Contemporary history of Europe

2023 WOLS edition: European economic governance: Where have we come from… and where are we going?”

6 December 2023

This lecture by Prof. Fabio Masini (Roma Tre University, Italy) is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.

The new edition of the Winter (Online) Lecture Series on Europe will take place in December 2023 in connection with the courses “History of European integration (1919-1993)” (MAHEC-S1-M6i) and “Economic and social history of Europe after 1945: concepts, processes, actors” (MAHEC-S3-M5iii) from the Master in European Contemporary History, and the course “Democratic transitions in Central and Eastern Europe” (BCE-EU-301-04) from the Bachelor in European Cultures. The aim is to give students on these programmes, as well as the wider academic community at the University of Luxembourg, the opportunity to find out about the history and workings of the European institutions in Luxembourg from new and unconventional angles and to discuss some of the milestones in contemporary European history with people who were involved in or witnessed these events. Each session (in French or English, with a Q&A session in French and English) will be streamed via Webex and will include a presentation by a speaker followed by a discussion with the audience and the opportunity to ask questions. The lectures are run in conjunction with Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg – a competitive European public history project co-funded by the European Union (2021-2025) – and are also open to the wider public.

The Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe will feature the following sessions:


6 December 2023 (11.30-13.00)

“European economic governance: Where have we come from… and where are we going?”

Guest lecturer: Prof. Fabio Masini, Roma Tre University (Italy)

Short biography: Fabio Masini, MS in Economics and PhD in History of Economic Thought, holds a Jean Monnet Chair in Theories and History of European Economic Governance and is Professor of Theories and History of International Political Economy at Roma Tre University. He is Managing Editor of the journal History of Economic Thought and Policy.

Abstract: The book entitled “European Economic Governance: Theories, Historical Evolution, and Reform Proposals” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) examines the economic theories and policies that underpin the governance of the European Union. By exploring the history of European economic governance and how this framework has evolved over time, it contextualises theoretical influences, policy debates and instruments of governance, including the European Semester, Six Pack, Two Pack and Fiscal Compact. Forthcoming reforms to fiscal rules and the economic policy architecture of the European Union are also discussed, with a particular focus on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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