Public history

How Social Media has Changed History

16 May 2022

Jason Steinhauer
Talk with author and public historian Jason Steinhauer.

Social Media and the World Wide Web have reconfigured what we know about the past. In this talk, author and public historian Jason Steinhauer will discuss how social media shapes what we know about history, and why some information about the past becomes visible online, and why other information we never see.

Jason Steinhauer is an author, public historian, podcast host, founder of the History Communication Institute, creator of History Club and a Global Fellow at The Wilson Center. He is the author of the best-selling book History, Disrupted: How Social Media & the World Wide Web Have Changed the Past.


Monday, 16 May 2022

14.00 - 15.00

Hybrid event

Maison du Savoir, MSA 3.240 & Webex

2, avenue de l'Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette


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