Notwendige Öffnung oder eine Nummer zu groß? Die institutionellen Außenbeziehungen der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft seit den 1970er Jahren

Notwendige Öffnung oder eine Nummer zu groß? Die institutionellen Außenbeziehungen der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft seit den 1970er Jahren

Die zweite und vor allem die vierte Staatsreform haben den Regionen und Gemeinschaften in Belgien weitgehende Befugnisse im Bereich der Außenbeziehungen übertragen. Diese Möglichkeit wurde zunächst vor allem innerbelgisch genutzt. Schnell richtete sich das Augenmerk auf die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit, von der man sich konkrete Erleichterungen für die Grenzbevölkerungen versprach. Die 1990er Jahre brachten für die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft eine insti tutionelle und strategische Wende – die zunehmende Intensität und die Reichweite der Außenbeziehungen

1 Janvier 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Vidéo: Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l’Europe: Sur les traces d’un Européen convaincu

Vidéo: Robert Schuman - De Clausen à l’Europe: Sur les traces d’un Européen convaincu

1 Janvier 2023

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
A history of psychiatry from below: the challenge of the archives

A history of psychiatry from below: the challenge of the archives

Until the 1970s, mentally ill patients were largely absent from the history of psychiatry. The field was dominated by triumphant narratives from doctors and critical perspectives from anti-psychiatrists. However, from the 1980s onwards, new historiographical approaches emerged to construct a history of psychiatry from the patient's viewpoint. A new generation of historians, led by British historian Roy

1 Janvier 2023

Samuel Dal Zilio
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Franz Thedieck

Franz Thedieck

1 Janvier 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La découverte de l’immigration par la psychiatrie belge dans les « Trente Glorieuses »

La découverte de l’immigration par la psychiatrie belge dans les « Trente Glorieuses »

1 Janvier 2023

Benoît Majerus
Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

Entre inquiétudes des minorités et peurs d'une désintégration. Représentations de l'avenir de la Belgique au sein des débats sur l'autonomie des Belges germanophones depuis les années 1980

The conceptions of Belgium that lie behind the demands of German-speaking Belgians for the expansion of their autonomy have not yet come into the focus of historical and political science research. What future do they associate with the Belgian state when they claim a community-region or a ‘Belgium of four’? This article attempts to approach this question by analysing four regimes of fear that determine East Belgian discourses: Fear of the past, fear of minorities, fear of being overwhelmed and fear of disintegration.

1 Janvier 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Interview with Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)

Interview with Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History)

Andreas Fickers is Professor for Contemporary and Digital History at the University of Luxembourg and the Director of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), 3rd interdisciplinary center at the University of Luxembourg and head of its Digital History Lab. He's also prinicipal investigator of several projects such as Popkult60 (Populärkultur transnational - Europa in den langen 1960er Jahren) or LuxTime (Luxembourg Time Machine).

1 Janvier 2023

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Evaluating Parameter-Efficient Finetuning Approaches for Pre-trained Models on the Financial Domain

Evaluating Parameter-Efficient Finetuning Approaches for Pre-trained Models on the Financial Domain

1 Janvier 2023

Shohreh Haddadan
Minderheitenangst und Zerfallsfurcht. Vorstellungen von der Zukunft Belgiens in den Autonomiedebatten der deutschsprachigen Belgier seit den 1980er Jahren

Minderheitenangst und Zerfallsfurcht. Vorstellungen von der Zukunft Belgiens in den Autonomiedebatten der deutschsprachigen Belgier seit den 1980er Jahren

The conceptions of Belgium that lie behind the demands of German-speaking

1 Janvier 2023

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
From the 19th to the 21st Century: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Luxembourgs Economy

From the 19th to the 21st Century: Paradigmatic Shifts in the Luxembourgs Economy

Beginning in the 20th century, Luxembourg experienced several periods of transition. The largely agriculture-based economy became industrialized, driven by a powerful steel industry which remained the dominant sector from the immediate post-Second World War years to the mid-1970s. In 1974 the steel industry began to decline, marking the end of the ‘Trente Glorieuses’. Luxembourg was forced to implement considerable structural changes and embarked on its second major transition, from an industrial economy to a service economy based on the financial sector.

