Une muselière, un référendum, des mémoires et une histoire encore à écrire

Une muselière, un référendum, des mémoires et une histoire encore à écrire

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on memory and history of 1937 referendum about authoritarian "law for the defence of the political and social order" of government Joseph Bech ("muzzle law")

30 Mai 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
1919: L'autre référendum

1919: L'autre référendum

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the referendum of 1919 about monarchy or republic for Luxembourg

23 Mai 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Un changement de perspective européen

Un changement de perspective européen

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on residential vote in Europe

16 Mai 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Pourquoi le 10 mai se fête désormais le 8 mai...

Pourquoi le 10 mai se fête désormais le 8 mai...

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the changing interpretations of government politics in 1940

9 Mai 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le spectacle automobile à Reims

Le spectacle automobile à Reims

6 Mai 2015

Sebastien Moreau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'historien et le nouveau fardeau de l'homme blanc

L'historien et le nouveau fardeau de l'homme blanc

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on history of mass violence and foreign policy based on a discourse about prevention of crimes against humanity

2 Mai 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Illegal youth organisations in East Upper Silesia 1947-1956

Illegal youth organisations in East Upper Silesia 1947-1956

30 Avril 2015

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Les radeaux de Lampédouse

Les radeaux de Lampédouse

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on refugee crisis and asylum right

25 Avril 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'autre guerre

L'autre guerre

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the place of World War One in Luxembourg historiography and memory

4 Avril 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
A la croisée des chemins: Nationalité et citoyenneté

A la croisée des chemins: Nationalité et citoyenneté

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the history of the link between citizenship as right to vote and nationality in Luxembourg

28 Mars 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Digital Humanities: Teaching and Research

Digital Humanities: Teaching and Research

27 Mars 2015

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Narrating the Time of Troubles in Polish history schoolbooks (1918-1989)

Narrating the Time of Troubles in Polish history schoolbooks (1918-1989)

23 Mars 2015

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Lav no taboo

Lav no taboo

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the essay of Claude Frisoni, director of cultural institute "Abbaye de Neumunster", "Lettre d'amour au peuple qui ne connaissait pas le verbe aimer"

21 Mars 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Abortion in the Third Reich: Ideology and the Penal System Concerning Women in the Penal Institution in Saarbrücken, Germany

Abortion in the Third Reich: Ideology and the Penal System Concerning Women in the Penal Institution in Saarbrücken, Germany

With the help of almost 200 dossiers of the Penal Institution in Saarbrücken (Germany) from the period from 1928 to 1944, I examine the situation of imprisoned German women during the Nazi Regime. I am focusing on the cases of illegal abortions by examining individual cases as well as common ideological and legal conceptions. The dossiers helped me to make conclusions about the gap between ideological ideas concerning the German woman and the complex and dark reality of life conditions for women. Insufficient medical and sexual

21 Mars 2015

Elisabeth Wingerter
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Comment l'Oncle Lex raconte l'histoire aux enfants

Comment l'Oncle Lex raconte l'histoire aux enfants

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the persisting myths about Luxembourg during Second World War told by promoter of Luxembourgish language Lex Roth

14 Mars 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Question nouvelle, discours ancien

Question nouvelle, discours ancien

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on nationalistic discourse of civil servants labor union CGFP

7 Mars 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L’ogre et la toile. Le rendez-vous de l’histoire et des archives du web

L’ogre et la toile. Le rendez-vous de l’histoire et des archives du web

In dialogue with the main theoretical foundations of historical epistemology, this article examines the issues, the expectations and the practices created by the sudden appearance of the archives of the web in the sphere of contemporary history. Between new materials, the heritage of the subject and the continuity of methods, it is a question of understanding the future redefinitions of the role of the historian.

4 Mars 2015

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
L'avocat et l'historien

L'avocat et l'historien

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on an open letter of lawyer Gaston Vogel about the Artuso Report on collaboration between Luxembourgish authorities and German occupying forces in antisemitic persecutions

28 Février 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Un esprit ouvert et si tolérant...

Un esprit ouvert et si tolérant...

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on government official Louis Simmer who collaborated with German occupying forces in the persecution of jews

21 Février 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Evaluation of Cell Line Suitability for Disease Specific Perturbation Experiments.

Evaluation of Cell Line Suitability for Disease Specific Perturbation Experiments.

Cell lines are widely used in translational biomedical research to study the genetic basis of diseases. A major approach for experimental disease modeling are genetic perturbation experiments that aim to trigger selected cellular disease states. In this type of experiments it is crucial to ensure that the targeted disease- related genes and pathways are intact in the used cell line. In this work we are developing a framework which integrates genetic sequence information and disease- specific network analysis for evaluating disease-specific cell line suitability.

20 Février 2015

Maria Biryukov
  • Digital history & historiography
