Participation and Public Interpretations: How to Navigate Multiple Historical Narratives in Museums?

15 Novembre 2021

Participation and Public Interpretations: How to Navigate Multiple Historical Narratives in Museums?

This symposium will bring together scholars, museum and archives professionals, heritage and other public history practitioners to discuss if and how multiple and sometimes conflicting historical narratives can coexist in museums.
CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

23 Juillet 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

CfP - Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?

As part of the ongoing series of symposia on public participation in museums, the C²DH invites proposals for a one-day online international event. This online symposium “Participation and public interpretations: How to navigate multiple historical narratives in museums?” will take place on 7 December 2021.
Recordings of the symposium 'Making History together: Public Participation in Museums'

3 Juin 2021

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

Recordings of the symposium 'Making History together: Public Participation in Museums'

The international online symposium brought together scholars, museum professionals and heritage practitioners to discuss how participatory history is constructed, developed, and implemented in museums.
Belval blast furnace

21 Mai 2021

Digitising Industrial Heritage

Workshop organised by the “Remixing Industrial Pasts” team.
Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

18 Novembre 2020

Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

The international online symposium will bring together scholars, museum professionals and heritage practitioners to discuss how participatory history is constructed, developed, and implemented in museums.
Experimental Museology

3 Novembre 2020

Experimental Museology

Online lecture by Sarah Kenderdine, Professor of Digital Museology at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.
CfP: Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

30 Septembre 2020

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

CfP: Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums

The international online symposium “Making History Together: Public Participation in Museums” will take place on 15 December 2020. It will bring together scholars, museum professionals and heritage practitioners to discuss how participatory history is constructed, developed, and implemented in museums.
#LuxLife: Reflections on The Recurated Museum

2 Juillet 2020

rédigé par :
Sytze Van Herck, Christopher Morse

#LuxLife: Reflections on The Recurated Museum

During the summer semester we co-taught a course called The Recurated Museum, which explored the evolving role of museums in digital spaces. After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic mid-semester and the subsequent explosion of movements like #MuseumAtHome and #CultureChezNous, we directly confronted many of the ideas we featured in class in a way that we could not have previously imagined.
Exposition virtuelle Post Luxembourg

29 Juin 2020

rédigé par :
Isabelle Voegeli

« 175 Joër POST »: l’histoire de la poste luxembourgeoise

Immersion virtuelle dans le monde des timbres, du courrier, des télécommunications, satellites… et des hommes et femmes au service des citoyens luxembourgeois depuis 1842.
Digital history of virtual museums

5 Novembre 2019

Digital history of virtual museums

Research seminar with Nadezhda Povroznik.
Forum Z
Visualising history

17 Avril 2019

rédigé par :
Lars Wieneke

Visualising history

A Forum Z on history paintings, 3D reconstructions, virtual worlds and time machines.
Digital Cultural Heritage: the case of the Rijksmuseum’s past, present and future

14 Mars 2019

Digital Cultural Heritage: the case of the Rijksmuseum’s past, present and future

Lecture by Saskia Scheltjens, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, about the role of information and data science within cultural heritage.
Forum Z
A Hands-On exploration through Luxembourg’s virtual and real landscapes of digital developments in Education, Research and Culture

1 Février 2019

rédigé par :
Juliane Tatarinov

A Hands-On exploration through Luxembourg’s virtual and real landscapes of digital developments in Education, Research and Culture

Who’s afraid of the Digital? This was the leading question of C²DH’s first Forum Z in 2019, organised by the Digital History Unit of the centre. Museum curators, schoolteachers, researchers and professional educators presented their projects in the House of Startups in Luxembourg City in the form of hands-on workstations followed by an round table discussing the merits of new digital projects with the audience in a casual atmosphere.
Forum Z
Who's afraid of the digital?

12 Décembre 2018

rédigé par :
Juliane Tatarinov

Who's afraid of the digital?

From walking around in a museum to surfing a virtual exhibition online? From using “old-fashioned” school books to learning with iPads?
CIDOC 2018 – Semantic Data Integration Conference in Heraklion, 29 September- 5 October 2018

12 Octobre 2018

rédigé par :
Jakub Bronec

CIDOC 2018 – Semantic Data Integration Conference in Heraklion, 29 September- 5 October 2018

The aim of the conference was generate and trace the “Provenance of Knowledge” as a core element in documentation. Provenance and Knowledge set a goal to verify the origins of the information and knowledge about an object which correlates to an idea in order to reconstruct the whole chain of creation, use, interpretation and dissemination of particularly information.
A museum at your fingertips? Some thoughts on 3D tours of museums

7 Juin 2018

rédigé par :
Fabio Spirinelli

A museum at your fingertips? Some thoughts on 3D tours of museums

More and more cultural institutions create virtual tours that allow visitors to explore the collections at home instead of actually visiting the institutions. In this blog post, I would like to provide some reflections on virtual tours, their usefulness and their limits.
Forum Z
Industrial heritage

2 Mai 2018

rédigé par :
Karin Priem

Industrial heritage

This edition of Forum Z combined a public collection of photos, pictures and objects on industrial heritage with presentations by Luxembourg and international experts.
La Maison de l’histoire européenne au défi du récit sur l’unité de l’Europe

16 Mars 2018

La Maison de l’histoire européenne au défi du récit sur l’unité de l’Europe

Impliqué pendant près de dix ans dans les différentes phases de développement de la Maison de l’histoire européenne à Bruxelles, Étienne Deschamps a partagé cette expérience unique d’histoire publique et son témoignage de praticien avec les participants du séminaire « Hands on History » organisé par le C²DH.
Hands on History logo

8 Février 2018

Mettre l'histoire de l'Europe en musée ? Expériences tirées de la Maison de l'histoire européenne

Hands-on History avec Étienne Deschamps (Archives historiques du Parlement européen)
Le laboratoire psychotechnique de l’Institut Emile Metz

21 Novembre 2017

rédigé par :
Karin Priem

Espace sans échelle

Réalisé dans le cadre de l’exposition « La Forge d’une société moderne. Photographie et communication d’entreprise à l’ère de l’industrialisation ARDEB 1911-1937 », le DKollektiv a développé, en collaboration avec des élèves du Lycée Technique Privé Emile Metz, le projet Espace sans échelle, autour des plaques de verre conservées dans l'ancien Institut, qui retracent les heures de gloires de l’industrie sidérurgique du Luxembourg.
