The theme of the morning was “Our industrial heritage”. Members of the public brought along photos, pictures and other objects related to the industrial heritage of Luxembourg so that they could be digitised by historians from the C²DH and became part of a research project on the country's steel industry.
In the afternoon, a lecture and discussion was be held on the topic “Which industrial heritage?”. Experts from Germany and Luxembourg discussed various aspects related to the preservation and management of industrial heritage and presented a number of projects.
Afterwards the Escher Biergaarbechter-Musek / Harmonie des mineurs concluded the event with a concert.
Saturday 16 June 2018
at Enovos headquarters, 2, Domaine du Schlassgoard, L-4327 Esch-sur-Alzette.
14.00 |
Opening remarks and welcome by the hosts |
14.05 |
Welcome address by the Secretary of State for Culture, Guy Arendt |
14.30 |
Simone Beck (President of the Luxembourg Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO): “Le patrimoine industriel dans les programes de l’UNESCO: Le cadre général et le cas du Luxembourg” |
14.50 |
Denis Scuto (Head of the research area "Contemporary history of Luxembourg" at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History): “Gebléishal: Hall we need!” |
15.20 |
Clemens Zimmermann (Professor of Cultural and Media History at Saarland University): “Zum Umbau von Industriestädten. Die Rolle der Kulturpolitik” |
15.50 |
Discussion |
16.30 |
Drinks reception with a musical performance by the Harmonie des mineurs (Esch) |
With the kind support of