1 Janvier 2023

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

Ink and Paper in the Camp. Ego-Documents of Luxembourger Conscripts in the Soviet Captivity

In the paper by Inna Ganschow, the camp experience in the Soviet Union as a result of forced conscription will be treated, specifically in its artistic processing: secretly written diaries and letters by Luxembourg Wehrmacht soldiers.

1 Janvier 2023

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Internet histories second early career researcher award

Internet histories second early career researcher award

This special issue is the result of our second call for the Internet Histories Early Career Researcher Award. For the second time, in 2021, the journal Internet Histories has invited any interested early career researchers (masters students, doctoral students, and post-doctoral researchers) whose research focuses on the history of the Internet and/or the Web, and histories of digital cultures — or any historical topic within the scope of the Internet Histories journal, to apply for the award and to submit an original article.

1 Janvier 2023

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
POLITOLOGIJA : Memory Activism between Values and Interests: Monuments, Museums and Institutions

POLITOLOGIJA : Memory Activism between Values and Interests: Monuments, Museums and Institutions

1 Janvier 2023

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Theorizing Human Trafficking and Unfree Labor1

Theorizing Human Trafficking and Unfree Labor1

In this article, we are dealing with human trafficking for reasons of labor exploitation. For us, it is important to look at the historicity of the reality of unfree labor, which for Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, mostly means its connection to chattel slavery, the illegalization of unfree labor, and the development of the legal term of human trafficking and the introduction of laws against it. In looking at where today’s legal, social, and political reality is coming from, we are also able to deepen our critique of today’s law and its application.

1 Janvier 2023

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers.

impresso Text Reuse at Scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers.

Text Reuse reveals meaningful reiterations of text in large corpora. Humanities researchers use text reuse to study, e.g., the posterior reception of influential texts or to reveal evolving publication practices of historical media. This research is often supported by interactive visualizations which highlight relations and differences between text segments. In this paper, we build on earlier work in this domain.

1 Janvier 2023

Marten Düring, Daniele Guido, Estelle Bunout, Petros Apostolopoulos
  • Digital history & historiography
Repatriation as disguised Expulsion in Interwar Belgium

Repatriation as disguised Expulsion in Interwar Belgium

FR. Dans cet article, j’examine les corrélations entre crise économique, changements de pratiques d’éloignement des étrangers et création de catégories d’indésirables. Pour ce faire, je me penche sur les expériences individuelles des étrangers polonais pour voir comment le rapatriement des étrangers est devenu un moyen d’éloigner les étrangers pour des raisons politiques, alors qu’il était destiné à éloigner les étrangers qui se retrouvaient sans moyens de subsistance à la suite de la crise économique des années 1930.

1 Janvier 2023

Yasmina Zian
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Local history up close

Local history up close

1 Janvier 2023

Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse


In den langen 1960er Jahren finden sich auf der Schueberfouer Einflüsse kultureller Transfers und Elemente, die die Attraktivität des Jahrmarkts steigern sollten. In diesem Vortrag sollen diese Transfers und Elemente anhand von zwei Aspekten näher beleuchtet werden. Zudem wird ein Überblick über den aktuellen Stand meiner Forschung und die Forschungsfragen gegeben.

1 Janvier 2023

Véronique Faber
Archaeology of a Treasure Island: Actors and Practices of Holding Companies in Luxembourg (1929–1940)

Archaeology of a Treasure Island: Actors and Practices of Holding Companies in Luxembourg (1929–1940)

Tax avoidance has become a hotly discussed topic. These debates have been informed by academic research done by social scientists. Historians, relative latecomers in the field, argue for a greater consideration of the interwar period so as to understand the pathway dependencies of the infrastructures used for tax dodging practices today. This article explores the question of how Luxembourg became, in the 1930s, an important node in the network of legal re-coding of capital for tax shopping purposes.

1 Janvier 2023

Matteo Calabrese, Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Geduldet, aber nicht erwünscht. Wiener Juden und Jüdinnen in Luxemburg nach dem Anschluss 1938

Geduldet, aber nicht erwünscht. Wiener Juden und Jüdinnen in Luxemburg nach dem Anschluss 1938

1 Janvier 2023

Nicolas Arendt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
