Political violence is defined as the deliberate use of power and force to achieve political goals. It is characterized by both physical and psychological acts aimed at injuring or intimidating populations. In that sense, the word "difficult" in the title of this seminar refers to events in time that can be identified as acts of political violence.
In such circumstances, any attempt to do public history can certainly have its challenges. From ensuring participation, to working with silence, considering the mental health of both the participants and the project leaders, or anticipating the social impact before making this research public.
During this seminar, Myriam Dalal will expand on the definition of the relatively new field of artistic research methodologies, which involves the creation of arts to help the practitioner/researcher improve, change or make their processes more effective, specific and articulated.
Myriam Dalal will then discuss how artistic research methodologies can work with and help address some of the challenges of documenting “difficult” histories, based on examples from her research projects (1) tackling war, its photographic representation in the case of Lebanon and (2) migration/exile and the displacement/belonging experience in Luxembourg.
Wednesday, 15 January 2015
14.00 - 15.00
C²DH Open Space (4th floor Maison des Sciences humaines)