsentationskrisen im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit

Vortrag von Dr. Kolja Lichy, organisiert von Let’s Talk about History!, mit Unterstützung des Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) und des Instituts für Geschichte der Universität Luxemburg.

12 September 2018

written by :
Valérie Schafer, Frédéric Clavert

Social media analysis


1 September 2018

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Le patrimoine nativement numérique des attentats en Europe : regards croisés
