pratiques numériques discrètes et goût de l'archive

pratiques numériques discrètes et goût de l'archive

9 Janvier 2023

Frédéric Clavert
Interview with Dr. Inna Ganschow (C2DH, Uni of Lux)

Interview with Dr. Inna Ganschow (C2DH, Uni of Lux)

Throughout her academic projects, Dr Ganschow is working on the presence of the so-called Russian diaspora in Luxembourg, i.e. the emigrant population from former Soviet Republics. Her current project deals with Soviet forced labourers during the Second World War and is commissioned by the Luxembourg government. In her work, she decided to compare the situation of these forced labourers, mainly young women coming from Ukraine, with the local population, in the Belval region in the south of Luxembourg.

3 Janvier 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Local history up close

Local history up close

1 Janvier 2023

Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse
1870 ou l’invention de l’Alsace contemporaine. Généalogie d’un territoire singulier

1870 ou l’invention de l’Alsace contemporaine. Généalogie d’un territoire singulier

Cert article retrace la « généalogie des lieux » de l’Alsace contemporaine, dans laquelle la cartographie a joué un rôle essentiel, et s’efforce de restituer les conséquences démographiques qui la bouleversèrent durablement. Il revient ainsi sur les opérations de démarcation de l’Alsace au début des années 1870, et sur l’option de nationalité offerte à ses habitants, qui est à l’origine de la plus grande émigration de l’histoire de la région aux XIXe et XXe siècles.

1 Janvier 2023

Benoit Vaillot
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Rezension. Jérôme Quiqueret, Tout devait disparaître. Histoire véridique d’un double meurtre commis à Esch-sur-Alzette à la fin de l’été 1919. Mersch: Capybarabooks 2022

Rezension. Jérôme Quiqueret, Tout devait disparaître. Histoire véridique d’un double meurtre commis à Esch-sur-Alzette à la fin de l’été 1919. Mersch: Capybarabooks 2022

1 Janvier 2023

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
La BGL, l'architecture d'un siège dans une ville en mutation

La BGL, l'architecture d'un siège dans une ville en mutation

The Banque Générale du Luxembourg (BGL), established in 1919, is one of Luxembourg’s iconic financial institutions. Drawing on the bank’s private archives, this article explores the many architectural changes made to the BGL headquarters over the years, ranging from extensions and renovations to new building projects. Throughout the bank’s history – and especially from its establishment until the late 1980s –, the buildings that housed its head office in the centre of Luxembourg City went through multiple transformations.

1 Janvier 2023

Cécile Duval, Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
Panne unterwegs! Die Entwicklung des Kfz-Reparaturgewerbes von den Anfängen bis in die 1970er Jahre

Panne unterwegs! Die Entwicklung des Kfz-Reparaturgewerbes von den Anfängen bis in die 1970er Jahre

Bei der Einführung des Automobils im späten 19. Jahrhundert war die Technik zunächst sehr unzuverlässig und reparaturbedürftig, gleichzeitig gab es nur wenige spezialisierte Kfz-Werkstätten. Erst in der Zwischenkriegszeit entstand in Deutschland allmählich eine eigenständige Reparaturinfrastruktur mit gewerblichen Werkstätten, Tankstellen und Pannenhilfsdiensten.

1 Janvier 2023

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Interview with Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)

Interview with Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)

Andreas Fickers is Professor for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg and the Director of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), 3rd interdisciplinary center at the University of Luxembourg and head of its Digital History Lab. He's also prinicipal investigator of several projects such as Popkult60 (Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den langen 1960er Jahren) or LuxTime (Luxembourg Time Machine).

1 Janvier 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Evaluating Parameter-Efficient Finetuning Approaches for Pre-trained Models on the Financial Domain

Evaluating Parameter-Efficient Finetuning Approaches for Pre-trained Models on the Financial Domain

1 Janvier 2023

Shohreh Haddadan
Italy’s Total Factor Productivity in a Global Economy: Growth and Spillover Effects (c. 1400–2010)

Italy’s Total Factor Productivity in a Global Economy: Growth and Spillover Effects (c. 1400–2010)

Due to a lack of historical data, there is a gap in the literature with regard to total factor productivity (TFP) series in the long run for Italy. In this article, by combing information from the literature, original TFP estimates assessed with a “price dual” methodology (where changes in factor prices are used to capture physical output), and a Cobb–Douglas production equation, we first introduce a set of new TFP measures for Italy between 1360 and 1770 as well as for various global regions from c. 1400 to 2010.

