Journée de l'Europe village européen installé à la foire internationale de printemps le 9 mai 2004

1 January 2022 to 31 December 2025

The role of women in European and international relations in Luxembourg (after the Second World War)

The presence and influence of women in international relations and diplomacy is a subject that has received little attention in contemporary historiography. In this context and given the absence of systematic archive sources, oral history not only represents a novel and original source; it is also the most appropriate way of elucidating the role...
led by :
Elena Danescu
Histoire de la justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours)

1 December 2021 to 31 December 2031

Transnational History of Luxembourg

The book series, Transnational History of Luxembourg, offers a platform for studies about Luxembourg in a European perspective. The book series places particular emphasis on the analysis of the political, economic, social and cultural history of Luxembourg from 19th and 21st century. The aim is to produce new knowledge about the transnational...
led by :
Benoît Majerus

1 November 2021 to 31 October 2024

Fleeting and lasting presence: Polish sociabilities in Luxembourg and the Great Region in the long twentieth century

Migrant sociabilities are embedded, as is the Luxembourg society, in transborder movements, for work and other social and cultural activities. Connecting a prosopographic approach of the Polish migration with a regional history of social engagement, we want to map the spheres of sociabilities, with the help of data visualisation.
led by :
Denis Scuto

1 October 2021 to 1 October 2022


Thanks to a one-year collaboration with the new BnF datalab, the BUZZ-F team is studying Web Archives of the Bibliothèque nationale de France related to online virality (Harlem Shake, lip dub, etc.) through seed lists, metadata, new tools and interfaces and in a close collaboration with web archivists.
led by :
Valérie Schafer

1 September 2021 to 31 August 2025

Transnational popular culture – Europe in the long 1960s (2)

"Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den langen 1960er Jahren" - This interdisciplinary research group composed of members of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), the Institute for History at the University of Luxembourg and Saarland University will investigate transnational transfers of popular culture in...
led by :
Andreas Fickers
René Wampach - Esch-Differdange

1 July 2021 to 30 June 2025

The Wampach collection, a look back at the evolution of urban and rural landscapes in Luxembourg

By crossing old or contemporary photographs with the works of the Luxembourg painter René Wampach (1920-2000), the project intends to highlight the evolution of landscapes in Luxembourg towns and villages.
led by :
Stefan Krebs

1 July 2021 to 2 August 2022

AWAC2 - Analysing Web Archives of the COVID Crisis through the IIPC Novel Coronavirus dataset

Thanks to the International Internet Preservation Consortium, Archive-It and the Archives Unleashed team, the European AWAC2 team is part of a one-year cohort programme launched by the Archives Unleashed Team. The AWAC2 team is currently analysing the unique international collection of web archives related to the COVID crisis, that the IIPC...
led by :
Valérie Schafer

1 June 2021 to 31 May 2025

Normal#Verrückt. Contemporary history of an eroding difference

The history of psychiatry is a history of the difference between "normal" and "crazy". However, this difference is becoming increasingly fragile. On the one hand, with the opening of the psychiatric institutions and the integration of the inmates into society, the crazy gains an everyday normality; on the other hand, behaviours and reactions...
led by :
Benoît Majerus

15 May 2021 to 14 May 2024

Soviet “Ostarbeiters” and POW in Luxembourg during WWII

The aim of the project is to fill a gap in the recent history of Luxembourg by reconstructing the life of almost 4000 Soviet men and women who were forcibly brought to Luxembourg as victims of the Nazi regime, mainly to work in the country's steel industry from 1942 to 1944.
led by :
Inna Ganschow
Europe Direct University of Luxembourg

1 May 2021 to 31 December 2025

Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg

ED-Uni.Lu is geared towards a broad audience, with the aim of informing about issues related to the European Union’s history and current affairs, as well as reflecting on potential future challenges. It organises a number of lectures, seminars, discussions and exhibitions, and offers a wide range of information about the history of European...
led by :
Elena Danescu

1 March 2021 to 28 February 2025

Augmented Artwork Analysis (AAA). Computer-aided interpretation device for art images

AAA will build a tool adapted to a specific museum setting, which will allow the study of the different levels of organization of an artwork being observed in situ by cross-linking it with an open access corpus of images to highlight genealogies and to stimulate intertextual dialogs. The project is a cooperation between the French CNRS, the...
led by :
Andreas Fickers

1 March 2021 to 29 February 2024

150 Years of Inspection du travail et des mines (Luxembourgish Inspectorate of Labour and Mines)

This project will investigate the history of the Luxembourgish Inspectorate of Labour and Mines from the foundation of the Administration des mines in 1869 up to the inspectorate's 150th anniversary in 2019. It is primarily a history of working conditions, vocational health and safety, and occupational accidents in Luxembourg. One aim of the...
led by :
Denis Scuto
Hivi project

1 March 2021 to 29 February 2024

A history of online virality (HIVI)

Combining close and distant reading, this historical research analyses the evolution of viral content on the Web and on social media and their digital “noise” and traces within web archives, from the early Web in the 1990s to Instagram and Twitter. The project is funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).
led by :
Valérie Schafer
Trading Zones of Digital History by Max Kemman

1 January 2021 to 31 December 2031

Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics

The series Digital History and Hermeneutics offers a platform for cutting edge scholarship in the emerging field of digital history and hermeneutics. It aims at making a critical intervention in the field of digital humanities and introduces key debates and concepts of digital history to the historical community at large. The series is published...
led by :
Andreas Fickers

1 December 2020 to 30 September 2024


The LuxTime project uses the industrialisation of Belval and the Minette region as a testbed for methodological and epistemological reflections on how to study the impact of environmental changes on the health of the local population in a long term perspective. By mixing ‘contextual information’ based on archival evidence with ‘scientific...
led by :
Andreas Fickers
Journal of Digital History

1 December 2020 to 31 December 2030

Journal of Digital History

The journal is intended to serve as a forum for critical debate and discussion in the field of digital history by offering an innovative publication platform and promoting a new form of data-driven scholarship and of transmedia storytelling in the historical sciences. As an international peer-reviewed open access journal, the JDH will set new...
led by :
Andreas Fickers

1 July 2020 to 31 December 2022

Gilbert Trausch

The historian Gilbert Trausch stands in the focus of this research project that aims to bring together historiography on Luxembourg and Europe as well as intellectual and material practices of historians of the 20th century. A joint venture between the C²DH (Andreas Fickers, Wolfgang Freund, Benoît Majerus) and the Historical Institute of the...
led by :
Andreas Fickers
Public History

1 June 2020 to 31 May 2025

Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past (PHACS)

Funded by a 5-year ATTRACT research grant (2020-2025) from the FNR, Public History as the New Citizen Science of the Past (PHACS) develops public history and participatory models for interpreting the past. PHACS is hosted at C²DH. Focusing on the production of history with a public perspective, public history has developed as one of the most...
led by :
Thomas Cauvin

1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020


This project consists of collecting testimonies from nursing staff working in Luxembourg during the Covid 19 pandemic.
led by :
Benoît Majerus

1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

History in the Making: #covidmemory

The COVID-19 pandemic is an event whose historic dimension is immediately obvious. With the online platform the C²DH wants to offer all people living or working in Luxembourg the opportunity to share their experiences and preserve them for future generations. Anyone can upload photos, videos or texts to this open and free...
led by :
Stefan Krebs