1 Janvier 2023

Matteo Calabrese
  • Contemporary history of Europe
POLITOLOGIJA : Memory Activism between Values and Interests: Monuments, Museums and Institutions

POLITOLOGIJA : Memory Activism between Values and Interests: Monuments, Museums and Institutions

1 Janvier 2023

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

In the paper by Inna Ganschow, the camp experience in the Soviet Union as a result of forced conscription will be treated, specifically in its artistic processing: secretly written diaries and letters by Luxembourg Wehrmacht soldiers.

1 Janvier 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Op der Sich no Fraen an der Geschicht

Op der Sich no Fraen an der Geschicht

1 Janvier 2023

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Theorizing Human Trafficking and Unfree Labor1

Theorizing Human Trafficking and Unfree Labor1

In this article, we are dealing with human trafficking for reasons of labor exploitation. For us, it is important to look at the historicity of the reality of unfree labor, which for Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, mostly means its connection to chattel slavery, the illegalization of unfree labor, and the development of the legal term of human trafficking and the introduction of laws against it. In looking at where today’s legal, social, and political reality is coming from, we are also able to deepen our critique of today’s law and its application.

1 Janvier 2023

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Presenter: Researching the impacts of conscription on Luxembourgish families during WWII - a case-study on the consequences of desertion and draft evasion

Presenter: Researching the impacts of conscription on Luxembourgish families during WWII - a case-study on the consequences of desertion and draft evasion

1 Janvier 2023

Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

The conceptions of Belgium that lie behind the demands of German-speaking Belgians for the expansion of their autonomy have not yet come into the focus of historical and political science research. What future do they associate with the Belgian state when they claim a community-region or a ‘Belgium of four’? This article attempts to approach this question by analysing four regimes of fear that determine East Belgian discourses: Fear of the past, fear of minorities, fear of being overwhelmed and fear of disintegration.

1 Janvier 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

État des connaissances, perspectives de recherches et révision des datations des tertres d’orpaillage dits celtes de l’Ardenne belge

Durant la seconde moitié du vingtième siècle, il a été souvent écrit que les activités d’orpaillage de l’Ardenne belge remontaient au second âge du Fer. Cette attribution chronologique ne repose en réalité sur aucune observation scientifiquement démontrée. Par contre, une récente étude cartographique a mis en évidence la superposition des limites alto médiévales du domaine de l’abbaye de Stavelot Malmedy avec les tracés des ruisseaux aurifères du massif de Stavelot.

1 Janvier 2023

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Global denken, lokal handeln. Von den 'Grenzen des Wachtums' zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft?

Global denken, lokal handeln. Von den 'Grenzen des Wachtums' zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft?

1972 veröffentlichte der Club of Rome in seinen „Grenzen des Wachstums“ düstere Visionen für die Zukunft des Planeten Erde. Das neuentdeckte Bewusstsein für das Thema Natur und Umweltschutz fand auch in Ostbelgien seinen Widerhall: Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung, Müllentsorgung, Grüne Bewegung, Tierschutz, Renaturierung, Biohöfe und erneuerbare Energien entwickelten sich ab diesem Jahrzehnt auch in Ostbelgien ganz allmählich zu Phänomenen mit gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung.

1 Janvier 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers.

impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers.

Text Reuse reveals meaningful reiterations of text in large corpora. Humanities researchers use text reuse to study, e.g., the posterior reception of influential texts or to reveal evolving publication practices of historical media. This research is often supported by interactive visualizations which highlight relations and differences between text segments. In this paper, we build on earlier work in this domain.

1 Janvier 2023

Marten Düring, Daniele Guido, Estelle Bunout, Petros Apostolopoulos
  • Digital history & historiography
International workshop: "Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings"

International workshop: "Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings"

In 1984, the German literature scholar Hannes Schwenger wrote that “it cannot take long before the first museum on offices opens its doors – probably before the turn of the millennium”. Schwenger drew a parallel with 19th-century factory complexes, which were (by the mid-1980s) gradually becoming museum-worthy due to the ongoing deindustrialization in Western countries.

1 Janvier 2023

Jens van de Maele, Andreas Fickers
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
